You can tell early when any organ is becoming out of balance or stagnated & take the necessary steps to alleviate the burdened or stagnated organ & its related tissue.
A slight adjustment in diet & lifestyle can make all the difference in how we can bring our bodies back into harmony & balance.
In traditional Chinese medicine, face reading is a tool that has been used for centuries by practitioners & healers to help diagnose a person’s overall health & wellbeing.
The face is viewed to be much like a mirror, whereby the internal condition & wellness of our bodies are reflected externally through various facets of our faces. It is as if our bodies are trying to talk to us through our faces, telling us what the body needs & the challenges it is having.
All we have to do is observe & read the messages our faces present to us.
A person with unhealthy spirit has dim eyes with a vacant look. The face is dull with no shine, breathing is slow, weak, or irregular; movements appear abnormal or unusual & speech is illogical or the voice is at an inappropriate volume.
All wrinkles, acne, moles, redness, irritations & dry areas indicate organ weakness.
The face should not have acne, accident or sickness scars (like Chicken Pox).
If some part of the face is red, this indicates that the associated organ is heated due to stress.
The human face is not set, it constantly changes based on the health of our internal organs.
All white graying hair is a function of weak kidneys. Hair color often changes back.
Always study the person you are reading with a relaxed face.
When reading the face, start at the scalp & work your way down area by area.
· Shape, size, color & expression of the face
· Skin & hair color
· Skin wrinkles & lines
· Moles, spots, nodules & swellings
· Shape & color of the eyes, ears & nose
· Shape of the mouth & chin
· Color, contours & shape of the lips
· Visibility of blood vessels
The face warns of upcoming issues sometimes years in advance of arrival.
Yet the kidneys are fluid & therefore the area around the eyes changes sometimes moment to moment.
Permanent lines indicate a long- term imbalance or stress, whereas breakouts suggest a more short-term imbalance or stress.
Dehydration & flaking may indicate that a particular organ is distressed, toxic or dehydrated.
Irritation sometimes directly relates to allergies or deficiencies & broken capillaries & redness may also be related to stress, toxicity & internal irritation.
The face should not look older as it ages. Looking older is a function of organ breakdown.
Bluish, red & white spots or a habitual red flushed face may indicate heart disease, too much bile, fever & inflammations.
Blood becomes too thick to circulate through the body & results in stagnation & redness. This comes from too much meat, salt, sugar.
Face pimples may possibly indicate too much sugar, fat, pastries, candy, meat or eggs.
Orange or yellow skin shows liver, gallbladder, spleen & pancreas disorders.
Sweets & sugar can cause it.
Greenish skin may show liver disease & possible cancer.
A pale face & cheeks indicate weak glands, congested & inactive liver & anemia.
Thin, white transparent cheeks show weak glands, stomach, lungs & lack of energy.
White patches on the face show liver & kidney disorders.
It may be from too many dairy foods, fats, sugars.
Veins & blood vessels showing at the temples may indicate heart, liver & gallbladder disease.
Damp, clammy & excessive perspiration on the face indicates too much food, heart & kidney disease.
Yellow, waxy or pasty faces show liver, stomach & gallbladder trouble.
Melasma, brown to gray- brown patches on the face- endocrine disorders.
Big patches near temple of the head would be a sign of liver issues,smaller patches can be gallbladder disorders.
Skin tags around neck area could be sign of the Colon polyps.
Red stain appearing on the cheek is usually connected to the problems with lungs or bronchitis.
Visible capillaries on cheeks- early sign of circulation problems,high blood pressure, liver or gallbladder issues like hepatitis or inflammation of the gallbladder.
Then bigger the area then more likely it is something to do with liver.
Red tip of the nose & red chin would be the circulation problems caused by endocrinological disorders.
There are distressed pancreas & adrenal glands.
Always red or dark red face is a sign of high blood pressure.
Pale ears- chronic infections or kidney problems. Kidney stones, inflammation of the kidney, pyelonephritis.
Abnormal hair growth on the face- endocrine disorders.
Pallid complexion (pale & ashen) - Mineral & nutrient deficient, especially iron & chlorophyll. Mineral deficiency symptoms also described as "not feeling sick, just not feeling well". Anywhere from 21 to 78 minerals are needed.
Eat more naturally & organically.
Herbs: Nettle, Dandelion leaves & flowers
Very Nutritious Drink:
1 tbsp of Rowan berries
1 tbsp Nettle leaves
Boil berries gently with 2 cups of water for 5 min.
Add nettles & leave to infuse, covered for 4 h.
Drink 1/2 cup at a time 2-3 times per day with honey.
Whitened face- low lung function
General Paleness- Indicates anemia, such as from iron deficiency or shock.
Slightly green facial hue- decreased liver function.
Red Face- Indicates a worsening of blood, heart & lung ailments & the presence of high blood pressure.
Red, Round ("full moon") face- Indicates Cushing's syndrome, marked by excess adrenal function.
Can also indicate treatment with cortisone.
Brownish Pigmentation- Indicates Addison's disease, marked by reduced adrenal function.
Darkened facial hue- low kidney function.
Yellowish Skin (jaundice)- Indicates liver, bile, or blood ailments.
Yellowish facial hue- low function of spleen & stomach.
Mitral face- Red cheeks & paleness around the mouth indicates heart- valve (mitral-valve) disorders.
Fleshy Growths on the Outer Ear or the Eyelids (gout nodules)- Indicates gout, marked by excess uric acid.
Acne - Usually toxic bowels, hormone imbalance, too fatty diet & impurities in the blood.
Acne is often thought of as a normal part of adolescence. This is not true, acne is merely a symptom that is accentuate by the rapid growth & change within an adolescent's body.
Toxins often cleanse through the skin, when the other eliminating systems are sluggish; hormonal imbalances over-stimulate the oil glands & impurities in the blood will often affect the skin. All of these can clog pores.
Acne is the body's reaction to those clogged pores.
Treat the cause instead of the symptom.
Eat foods rich in Vitamins A, E, B2, B3, B6, C, niacin, biotin, zinc, Potassium.
Drink tea with honey.
Tea from herbs: Chamomile, Nettle, Lemon balm, Wild strawberry leaves & flowers, St.Johns Wort, Parsley, Peppermint, Oregano, Yarrow, Calendula, Dandelion
Lemon- Peppermint tonic:
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp of peppermint.
Leave to infuse until cool.
Add 1 cup of vodka & juice of half lemon.
Use after washing the face.
To moisturize & soften the skin use masks made from Banana, Strawberries, Grapes, Peaches.
Tomato clears the skin: Place onto the face & neck slices of tomatoes for 20 min.
Rinse off with warm water.
Carrot juice & honey mask clears the acne:
Mix fresh Carrot juice with honey 1:1.
Apply on to the skin before going to bed.
Oily T-zone - Caused by dietary oils including milk products.
If the body is overtaxed with fats it tries to eliminate the fat through the largest eliminating organ of the body: the skin.
It may also indicate the possibility of cholesterol build up in arteries.
Cut out milk products use non saturated fats to cook in such as olive oil.
Herbs:Chickweed ,Hawthorn berries.
Enlarged Pores - Long term consumption of white sugar products.
If it's overloading the skin, chances are the pancreas could also be overloaded.
Cut out white refined sugar.
Take chromium which symptom of deficiency is craving sugar.
Psoriasis - usually liver involvement.
Cleanse blood & support liver.
Tea from herbs:Mountain Cranberry leaves,Oregano,Nettle,St.Johns Wort,Calendula,Blueberries,Wild Strawberries
Liver Tea:
Calendula,Oregano,Yarrow,Dandelion leaves
Take 1 tbsp for cup of boiling water,let infuse for 45 min.Strain.
Drink half cup every time 2 times per day 20-30 min before meals.
Mole - Symptom of liver. Often a sign on a genetic weakness on the liver. For accompanying symptoms of liver.
Skin Tag - Liver weakness.
Region between chin & ear has depressed scars, pox marks, or other anomalies: poorly functioning intestine (if this region becomes red, possible sign of impending diarrhea)
The forehead links with the process of digestion.
You can find even very young people with quite deep lines on their forehead that can’t be attributed to the ageing process but certainly can when taking into account their dietary habits & digestion.
The upper part of the forehead is associated with the bladder, the middle with stomach digestion & the lower with the small intestine.
So sensitivity on the middle of the forehead, for example, could relate to poor diet & sluggish digestion, which may be a result of eating too late at night.
If there is irritated, red skin on the top of the forehead it could relate, for example, to poor urination or a bladder infection.
This zone is known as the “wine & dine area”.
