Black pepper is an excellent source of manganese & vitamin K, E & C a very good source of copper, iron, magnesium, chromium & calcium.

Black pepper has stimulant, expectorant, carminative, anthelmintic properties & it is used for indigestion, toxins, slow metabolism, obesity, sinusitis, fever, colds.
In addition, black pepper has diaphoretic & diuretic properties.

Black pepper can treat & cure constipation, diarrhoea, earache, gangrene, heart disease, hernia, insect bites, insomnia, joint pain, liver & lung disease, sunburn & toothaches, scarlatina & in solution for a wash for tinea capititis.

Black pepper also helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas, promotes urination &  sweating.

The infusion of pepper helps relieve the symptoms of arthritis, fever, headaches, strep throat & poor digestion, corrects flatulence & nausea.It has also been used in vertigo, paralytic & arthritic disorders.

Black pepper is also used in the weakness & loosening of the anal sphincter especially in case of piles.

Black pepper reduces itching & discharge through the lesions when used in the form of local application on skin disorders.

As a gargle it is valued for relaxed uvula, paralysis of the tongue.
Gargling black pepper along with salt & warm water is useful for upper respiratory infections such as uvulitis, recurrent sore throat, pharyngitis & mouth diseases.

Excessive use of black pepper’s constituent, piperine, can slow & modify drug metabolism in the liver.

Black pepper can soothe ear aches in adults. Spread ground black pepper on a flattened cotton ball. Roll the cotton back into a ball & place it in the outer ear.

Black pepper helps in promoting brain functions, inhibits metabolism of nutrients present in body, improves digestionreduces the incidence of stomach ulcers & colon cancer.

It also acts as an anti-depressant.

Black pepper oil could help you quit smoking.
Smell black pepper oil for 2 min with cravings.

Black pepper essential oil has good rubefacient & analgesic properties & has a warming effect, which stimulates blood flow while reducing pain.

Black pepper oil can be used to help in the treatment of pain relief, rheumatism, chills, flu, colds, to increase circulation, relieve exhaustion, calm muscular aches, physical & emotional coldness, as a nerve tonic & to relieve fevers.


Those who have ulcers or have undergone abdominal surgery should avoid pepper consumption, since it may irritate the intestines.

Pepper may cause sneezing if inhaled & a burning aftertaste if consumed in excess.

There is a risk of skin sensitivity for those who apply black pepper essential oil topically. Keep it out of reach of children & avoid contact with the eyes, ears & any other sensitive area.

Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medications, or under a doctor's care should consult a physician before using black pepper essential oil.


Freshly ground peppers are more beneficial than pepper that has already been ground up.
Olive oil, lemon juice, salt & cracked pepper make a delicious salad dressing.

Black pepper irritates nasal membranes, producing thinner mucus so that the sinus can be cleared out. Add 5 drops of black pepper oil & a couple drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water.
Inhale this mixture to clear out sinuses & relieve your nasal passages.

For Headache & Migraine:

mix a bit of black pepper with milk & use as nasal drops.
It helps to remove the chronic headache.
You can use this mix also as local application on forehead as a paste.

For Chronic Dysentery take 500 mg of black pepper powder mixed with tbsp olive oil 3x a day.

Sore Throat: 

mix 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper with 2 tbsp of honey.
Take 1 tsp of the mixture at a time.

For Sexual Debility:

Heat 1 tsp of clarified butter in a pan.
Add 3-4 black peppers followed by
1 glass of milk.
Add 3-4 crushed almonds & let it come to a boil.
Take at bed time.

Weight Loss:

Take 1 cup of water,
add 1 tsp black pepper,
2 tsp lemon juice &
1 tsp of honey.
Drinking it helps reduce weight.

Tea for Cold:

Make a tea with
2-4 peppercorns, freshly ground
bit of freshly grated ginger
1 clove
few basil leaves.
It works as anti-tussive & is also useful against cold.

Blocked Nose:

Take equal amounts of black pepper, cinnamon, cumin & cardamom seeds.
Make it into a very fine powder.
Those who suffer from blocked nose due to cold may sniff the same to induce sneezing.

Decoction for Asthma:

Boil 8-10 black peppers,
2 clove buds &
10-15 basil leaves in 500 ml water for 15 minutes.
Strain & add 2 tsp honey.

For toothache, mix powdered black pepper in clove oil.
Apply this paste on the affected part.

For Eczema & Skin Allergies:

Prepare a paste by mixing black pepper powder in clarified butter.
Apply on affected areas for 15 min.
Rinse off with warm water.


Black pepper paste can be applied to treat hair loss & some skin diseases.

Crushed black pepper can be used to improve the skin & hair.
When applied to the face, black pepper serves as an exfoliant & preventive acne measure.

Mixing crushed black pepper with curd can make an effective dandruff treatment.

The small amount of black pepper will suffice for these applications, using more of this spice can cause extreme discomfort.

Black Pepper Mask:

Grind black pepper into coarse granules, use 0,5 tsp.
Mix this with 1 tsp yogurt.
Apply on clean skin for not more than 2-3 minutes or scrub in light circular movements for 1 minute.
If your face stings too much wash it off but be aware that it will sting a bit for sure.
You can add turmeric or honey too to make the pack more effective.
This mask helps lighten skin & helps get rid of black heads.


Pepper is used for commanding, sensuality, passion & spell breaking.

In hoodoo, the black peppercorn is used primarily to harm or protect.
Black pepper is used in spells & charms that banish negativity & provide protection.
You can burn black pepper to rid your home of negative energies prior to using sage.
Mixed with salt & scattered around your property, it will clear & protect your home from negative energy.
Mix salt & pepper together & sprinkle in a circle around your land to remove & protect from evil influences.
This will also prevent unwanted people from trespassing on your land.
For unwanted guests, sprinkle it after when they leave your home to prevent that person from returning.
Pepper can also be used to dispel unwanted entities, negative energy & unwelcome visitors.

Burn black pepper to rid the home or office of bad vibrations or before you move into a new place.

Carry black pepper corns with you as a charm to ward off petty jealousy against you & it will help to free your mind of jealousy.
Pepper is also used to promote courage.
It will also aid in putting an end to gossip & the envy of other people.

Put 9 peppercorns in your pocket to give you courage to face things or do things you just don't want do but have to or before important meetings.

To create a protective shield so that nothing touches your aura:

Put 7 grains of black pepper, 7 grains of white pepper, 3 leaves of rue & 7 cloves into a purple bag.
Light a red candle & pray to St. Michael the Archangel, the angel warrior, who protects us from all evil & forbids that negative energies attack us.
Light the candle 3 days in a row, 15 minutes a day & every night of those 3 days sleep with the bag under your pillow.
By the third day carry the bag in your pocket or purse.
You can put them in the backpack of your children, at the entrance of the house, where your instinct tells you it should be, let your protective spirits guide you.
Use black pepper in protection sachets around your home or on your person when you think you are being attacked.

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