Sometimes you may find it becomes red or irritated or you may even have a permanent vertical line there, not always associated with frowning. This could be reflecting an intolerance to food such as dairy products, wheat or processed sugars, or simply poor eating habits.
Sparse eyebrows can indicate a weakening health condition.
Eyebrows that slant down show a more gentle & compassionate nature.
Red spots or pox around the eyebrows: increased likelihood of flu, or sign of flu in recent past.
Reddened eyebrows: overactive nervous system, lack of quality sleep.
“Folding” between eyebrows: low-functioning lymph, weakened immune system.
A quick way to check how stress is affecting you is to take a look at your eyebrow hair. If it seems unusually wiry, it could be an indication of adrenal stress.
Fine, feathery lines stemming from the start of the eyebrow are linked to long-term adrenal stress & may correlate with tightness in the shoulder area, which is a “referred” pain area.
Hairy Eye brows - Ancestors were heavy meat eaters.
Long thin nostrils indicate weak lung power with less physical stamina.
A person with long thin nostrils requires plenty of exercise & deep breathing.
Wide nostrils show strong lung power & good physical vitality, strength & self-confidence.
A red bulbous greasy nose, possibly with the veins showing may indicate high blood pressure, heart & liver disorders.
An indentation or cleft on the tip of the nose may also show heart or circulatory problems.
A dull ache in the nose could indicate blood stagnation & possible heart trouble from eating rancid oils.
A soft water nose shows too much intake of alkaline foods & a swollen heart.
Sneezing is a discharge of excess alkaline in the system, examples; sugars, liquids, drugs, etc.
Nasal problems might be connected with the lungs.
Reddened nose: bladder inflammation or back pain.
Swelling veins on the nose-deteriorating function of kidneys & bladder
The importance of the location of color is when it appears on the tip of the nose, an area affected by the spleen.
Alcoholics often have redness in this area due to damp heat in the spleen caused by the heat generated in that organ by alcohol.
White Tip of The Nose- Indicates reduced production of gastric acid.
Dry,flaky skin around the eyes can be sign of liver problems.
Itchy eyes:irritation & infection of the skin of the inner eye lids.
Sometimes flakes appear on the eyelids which look like dandruff but are actually flakes of skin from the eyelid. It can be caused by a bacterial infection, but is also associated with rosacea, a skin condition which causes the face to redden.
Small yellow dots,look like bits of dough,around & on the eyelids can be sign of high cholesterol or liver cirrhosis.
Red upper eyelids-gastritis.
Weakness of eyesight means that the liver is weak.
Wide-open pupils reveal not only a life-loving disposition, but one that may be inclined to constant activity as well, which can lead to stress.
Reddened eye sockets: inflammation in the kidneys or back pain.
Protruding eyes indicate an overactive thyroid.
Black eyes or black/ brown spots: low kidney function.
Dark skin around eyes: deteriorating kidney function, likelihood of kidney stones.
Kidney deficiency: The black appears below the eyes & is often seen in people who don't get enough sleep or push themselves too hard.
In Chinese philosophy, the under-eye area relates to the kidneys, so it may indicate your elimination is weak.
The darkness can reflect excess toxins & the need for a system cleanse or simply that the body would benefit from more water to aid its functions.
Grittiness under the eyes correlates with an excess of uric acid.
A good, healthy diet & a low intake of caffeine & alcohol would be beneficial.
Dark Circles under the eyes - a lack of rest but if this is not the cause then look to the liver.
The liver may be toxic & needs flushed. Or it may be weak.
Dark circles can also indicate allergies, usually stemming from the liver.
The most common allergies are wheat & dairy.
Most allergies are caused by the not enough toxicity being expelled from the body.
First look at liver, then bowel, then kidney, then respiratory, then skin.
Eat a high fiber diet.
Avoid all unnecessary chemicals.
Frown & smile lines - Improper assimilation of fatty acids.
Cut down on fat.
Herbal: chickweed.
Swollen upper eye lids - proper ratios of potassium & sodium which can also cause gallstones, kidney stones & high blood pressure.
Try first to get the potassium from your foods such as: Bananas, Oranges & Baked Potatoes (with skins).
Watch out for cholesterol ring:
This sign presents as white halo around the perimeter of the iris.
It may indicate a family history of heart disease.
Go for a cholesterol check.
Exercise every day,plenty of fresh air,no smoking, eat well, maintain a healthy weight.
Herbs:Ginger,Cayenne,Reishi Mushrooms,Lemon Balm,Green Tea,Goji Berries
Eat 3-4 cloves of garlic every day.Chewing parsley will eliminate the strong smell..
Cholesterol Tea:
1 tsp crushed dandelion roots,
boil slowly ca 20 min in a cup of water.
Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meals.
3 months.
This tea is not good if you have high blood pressure,gallstones,gastric ulcers or if you are pregnant.
Watch out for orange tones:
A deep orange color surrounding the pupil can be a sign of disordered sugar metabolism.
Eating sweet & high glycaemic foods may have a negative effect on your mood & energy.
Give up these foods, eat protein with each meal &
eat foods high in B vitamins, chromium & zinc & .
Crows feet - Excessive intake of tannic acid Coffee, Tea & Soda.
Tannic acid (increases uric acid) also robs the joints of natural sodium contributing to arthritis & gout.
It also destroys the lining of the stomach.
Cut out coffee, tea & soda , you will never get rid of arthritis if you continue drinking them.
Herbal: Eat more Celery,Vitamin C & Iron rich foods.
White exposed below iris - eating dead foods
Eat as much raw vegetables & fruits as possible (including the seeds!). Cooking kills many of the properties in these foods. As a rule of thumb, the longer the food will last on the shelf, the less it has to offer nutritionally.
Bags beneath eyes - lack of rest, kidney problems or kidneys needing flushed out.
Again the uric acid could encourage arthritis & gout.
Drink plenty of "good" water.
Cut out all coffee, tea, soda & artificially colored drinks.
Eat Watermelon,Peaches,Wild Strawberries
Herbs:Common Heather,Birch leaves,Nettle,Lady's Mantle,Lemon Balm,Cowslip,Coltsfoot,Yarrow
Wood Sorrel Drink:
1 tbsp of wood sorrel flowers & leaves
2 cups of milk
Bring the milk to boil,talk off the heat,add wood sorrel & let infuse,covered for 30-45 min.
Take with meals half a cup 2-3 times a day.
Kidney tea:
Mix:Black Currant leaves,Birch leaves,Nettle,Yarrow,Common Heather flowers,Cornflower,Flax seeds
Take 1 tbsp of this herb mix,pour over 1 cup of boiling water.
Leave to infuse for 15-30 min.Strain.
Drink cool half cup 2 times a day.
Drooping can sometimes be a sign of muscular problem or nerve damage elsewhere in the body.
Diabetes can damage the fine blood vessels that support the nerves at the back of the eye.
However, if it comes on suddenly, it could be a caused by a small aneurysm (bulge in a blood vessel) in the brain, a brain tumour or a tumour on the top of the lung, so seek medical attention immediately.
Another potential cause of a droopy eye is a large, internal cyst which is not necessarily painful, it is caused by a blockage of one of the oil glands in the eye. Fluid can’t drain properly, so it builds up to form a smooth pea in the eyelid.
Hollow & sunken cheeks show weak lungs & digestive organs; improper nutrition or malnutrition, physical exhaustion & poor endurance.
A hollow area in front of the ear opening denotes sub-normal secretion or saliva & inefficient food assimilation.
Red cheeks: active liver.
Cheeks tinged with veins indicate heart & stomach disorders due to gluttony & alcohol.
The cheek zone relates to the lungs.If its often red & irritated & may feel spongy to the touch then you may have sinus congestion, asthma or perhaps live in a polluted area.
Any of these symptoms may also mean there could be increased sensitivity to certain active skincare products, so patch testing & the minimalist approach are advisable.
If there are broken capillaries, this could be from stress of the lungs associated with smoking.
Dehydration over the cheeks may be the result of a recent cold or reaction to cold, sinus & flu medication.
Persistent breakouts on lower cheek may be because this area relates to the gums & back teeth.
The breakouts in this area that can’t be explained may be caused by dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, gingivitis or perhaps irritated wisdom teeth.
The mouth & lips are at the uppermost position of the digestive system, which ends in the anus. The mouth & lips can show deeper internal problems.
The mouth also indicates the condition of the spleen.
Red or pale lips may indicate disorders in the stomach & intestines; compacted colon, constipation, indigestion.
A large loose, open mouth & lips may mean an expanded colon & stomach.
It generally shows a rebellious & uncontrolled nature in mental & physical habits.
A closed even mouth & lips, show a controlled mental & physical nature.
Wrinkles above the lips indicate sexual & hormonal malfunctioning.
A lack of vertical indentation, short distance between the nose & upper lip & thin pale lips denote weak internal glands, hormones & sexual powers.
A horizontal crease over the groove also shows malfunctioning sex glands.
Cracks at the corners of the mouth can show Vitamin B2 deficiency, digestive & stomach disorders.
Sores on the lips may indicate intestinal, stomach toxemia & general body congestion.
Tight, constricted lips show contraction of the intestines & vagina.
A small mouth shows energy, physical & mental vitality.
A swollen lip indicates stomach disorders.
A dry, thin, scaly & mottled appearance of the lower lip indicates a disorder of the salivary glands.
A thin pale & dry upper lip indicates weaknesses of the reproductive system.
Whiteness around the mouth & pale lips indicate anemia, poor circulation, blood stagnation & lack of expression.
Pink lips (Caucasian race) indicate good nutrition & health.
Darker races can catch the condition of the gums, they should be pink, denoting good health.
White gums show poor health & anemia.
Dark lips (Caucasian race) shows liver, kidney & gall bladder trouble.
Excessive bright red lips show high blood pressure, acute disease or infection, toxic liver & hemorrhoids.
Purple lips indicate blood stagnation, diseased heart & circulatory system.
If the corners of the mouth turn down, it could mean stomach disorders.
Bluish lips can be sign of cardiovascular troubles caused because pancreas functions are slowed down.
Always blue lips can be sign of damaged arteries leading to varicosities or hemorrhoids.You may not see obvious signs yet but problem is already here.
Flaky,dry skin over the upper lip- danger of the heart attack.
If there is difficulty in speech it might be connected with the heart.
Red lips- overactive stomach.
Dark lips- low function of spleen & kidney.
Pox spots or cold sores near lips-stomach ulcer.
Pale lips - anemia (not ingesting, digesting or absorbing iron).
Iron filled foods are raisins, cream of wheat & dandelion,nettles.
Iron should always be taken with Vitamin C.
Avoid milk it binds iron. B12 is also needed for iron utilization.
Vitamin C rich foods.
Poor pancreatic function,possible diabetes.
Dry lips can be early sign of start of the diabetes or low immunity & digestive problems.
Enlarged Upper lip - Weakness in stomach.
Enlarged Lower lip - Weakness in Intestine.
Cracking, dry lips? We can often blame the weather, but take a look at how your diet may have changed or if you’ve been worried about something recently, as cracking lips is a sign of gastric stress.
Dry lips & sores means there is heat in the spleen.
Cracks at the Corners of the Mouth: Indicates anemia or allergies.
Eat Iron,Vitamin B2,Folic Acid rich food.
Telltale Wrinkles: two furrows between the nostrils & the corners of the mouth are viewed as signs of gastric or other digestive disorders.
They can also indicate excessive stress & anger.
Black moles between nose & lips: high levels of acid & toxins in the body
Darkening of black moles between nose & lips: possible sign of risk of cancer
Extremely swollen lips indicate that the individual’s digestive system has been overworked for many years & is now in a weakened condition.
Possible problems that are indicated by this sign are poor absorption of nutrients & chronic constipation.
If the lips are extremely thin, there is a lack of good blood circulation to the stomach & colon, caused by excessive intake of salty foods & snacks, hard, dried baked flour products & animal products such as meat, chicken, eggs & hard cheese.
Overly thin lips can be a sign of weakness or collapse of the digestive organs caused by extremes in diet & lifestyle for many years.
Poor absorption of nutrients & poor blood circulation to the digestive organs are problems that are indicated by thin lips.
A lot of women break out with pimples on their chins just before menstruation; which would indicate a dysfunction in their female reproductive organs.
Breakouts may occur on opposite sides of the chin each month in unison with the particular ovary that happens to be ovulating.
The middle of the chin, however, relates to the elimination process of the bowel. If you have a breakout or irritation there, this would suggest a current imbalance, whereas those people with a permanent dimple may have a hereditary weakness in this area.
A double chin may be a sign of excessive cholesterol & fatty deposits throughout the body.
A small, narrow & receding chin may show less physical endurance.
A weak chin may be caused by poor quality foods during pregnancy, especially calcium deficiency resulting in insufficient jaw bone formation.
Mousy hair - Poor over all health. Lacking minerals especially silicon.
Sometimes accompanies eating disorders.
Eat better meals, more raw veggies & fresh fruits. .
Thin Hair - Thyroid or lack of silica.
Faded, sparse & dry hair indicates weak kidney or blood,
while lustrous, thick & shiny hair is a sign of strong kidney & sufficient blood.
The ears show the condition of the kidneys & adrenals.
For good health, the ear should be thick, have a large & well formed inner ear & a fleshy & thick inner ridge.
A large ear lobe shows a healthy constitution.
Small ears & lobes indicate weak adrenals & small kidneys.
Ears that protrude show an impulsive & emotional personality.
Red ears denote a possible toxic condition & an overworked kidney.
If the outer portion of the ear is red, it could indicate spleen disease.
Too much wax is a sign of too much fatty foods.
Hearing problem might be connected with the kidneys.
Deep creases in ear lobe - signs of heart problems or diabetes.
Check cholesterol & nourish heart.
Herbal: Gingko, Hawthorn, Vitamin E & minerals.
Lines on neck - Sometimes indicates improper assimilation of fatty acids, but usually mean thyroid problems.
A lower jaw that juts out sharply is a sign of physical & emotional energy that can be excessive & result in aggression in certain situations. People with this characteristic often have hectic lifestyles.
A lower jaw that is very "pulled-in" can indicate suppressed emotion & a tendency toward depression.
If skin suddenly turns dry & itchy: It could be a reaction to a new skin-care product. If you can rule that out, have your thyroid & iron levels checked.Dry skin can signal low thyroid levels or anemia.
If your heels or arches hurt when you walk: You may have flatfeet, which means your arches collapse more than they should when you put weight on them.Flatfeet can lead to knee & lower-back pain.
If feet cramp up when you walk: This could be a sign of peripheral artery disease, in which blood doesn’t effectively circulate to the extremities.Poor circulation can lead to lactic acid buildup in the foot muscles, which causes cramps.
Just as one looks into a mirror & sees an image, so does a qualified physician look into a patient's urine & from this see the disorders of a patient.
If urine is to be diagnosed in the morning, then the night before there are certain types of behavior that should be followed.
One should avoid any strong tea as well as very much yogurt or any beer or alcohol. The reason for this is that taking any of these substances affects the coloring & so forth of the urine, making it difficult for diagnosis.
One should not have sexual intercourse the night prior to diagnosis.
One should use the urine that builds up in the hours around four or five in the morning. If one does not urinate during the night, then do not collect the first half of the urination when you rise; use only the later half.
In the stomach, food is differentiated or separated into a nutritious or more subtle part & a less nutritious or unrefined part. The refined or better part goes into the blood. The more wasteful product goes into the intestines. In the intestines it is divided in two, that is, into solid & liquid parts. The liquid portion of this waste goes from the intestines to the urinary bladder.
With regard to the separation in the stomach, the finer or more nutritious part goes to the liver.
Within this, there is another separation between the more nutritious & the less, with the more nutritious part becoming blood & the less nutritious going to the gall bladder.
In the gall bladder there is further separation, the finer substance becoming lymph. The more wasteful part become albumin, the cloud-like substance which appears in the urine; the albumin goes together with the urine & accumulates in the urinary bladder. It is because of this separation in the process of digestion that food which has been ingested affects or transforms the color of the urine.
The albumin, or cloud-like substance, basically appears in urine due to blood & bile problems.
If one looks at the urine of a healthy person, one finds that its color is more or less the bright, cheerful yellow of the butter on top of the milk.
The odor is like that of the cream that rises to the surface of milk.
The vapor is neither terribly strong or weak, neither big or small & the duration of the vapor- before the urine gets cooler & vapor stops- is neither terribly long or short.
The bubbles or froth are nothing spectacular- neither terribly long or short, big or small, rather moderate froth on top of the urine.
The albumin, for a healthy person, is simply mixed up together with the urine, pervading it. Also, for a healthy person there is not much chyle ( the oily substance normally rising to the surface of the urine); just a little bit comes to the surface.
As the vapor gradually vanishes, one finds that a little darker color converges toward the center of the cup of urine, just as breath on a mirror gradually converges in the center & disappears. After the urine has cooled off, its color is light, clear & yellowish; it is transparent.
Concerning the urine of persons with disorders, there are two aspects to the discussion: general & specific diseased urine.
There are nine types of diagnosis that are broken down into three groups relative to the three times.
First, when the urine is hot, one checks the color, the vapor, the odor & the type of bubbles or froth.
When it is lukewarm, one checks the cloud-like albumin & the oily chyle that rises to the top.
When the urine is cooled off completely, one checks the time of the variation of the color, then how it changes.
If it’s cloudy: You could have a bladder or kidney infection.Cloudiness indicates the presence of white blood cells, which your body sends to fight off infection.
If you see blood or it’s very dark in color: could be signs of various illnesses, from bladder infections to kidney disease.
Urinalysis when the Urine is Fresh
Color. We return to the first of the nine, the color, which is investigated when the urine is still quite hot. The urine of a person with a wind ailment is like water from a mountain spring, light blue in color & transparent.
A bile disorder will manifest in the urine as a more yellow, perhaps even an orange, color. If the urine is very pale, or whitish, this indicates a phlegm disorder.
The urine of a person with a phlegm disorder is a bit milky as if someone took milk & dropped it into the urine,you cannot see through it.
If the urine is red, it indicates a blood disorder.
If the urine is rust color, this indicates a lymph disorder.
If the urine is brownish, it indicates a complex disorder of all three humors- wind, bile & phlegm.
If the color is a mixture of red & yellow, it is a disorder of blood & bile.
If it is a mixture of white & yellow, this indicates a disorder of both phlegm & bile.
If the urine is yellow, like mustard oil & oily, it indicates both a bile disorder & contagious disease.
If it is orange, thick & has a foul color, this indicates a type of disorder that spreads from organ to organ or a general disturbance of the body, such as with a heat ailment.
If the color of the urine is generally dark but has a spectrum of color, like a rainbow, this indicates poisoning; it could be of any variety of poisoning- mineral, meat & so on.
Vapor. The second of the nine types of diagnosis is vapor, which is investigated while the urine is very hot.
If the urine has a large vapor, this indicates a developed heat ailment.
If there is little vapor but it lasts a long time, this indicates either a hidden heat ailment or an old, chronic heat ailment.
If there is little vapor that lasts a short time, it is a cold ailment, involving phlegm & wind- an excess of cold in the body.
If there is an alternation in the amount of vapor, then in that case there exists a combination of heat & cold disorders in the body.The vapor is seen just as, for example, you see steam rise from a cup of hot tea. Bubbles, color & vapor are visual.
Odor. The odor of the urine is, of course, to be smelled.
If the urine has a foul odor & there is albumin in the urine, this indicates a strong heat disorder.
If there is either no odor or a very slight odor, this indicates a cold disorder.
If the urine smells of different foods such as cabbage, meat & so forth, this indicates that the digestion is not working properly; the digestive heat is not up to par.
Froth. If the froth or bubbles on the urine have a bluish tint & are large, this indicates a wind disorder.
If the bubbles are small & many & when stirred, pop quickly, it indicates a bile disorder.
If the bubbles remain static on the surface of the urine like the bubbles of saliva, as if you spit into water, this indicates a phlegm disorder.
If the bubbles have a reddish tint, this indicates a blood disorder.
If they are varicolored like a rainbow, this indicates poisoning.
If they form in the cup & then very quickly disband like a flock of pigeons or doves who are dive-bombed by a hawk & go off in all directions, this indicates an old disorder which now pervades the body; it has become serious.
Urinalysis When the Urine is Lukewarm
Albumin. When the urine has become lukewarm, one analyzes the albumin & the oily chyle.
The albumin or cloud-like substance in the urine appears, for the most part, only in cases of heat disorder- illnesses of blood & bile.
If, when the albumin forms in lukewarm urine, it is very subtle, like a hair on the arm, this indicates a disorder of the wind.
If the albumin forms on the surface like the wool-like film on the edge of a stream, this indicates a disorder of blood & bile.
If the albumin forms subtly on the surface of the urine, like the white tips of the hairs of a rabbit & you almost have to squint to see it, this indicates a phlegm & cold disorder.
If the albumin forms like a cloudbank pervading the urine, this indicates a lung disorder such tuberculosis.
If the albumin is like pus in the body, possibly in the stomach or kidneys.
If the albumin congeals on the surface in little grains like sand, this indicates a disorder of the kidneys.
Remember that when albumin appears in the urine, it usually indicates a heat disorder, as it basically arises from bile & heat.
If the albumin appears on the surface, this indicates a heat disorder of an organ in the upper part of the body, specifically the heart or lungs.
If the albumin appears in the bottom of the urine, it indicates a disorder of the kidneys.
If it is in the middle, it indicates a disorder of either the spleen or the liver.
If the albumin pervades the urine, this indicates that the physical constituents as well as the heat/cold factors of the body have been disturbed, agitated by the winds.
Concerning the thickness of the albumin, if it is quite thick, this indicates a heat disorder.
If it is very thin, this indicates a cold disorder, though, as mentioned above, the presence of albumin generally indicates a heat disorder.
The color of the albumin will be that of the urine of the particular person at that time. For example, a bile disorder will make the albumin orange. Or, for example, if the urine itself were like rainbow color from poisoning, the albumin would likewise be of different colors.
Chyle. If the chyle- which, being an oily substance, always comes to the surface of the urine- is thin, this indicates a cold disorder. If it is quite thick , it indicates a heat disorder.
Sometimes the oily chyle is quite thick, becoming noticeable when the urine sites for fifteen or twenty four hours, gradually congealing at the surface, like butter on Tibetan tea. If it is quite substantial, the doctor can delicately take it off the surface of the urine with a thin instrument. Then he puts a few drops of it on a hot red coal & if its smell is like that of barley or other grains when heated, this indicates that there is a disorder that will cease by itself & thus does not need to be treated.
If the oily chyle forms on the surface in crisscrossing bands, this indicates a tumorous growth, not necessarily cancerous. This phenomena occurs for all types of tumors. Subsequent analysis will reveal what type of growth it is.
There are also times when a spirit or malignant being, a non-human being, can be recognized from this oily substance when it forms certain patterns or shapes on the surface of the urine. This is just mentioned in passing, to be discussed in detail later on.
Urinalysis when the Urine is Cold:
Bubbles.When it is stirred & bubbles immediately disperse it means there is hot disorder.
If the bubbles stay long it means there is cold disorder.
If after being stirred the bubbles disperse from the outer rim of the urine bowl it means there is a cold disorder.
If the bubbles disperse from the middle of the bowl it is a hot disorder.
Color.If the urine becomes more concentrated after being left for a little while it means it is hot disorder & if it remains same color it means there is a cold disorder.
Finally,when the urine is like blood_its odour is like rotten leather or sour milk-it is a sign of impending death.
If the urine is blue & has no odour or vapour & there are no changes in the bubbles after checking,the urine is also sign of the impending death.
Insufficient fiber in the diet, diverticulosis, bowel spasm or excessive straining are common causes of a change in stool shape.
Diverticulosis causes pothole-like craters in the lining of the colon, as well as a narrowing of the internal diameter of the colon due to wall thickening. The result is narrow, pellet-like stools that often fall apart in the bowl & can be difficult to expel.Other associated symptoms of diverticulosis include a dull ache in the lower abdomen, a feeling of incomplete evacuation even though you may be having multiple bowel movements & lots of gas & bloating.
Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, masses in the abdomen or tumors in other organs, like the ovaries or bladder, can cause thin stools due to external compression of the colon.
Colon cancer definitely needs to be excluded by a colonoscopy in anyone experiencing new onset of pencil-thin stools, which can occur as a tumor gets larger & grows inward, reducing the colonic diameter.
Small, hard stools are typical in people eating a low-fiber Western diet & are associated with a higher risk for ultimately developing diverticulosis & colon cancer.
Constipation is often associated with small, difficult-to-pass stools & people suffering from constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are particularly prone to having small stools.
A high-fiber diet or regular use of a bulking agent like psyllium husk will lead to larger, softer stools in most people, making defecation easier.
Even though a fiber-deficient diet is the most likely culprit, colon cancer is again on the list as most lethal.
The odor of your stool is highly dependent on a number of factors, including how long it's been sitting in your colon, your diet, medications you may be taking & in some cases, the presence of infection.
Bacterial imbalance (dysbiosis) in the GI tract & undigested fat can also lead to a change in odor.
The most common cause of smelly stool is bacterial fermentation of the food in your intestines that produces foul-smelling sulfide compounds.
Antibiotics can also change the smell of stool & give it a medicinal odor.
More lethal causes of malodorous stool & fortunately much less common, include inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) & pancreatic cancer.This can result in floating, foul-smelling stool with an oily sheen.
Diseases that cause malabsorption of nutrients like Crohn's, celiac disease & cystic fibrosis can also lead to foul-smelling stool.
Infection with parasites such as giardia lamblia can cause stool to have a very unpleasant odor.
New onset of diarrhea associated with a foul odor should prompt an evaluation for infection, whereas fat in the stool associated with a foul odor should raise concerns about malabsorption or pancreatic disorders.
For most people, smelly stool is simply a byproduct of the beans they had for dinner the night before.
The color of stool can vary dramatically & can also be a clue as to whether various disease states are present.
Normal stool is brown due to its composition: bacteria, water, bile, bilirubin, broken-down red blood celIs & indigestible plant matter like cellulose, along with small amounts of protein & fat.
Red stool is most worrisome as it indicates bleeding in the lower GI tract from conditions like hemorrhoids or diverticulosis, or more serious conditions like rectal cancer.
Sometimes massive or rapid bleeding in the stomach causes bright red stools.
Also intestinal bleeding (from the middle intestine or proximal colon) due to ulcers, tumors, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.
Red stool can also be caused by ingesting red food coloring or beets.
Green stool can occur with rapid transit through the intestines where bile doesn't have a chance to be broken down to its final brown color.
Green can also be a sign of Crohn's disease, antibiotic use, ingestion of leafy greens or iron therapy.
Yellow stool can be the result of gallbladder dysfunction which causes improper handling of bile.
Infection with giardia lamblia produces a characteristic yellow diarrhea.
Different types of infection in the GI tract, whether viral, bacterial or parasitic, may cause changes in stool color.
Pale yellow, greasy, foul-smelling stool: malabsorption of fat due to pancreatic insufficiency, as seen with pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease.
The first is known as Gilbert's Syndrome, which mainly affects males in their teens. If you suffer from this syndrome, it means your liver doesn't process as many red blood cells. Broken down red bloods cells gives stool a lot of its color. When fewer cells are processed, the stool can appear a pale brown or yellow color. This is not a serious illness & doesn't harm the individual.
Another more serious illness is a parasite infection known as giardia. These are Protozoan parasites which invade the intestines & the result is a severe yellow diarrhea. This type of parasitic infection is dangerous & contagious.
Lastly, if you suffer from malabsorption, your stool may appear to be yellow in color. When your body doesn't properly absorb fats from the food you eat, it passes through your colon into your stool. The excess fat can give the yellow coloring to your stool.
White stool can be a sign of fat malabsorption, as with pancreatitis & pancreatic cancer, but barium used for X-rays can also give the same appearance.
Mucus in stool often indicates there is inflammation of the intestines. Mucus in stool can occur with either constipation or diarrhea.
More common causes of mucus in stool includes bacterial overgrowth & food allergies & sensitivities.
With bacterial overgrowth, bloating & gas usually worsen after eating any sugar, whether it's white sugar, bread, pasta, rye, rice, or milk (which contains the sugar lactose).
Other causes of mucus in stool are ulcerative colitis,Crohn's disease,celiac disease,diverticulitis.
Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease & celiac disease are often accompanied by diarrhea.
Rectal bleeding can also occur with ulcerative colitis & Crohn's disease.
If there is no underlying disorder present, mucus in stool, abdominal bloating & constipation are often helped by increasing water intake & taking herbal or food demulcents, substances that form a soothing film which soothes the intestinal lining.
A demulcent tea can also be made by adding 1 cup of hot water to 1 tsp ground flaxseeds & soaking overnight.
If the tongue has a thick coating with teethmarks on the sides, greasy foods, dairy products & wheat may be contributing to the mucus in stool. Avoiding these foods is often recommended, at least until the condition improves.
Bacterial or parasitic infections can also cause mucus in stool. They are often accompanied by a sudden onset of diarrhea, lower abdominal cramping, urgency & possibly blood in the stools.
Black stool usually means that the blood is coming from the upper part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This includes the esophagus, stomach & the first part of the small intestine. Blood will typically look like tar after it has been exposed to the body's digestive juices as it passes through the intestines.
It can also be seen with iron therapy, heavy meat consumption & bismuth-containing compounds.
Black, foul-smelling stool: intestinal bleeding (typically from the stomach & upper small intestine) due to ulcers, tumors.
Light-appearing clay-colored stools are characteristic of liver disease & decreased bile output, but can also be caused by antacids containing aluminum hydroxide.
Bile is created in the liver, stored in the gallbladder & is released into the first section of the small intestine (the duodenum) while food is passing through.
Bile is what gives stool its brown color, so if bile is not being produced or if the bile ducts are blocked, the result could be stool that is light.
Common causes of stool that is pale or clay colored also include: alcoholic hepatitis,biliary cirrhosis,birth defect,cysts,gallstones,hepatitis A,B, or C,infection,sclerosing cholangitis,side effects from medication,strictures,tumor.
If pancreatic cancer blocks the release of the pancreatic juice into the intestine, a person may not be able to digest fatty foods. The undigested fat may cause stools to be unusually pale, bulky, greasy & to float in the toilet.
Clay colored stool may be accompanied by a yellow discoloration of the skin & eyes (jaundice) or darkened urine. If symptoms of jaundice occur, a physician should be consulted immediately.
Vitamins & supplements commonly cause changes in urine color but may also change stool color.
Blood in the stool means there is bleeding somewhere in your digestive tract. Sometimes the amount of blood is so small that it can only be detected by a fecal occult test (which checks for hidden blood in the stool). At other times it may visible on toilet tissue or in the toilet after a bowel movement as bright red blood. Bleeding that happens higher up in the digestive tract may make stool appear black & tarry.
Possible causes of blood in stool include:
Diverticular disease: Diverticula are small pouches that project from the colon wall. Usually diverticula don't cause problems, but sometimes they can bleed or become infected.
Anal fissure: A small cut or tear in the tissue lining the anus similar to the cracks that occur in chapped lips or a paper cut. Fissures are often caused by passing a large, hard stool & can be painful.
Colitis: Inflammation of the colon. Among the more common causes are infections or inflammatory bowel disease.
Angiodysplasia: A condition in which fragile, abnormal blood vessels lead to bleeding.
Peptic ulcers: An open sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the upper end of the small intestine. Long-term use or high doses of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen & naproxen can also cause ulcers.
Polyps or cancer: Polyps are benign growths that can grow, bleed & become cancerous. Colorectal cancer often causes bleeding that is not noticeable with the naked eye.
Esophageal problems:Varicose veins of the esophagus or tears in the esophagus can lead to severe blood loss.
Rapidly sinking stool can indicate that a person isn't eating enough fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits & whole grains, or drinking enough water. This stool is often dark because they have been sitting in the intestines for a prolonged time.
Soft, foul-smelling stools that float, stick to the side of the bowl or are difficult to flush away may mean there's increased fat in the stools, called steatorrhea. Stools are sometimes also pale.
Chronic pancreatitis - may be due to alcoholism or gallstones. Symptoms may include bouts of abdominal or back pain & later, abdominal bloating, changes in stools, weight loss, diabetes.
Pancreatic cancer. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, metallic taste in the mouth, diarrhea.
Sclerosing cholangitis - symptoms may include fatigue, itchy skin, right sided pain, fever/chills, jaundice, dark urine, pale stools. Often associated with ulcerative colitis.
Choledocholithiasis (obstruction of the bile duct by gallstones).
Bacterial overgrowth - unwanted bacteria in the small intestine deconjugate bile acids interfering with fat absorption. Causes include hypochlorhydria, chronic stress, diabetes, immune deficiency, inadequate fiber, & use of oral contraceptives & other medications.
Steatorrhea can also be caused by infections, medications, or conditions that disrupt the absorptive lining of the intestines, such as Crohn's disease & celiac disease.
Fat soluble vitamin deficiencies may develop over time. The fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E & K. Signs include: night blindness, acne & lowered immune function (vitamin A deficiency) & excessive bruising or bleeding (vitamin K deficiency).
Use of Sound & Smell:
The use of sound & smell in traditional Chinese medicine can garner information when diagnosing a patient. The two diagnostic tools are grouped together because the same Chinese word is used for both of them.
In this diagnostic area, the practitioner listens to the various sounds emanating from the patient & pays attention to any unusual smells.
A wealth of information can be gleaned from these perceptions & they give the physician some clues to pursue later on during the initial interview.
A person under attack by an external pathogen speaks softly at first, with the voice gradually becoming louder.
With an internal deficiency, the voice gets softer over time due to a lack of energy.
People with cold syndromes tend to be quiet, while heat syndromes are associated with excessive talking.
It is the nature of cold to slow functions & movement, while heat speeds them up.
A person with an excess condition tends to have a loud, strong voice, while a soft, weak voice is associated with deficiency patterns.
Repeated sighing is often a sign of liver qi stagnation; it is an attempt by the body to release pent-up emotion while expanding the chest muscles that tighten due to the stagnation.
Weak & shallow breathing that is difficult to hear is associated with deficiency, especially of the lungs & kidneys.
Loud & heavy breathing indicates an excess condition that constricts the air passages.
The source of asthmatic wheezing can also be differentiated by its sounds.
In a deficiency pattern, the sound is soft & the patient experiences difficulty inhaling due to the kidneys' inability to "grasp the qi."
In a lung excess syndrome, the wheezing is coarse & loud & the patient has difficulty exhaling.
A loud cough is a sign of excess, while a weak, slow cough is due to deficiency.
A dry, hacking sound can indicate dryness or yin deficiency, while gurgling sounds are a sign of phlegm.
Gastrointestinal Signs:
Vomiting due to an excess condition is loud & strong, while a deficiency condition causes vomiting that is weak & painful.
Hiccups are known as "rebellious stomach qi" in traditional Chinese diagnosis. If they are due to excess, the sound is loud & short, while deficiency hiccups have a weak sound & last longer. If hiccups show up in an illness after a few days, it is an indication of a collapse of stomach qi.
Loud belching is a sign of excess; if there is heat, a sour smell accompanies the belching. Deficiency belching has a softer sound with no sour smell.
In general, strong smells are due to heat, while a lack of aroma is a sign of cold.
This applies to the breath, urine, stools, vomit, sweat & any discharges.
Some specific smells are linked to organs; for example, a sweet smell is linked to the spleen, a urine-like smell is associated with a kidney problem & a smell like rotten apples is a sign of diabetes ("wasting & thirsting syndrome").
Chills & Fever:
These terms refer more to the patient's perceptions of cold or heat, rather than an actual elevated body temperature or shivering. Chills & fever that occur simultaneously indicate an external condition: If the chills are worse than the fever, the condition is wind cold; if the fever is worse than the chills, it is wind heat.
If the fever persists after the chills disappear, it is a sign that the condition has penetrated to the interior of the body.
If the fever persists & is accompanied by sweating, thirst & constipation, the interior heat has penetrated to the stomach & intestines, which is an even deeper level.
A chronic low-grade fever which occurs after an illness accompanied by a fever can be a sign of collapse of the body's immune system.
In wind cold, it can be difficult for a person to get warm, even when he or she is bundled up in warm clothes. Wind cold is an acute ailment of short duration.
Perspiration is regulated through the opening & closing of the pores.
When qi or yang deficiency occurs, the pores remain open due to weakness & the person experiences spontaneous sweating during the day. This can occur even if the person has not become overheated. Sensations of heat in the evening with night sweats are considered a sign of yin deficiency.
With wind heat, the person perspires, while with wind cold, the pores are closed from cold, causing a lack of sweating.
If sweating occurs with an external condition & the person feels better afterward, it is a sign that the body has successfully expelled the pathogen.
If sweating doesn't break the fever or make the person feel better, the pathogen is successfully fighting against the wei qi.
Head & Body:
Headaches that have an acute onset with severe pain are usually due to an external influence.
Milder, more chronic headache pain suggests an internal influence such as blood deficiency.
Severe, intermittent pain is likely due to liver fire, which rises up to the head, often from an outburst of anger.
The location of the headache also has clinical significance.
Frontal headache is considered a disorder of the stomach meridian.
Pain at the top or sides of the head is related to the liver & gallbladder.
Pain at the back of the head is related to the bladder meridian.
Dizziness is another important diagnostic aspect associated with the head. If dizziness is due to qi deficiency, the symptoms are mild & get worse when the person is tired.
Blood deficiency dizziness is also mild & gets worse when the person stands up suddenly.
Dizziness from dampness is associated with a heavy feeling.
Liver fire can create a severe form of dizziness in which the person loses balance.
If the head itself is shaking, it is a sign of internal wind moving.
Pain that comes & goes is due to wind or qi stagnation, while pain in a fixed location is a result of cold or blood stagnation.
If pressure relieves the pain, it is a deficient type; pressure always makes excess type pain feel worse.
Pain in specific areas of the body can also serve as a sign of problems in an internal organ.
Pain in the rib area is a symptom of stagnation in the liver & gallbladder.
Lower back pain is a sign of kidney deficiency: Since it is due to depletion, it gets worse after exertion. When low back pain is due to cold & dampness, a stagnant condition, it gets worse after rest.
Ears & Eyes:
Since the kidneys open up into the ears, poor hearing or deafness is usually from kidney deficiency.
Sudden deafness is usually due to heat & fire rising up to the ears.
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is a sign of an excess condition if it comes on suddenly as a loud, high sound. Most often this is a condition of liver yang rising up to the head. Development of tinnitus over a long time is a sign of depletion of the kidneys. Press on the ears-If the sound gets stronger, it is due to excess; if it gets weaker, it is due to deficiency.
Pain in the eyes can be due to liver fire or wind heat, while dry eyes can be caused by blood deficiency. Poor vision in general is associated with kidney jing or liver blood deficiency, as is night blindness.
Itching in the eyes is a symptom of external wind or blood deficiency.
Abnormal eye movement is a sign of internal wind.
Stools & Urine:
Stools that are sticky or cause burning with a strong smell are a sign of heat, while watery diarrhea with little smell is a sign of deficiency or cold.
Damp heat causes frequent urges to defecate, but only a small amount is expelled each time.
Stools that are watery with undigested food indicate spleen yang deficiency; if the same symptoms occur early in the morning, it is due to kidney yang deficiency.
If constipation accompanies dark urine, bad breath & a yellow tongue coat, heat is the cause.
Qi stagnation is the cause if the constipation occurs when the person is upset; qi deficiency is implicated if a person feels fatigued after a bowel movement.
In blood or yin deficiency, the stools are exceptionally dry, making them difficult to pass.
Frequent passing of clear urine indicates kidney deficiency; if the urine is concentrated (dark yellow), it is a sign of heat.
Bed-wetting can also occur in kidney deficiency; in children, the cause of the bed-wetting is usually emotional.
Lack of urination can arise from very deficient kidneys or occur due to severe heat, blood stagnation, or a stone.
Whatever its cause, lack of urination is a life-threatening condition, since the body can quickly become overwhelmed by its own toxins.
In general, pale urine is a sign of cold, dark urine is a sign of heat & cloudy urine is a sign of dampness. Sharp pain or blood in the urine can result from a stone or heat in the urinary bladder.
Blood without pain could be a sign of cancer.
Thirst, Appetite & Taste:
People with Spleen deficiency have a craving for sweets. When the Spleen is tonified, the craving goes away& they lose weight.
No desire for fluids at all is a sign of excess cold, while a desire for small amounts of hot liquids can indicate deficiency cold from yang depletion.
A craving for large amounts of water is a sign of excess heat.
If a person has a dry mouth & wants small amounts of water, it is a sign of deficiency heat.
If dampness is present, a person may want to drink but is unable to do so & may even vomit small amounts of water.
A person with an excessively strong appetite may have stomach heat; he or she might even eat a lot but remain thin.
A person who has an appetite but no desire to eat could have stomach yin deficiency. In this case, the deficiency heat causes a false appetite, but the deficiency in stomach yin itself prevents true hunger.
A complete lack of appetite indicates spleen qi deficiency; when the person does eat, he or she often feels bloated or tired afterward.
When the appetite is low & the person has an aversion to oily foods, the cause could be damp heat in the liver & gallbladder.
Bitter taste in the mouth indicates heat, usually in the heart, liver, or gallbladder.
A sweet taste can occur with damp heat in the spleen & a salty taste can arise from a deficiency in the kidneys.
A sour taste is associated with heat in the liver or food stagnation in the stomach, while a complete lack of taste can occur with spleen qi deficiency.
A restful night's sleep depends on a healthy balance of yin & yang. The yin & blood are the aspects of the heart that provide a solid foundation for the mind & spirit.
If yin & blood are deficient, yang will be out of control. Yang is fire & activity & is kept within normal ranges by cool & calm yin. When yin is deficient, it can't control yang & too much heat & activity results, producing such symptoms as restlessness & insomnia.
If qi or yang is insufficient, the person experiences an overabundance of yin, leading to fatigue a& excessive sleepiness.
A person who has difficulty falling asleep but then sleeps soundly may have a deficiency of heart blood. Difficulty staying asleep can be a sign of deficient heart yin: The deficiency heat disturbs sleep.
Insomnia that is accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth & angry dreams is associated with liver fire, while sleeplessness due to irritability & sexual dreams can be a result of heat due to kidney yin deficiency.
A person who wakes up easily, is forgetful & experiences heart palpitations can have a pattern of insufficient heart blood & spleen qi.
In children, crying at night can often be due to heat in the heart or liver.
Too much sleep could be due to qi or yang deficiency.
If the person claims his whole body feels heavy, especially when the weather is rainy, the excessive sleep is caused by dampness.
Lifestyle & Medical History:
Many imbalances are due to the patient's lifestyle.
Foods are also strong medicines with their own hot or cold energies & selecting the proper foods for a given body type or disease pattern is an important part of the healing process.
Some symptoms could be due to side effects of the prescription medications.
Gynecologic Signs & Symptoms:
A cycle that is longer than normal might be a sign of blood deficiency or cold stagnation, while a short cycle can occur with heat.
A scanty menstrual flow with light-colored blood is associated with deficiency of qi & blood, while a strong flow with dark color can be a sign of excess heat.
Cramping before the menstrual flow is a symptom of excess, while cramping after the flow begins is a sign of deficiency.
Blood clots with sharp pains occur with blood stagnation.
If there is no cycle at all, the primary causes are qi & blood deficiency or stagnation.
An Organ in Disharmony
Each organ has a preferred internal environment, which supports its optimum functional abilities.
Dampness promoting cold food, especially in cold weather, often causes poor digestion & loose stools.
The spleen is especially vulnerable to the influence of cold & dampness, both in the external climate & in the diet.
Since the spleen is the most important organ involved in digestion, this preference can be seen when a person eats too much cold, raw food.
When the spleen is cold & damp, it also causes the body to produce excessive mucus, which then overwhelms the lungs, leading to frequent colds, asthma & allergies.
Hot, cooked foods nourish the spleen, especially when combined with warming, drying herbs such as ginger or black pepper.
Eating foods such as this, especially in cold weather, leads to strong digestion & the body produces less mucus, making the person less susceptible to colds & other respiratory ailments.
Six evils are the influences that often arise from outside the body.
They are wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness & summer heat.
The wind symptoms come & go, often without warning & constantly changing.
Wind is considered the major cause of illness in traditional Chinese patterns of disharmony. It combines with other pathogens, giving rise to syndromes known as wind cold, wind heat & wind dampness.
It often attacks the upper body, head, throat & eyes.
Wind causes movement, so it is usually involved when there are symptoms of twitching, spasms, or shaking. The organ most often affected by external wind is the lung; internal wind most commonly is related to an imbalance in the liver.
Syndromes of Wind
Wind Cold: Wind combines with Cold.
The person experiences symptoms of chills, fever (which is less severe than the chills), no sweating, headache, nasal congestion & stiffness & pain in the shoulders, upper back, neck & back of the head.
Cold causes chills & the shivering causes the muscles to become tight & stiff.
Although actual shivering may not occur, the person has difficulty staying warm, even when dressed properly for the conditions.
Wind cold is traditionally treated with warm,sweat-inducing herbs to disperse the cold & repel the wind.
Support with tea:
Angelica,Elder Flower,Raspberry leaves,Raspberries,Cowslip,Lime Flowers,Red Clover,Oregano,Black Currants,Peppermint
Garlic,Cayenne Pepper,Ginger
Wind Heat: Is seen typically in the common cold or flu.The person may have symptoms of red face, high fever, sore throat, red eyes, thirst, red tongue & a rapid pulse.
Herbs to treat wind heat :
St.John's Wort,Yarrow,Nettle leaves,Rose hips,Cowslip flowers & roots,Chamomile,Lemon Balm,Elderflower,Elderberry syrup,Raspberry leaves,Lime Flower,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers,Peppermint,
Ginger,Cherries,Blackberries,Raspberries,Wild Strawberries in the tea or as a jam added to the tea..
Vitamin C foods
Wind Damp: Arthritis is a manifestation of this pattern.
The dampness is difficult to cure & takes some time to resolve.
The influence of wind also causes the pain to migrate from joint to joint, sometimes disappearing for a while only to reappear without warning.
Treatment :
Vitamins C,A,E,zink,omega 3 foods.
Cherry juice,take 2 cups per day.
Cranberry juice,half cup 3 times per day.
Tea from;Ginger,St.Johns Wort,Lady' Mantle,Shepherd's-purse,Chamomile,Nettle,Coltsfoot,Mountain Cranberry leaves,Lime Flowers,Oregano,Calendula,Cowslip roots,
Garlic-2-3 cloves per day.
Pineapple,apple vinegar,black or red pepper,Wild Strawberries
Place fresh crushed Birch leaves or White cabbage leaves on sore parts.
Apply the poultice made from honey & salt (1:1) for night.
Whip with fresh nettle leaves the sore joints.
Nettle & Red clover baths.
Wind Water: This is a sudden attack of edema (swelling due to severe fluid retention), usually from allergies, poisoning, or acute nephritis (inflammation of the kidney).
Herbal treatment:
Vitamins B6,C, zinc ,magnesium from food.
Raspberry leaves,Cowslip,Lime Flowers,Red Clover,Peppermint,Chamomile,Lady's Mantle,Common heather,Nettle,Dandelion leaves,Cowslip,Calendula,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers
Grapes or grape juice,Wild Strawberries,Raspberries,Black Currants,Parsley
Take 1 tsp mix of Rowan berries & Lime flowers 1:1
Pour over 1 cup of boiling water,infuse few min & drink warm 3-5 times per day.
Tea from Yarrow 1 cup,take sips over the day.
Tea from nettle & fennel seeds:
1 tsp fennel seeds
2 tsp nettle leaves
3 cups water
Boil gently for 15 min.Drink 3-4 cups per day.
Wind Rash: Any skin condition that appears suddenly & it can be difficult to treat.
Foods rich with Vitamin C.
Coffee,eggs,strawberry,food preservatives,artificial colours,chocolate should be avoided.
Along with alcohol, hot baths, strong sunlight,stress.
Eat Sheep's Sorrel,Cranberries or juice.
Sunflower seeds 15-20 min before meals for at least 2 months.
Herbal tea:
Nettle,Calendula,Black Currant leaves,Raspberry leaves,Dandelion flowers,Peppermint,Yarrow,St.Johns Wort,Lady's Mantle
30 g of White Dead Nettle
Pour over 1 l boiling water ,let infuse for 30 min.Strain.
Soak a clean cloth in the liquid & apply to the affected area.
Very helpful for itching skin.
Calendula & St.Johns Wort Oil:
Take the equal amounts of herbs & pour over with olive oil.
Cover & keep in warm place for a 2 weeks.Strain.
Liver Wind Moving Internally: This is an internal condition of the liver that can result from a long-term imbalance; the usual chronic patterns are liver or blood deficiency. Signs of this condition are various abnormal body movements, such as twitching, shaking, convulsions & spasms.
Avoid alcohol,coffee,cigarettes,sugar,junk foods.
Eat Iron ,Vitamin E,Calcium,vitamin D,magnesium rich foods.
Herbs like Nettle,Dandelion leaves,Peppermint,St.Johns Wort,Hawthorn berries(as a syrup or jelly etc.),Yarrow,Calendula,Rose hips,Strawberry leaves.
Blood Deficiency Leading to Wind: Since the liver stores blood, a deficiency of blood affects the liver, leading to wind. This condition can produce numbness & cramping.
Again avoid alcohol,coffee,cigarettes,sugar,junk foods.
Eat Iron ,Vitamin E,Calcium,vitamin D,magnesium rich foods.
Herbs like Nettle,Dandelion leaves,Peppermint,St.Johns Wort,Hawthorn berries(as a syrup or jelly etc.)
Excessive Heat Producing Wind: If heat is too extreme, it can cause a sudden collapse, as in heatstroke. It can also cause sudden convulsions, such as those that occur in children with a high fever.
Cold symptoms cause contraction, they slow functions down & they make the person feel cold.
Its nature is to slow movement down, causing tightness, contraction, stagnation & impaired circulation.
When it is an external pathogenic factor, cold can attack the skin, muscles & lungs.
When it is an internal pathogenic factor, cold can cause an impairment in the normal functions of the spleen, stomach & kidneys.
Wind Cold: In combination with the pathogenic factor of wind, cold attacks the exterior of the body & the lungs, causing chills, lack of sweating, occipital headache (pain at the base of the skull), upper body aches, tight shoulders & neck & a congested nose.
The influence of wind causes the symptoms to appear suddenly & affect the upper body, while cold causes the muscles to contract, causing the stiffness & pain. Nasal secretions are clear -- another sign of cold.
Eat Vitamin D,C,A,B6,B12 & zink foods.
Use herbs for tea: Raspberry leaves,Raspberries,Cowslip,Lime Flowers,Red Clover,Oregano,Black Currants,Peppermint,Ginger
Obstruction Due to Cold: Traditionally known as cold bi (blockage) pain, this condition typically takes the form of body aches or joint pain that is relieved by warmth.
The most common Western diagnosis for this pattern is arthritis. Since the syndrome is caused by cold, the joint may actually feel cold to the touch & the pain typically gets worse in cold weather.
Treatment principle is to increase circulation & warm the acupuncture meridians through which qi & blood circulate by means of moxibustion, acupuncture & herbs:
Lady's Mantle,St.Johns Wort,Mountain Cranberry leaves,Lime Flowers,Oregano,Calendula,Nettle,Ginger,
Garlic- 2-3 cloves every day.
Garlic Vodka:
250 ml crushed garlic
Place the crushed garlic into the 500 ml bottle.
Pour over 40% vodka.
Leave for 12 days in dark place,shake once every day.
Take 1 tsp mixed with 1 tsp boiled water 3 times every day 15 min before meals.
Eat curry at least once a week.
Black or red pepper,activates circulation,good for immunity,detox
Wild strawberries,pineapple,apple vinegar
Eat plenty of calcium & Vitamin D foods,keep warm go,out to the sunshine..
Cold Attacking the Spleen & Stomach: In this externally caused disorder, cold causes digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain, clear vomit & watery diarrhea.
Although it usually accompanies an externally contracted cold or stomach bacteria or virus (what we commonly refer to as stomach "flu"), this syndrome can also be caused by eating cold foods such as ice cream.
Tea from herbs:St.John's Wort,Yarrow,Nettle leaves,Rose hips,Cowslip flowers & roots,Chamomile,Lemon Balm,Elderflower,Elderberry syrup,Raspberry leaves,Lime Flower,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers,Peppermint,
Ginger,Cherries,Blackberries,Raspberries,Wild Strawberries in the tea or as a jam added to the tea..
Chicken soup.
Vitamin C foods
Have a rest.
Cold Congealing the Liver Meridian: The liver meridian passes through the genital area & this condition is a manifestation of cold in that meridian. Symptoms include testicular pain or shrinking & hernia pain.
Yarrow bath.
Spleen Yang Deficiency: If a person has an underlying deficiency of spleen yang (deficiency in energy & heat needed in order to digest food), cold can severely impair digestive function.
Symptoms of spleen yang deficiency include watery stools with undigested food, cold extremities, edema, & a slow pulse.
When a person with this underlying deficiency is also affected by external cold pathogens, the imbalance is especially difficult to eliminate.
Treatment first expels the cold pathogenic factor.
Then it tonifies the yang aspect of the spleen & kidneys to bring about a long-term increase in the body's basic metabolism, or its ability to maintain the heat needed for proper digestion, which is known in traditional Chinese medicine as life-gate (metabolic) fire.
Hawthorn berries
Ginger,Cinnamon bark,Fennel seed, Ginseng
Foods with a warming or neutral thermal nurture a deficient Spleen:
Well-cooked rice, oats,winter squash,carrot,parsnip,turnip,chickpeas,black beans,peas,sweet potato,pumpkin
Kidney Yang Deficiency: Since the kidneys are the source of yang metabolic fire for the entire body, a deficiency in kidney yang can make the individual especially prone to cold.
The symptoms of kidney yang deficiency include an inability to stay warm, cold extremities, low sex drive, frequent urination, edema (fluid retention) & pain in the low back.
Avoid spicy fried foods,coffee,alcohol
Eat pineapple,wild strawberries,peaches
Tea from:blackcurrant leaves,birch leaves,nettle,yarrow,cornflower,heather,flax seeds
Take 1 tbsp of hers mix,pour over 1 cup of boiling water,infuse 15-30 min.
Drink cool 1/2 cup 2 times a day.
Heat & dampness, two of the six pernicious influences in traditional Chinese medicine, have opposite effects on the body.
While heat causes increased activity, dampness brings stagnation to a system.
Each of these influences has its own set of syndromes associated with its effects.
Heat causes expansion & increased activity.
When out of balance, heat can lead to irritability, fever & inflammatory conditions.
By its nature, heat rises, appearing as a red face & eyes, sore throat & dizziness.
If heat affects the heart or liver, anger may result.
Heat tends to affect the body fluids, leading to thirst, constipation & dark urine.
Since it can produce wind, heat can lead to spasms.
Syndromes of Heat Wind Heat: This very common condition appears mostly as the common cold & flu. Wind combines with heat to produce symptoms of fever, sore throat, thirst, headache, sweating, rapid pulse, & sometimes a red tip of the tongue.
Herbs to treat wind heat :
St.John's Wort,Yarrow,Nettle leaves,Rose hips,Cowslip flowers & roots,Chamomile,Lemon Balm,Elderflower,Elderberry syrup,Raspberry leaves,Lime Flower,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers,Peppermint,
Ginger,Cherries,Blackberries,Raspberries,Wild Strawberries in the tea or as a jam added to the tea..
Vitamin C foods
Excess Heat in the Organs: Symptoms of this yang excess condition are, typically, irritability, thirst, dry throat, concentrated (dark or burning) urine, constipation, red tongue with a yellow coat & a full, rapid pulse.
Heart fire produces severe emotional disturbances.Hibiscus flowers
Stomach fire can cause mouth ulcers.Green lentils,tofu
Liver fire might stir up extreme anger.Honeysuckle
Lung fire might bring about an accumulation of yellow mucus in the lungs.Aloe vera,mint
In all cases, the treatment is to clear the excess heat with herbs for the organ affected.
Deficiency Heat: This syndrome is caused by a deficiency in the yin, cooling aspect of an organ; the resulting imbalance causes heat to flare up.
The general symptoms of deficiency heat are red cheeks, night sweats, irritability, chronic inflammation, red tongue with no coat & a thin, rapid pulse.
When the kidneys have deficiency heat, chronic urinary tract infections can occur.
Deficiency heat in the lungs -- which can arise from cigarette smoking -- can lead to a chronic dry cough.
Heat from heart yin deficiency can cause insomnia.
Dampness is persistent & heavy & it can be difficult to resolve.
A person who spends a lot of time in the rain, lives in a damp environment, or sleeps on the ground may be susceptible to external dampness.
A person who eats large amounts of ice cream, cold foods & drinks, greasy foods & sweets is prone to imbalances of internal dampness.
Tangible dampness includes phlegm, edema (fluid retention) & discharges.
Intangible dampness includes a person's subjective feelings of heaviness & dizziness.
A "slippery" pulse & a greasy tongue coating usually accompany both types of dampness.
In general, symptoms of dampness in the body include water retention, swelling, feelings of heaviness, coughing or vomiting phlegm & skin rashes that ooze or are crusty (as in eczema).
Since dampness is heavy, it has a tendency to sink downward to affect the lower parts of the body.
A person may experience a feeling of sinking or heaviness & swelling frequently affects the legs.
These characteristics are the opposite of wind, which has a tendency to affect the upper part of the body. When dampness combines with heat, the condition of damp heat develops, which can cause such symptoms as dark burning urine, sticky foul-smelling stools, yellow vaginal discharges & jaundice.
Syndromes of Dampness Wind Damp: This form of the common cold is characterized by chills, headache, afternoon fever, nausea & diarrhea. A person may describe feeling as if a wet towel is wrapped around the head.
Tea from herbs:St.John's Wort,Yarrow,Nettle leaves,Rose hips,Cowslip flowers & roots,Chamomile,Lemon Balm,Elderflower,Elderberry syrup,Raspberry leaves,Lime Flower,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers,Peppermint,
Ginger,Cherries,Blackberries,Raspberries,Wild Strawberries in the tea or as a jam added to the tea..
Wind Damp Joint Pain: This condition is characterized by a dull & heavy pain a& numbness that can persist in certain joints.
Rheumatic pain that gets worse in damp weather is a good example of this type of imbalance.
The condition tends to be chronic & resistant to treatment.
Herbs like mulberry branches & cinnamon twigs , are used to decrease swelling & improve circulation.
Vitamins C,A,E,zink,omega 3 foods.
Cherry juice,take 2 cups per day.
Cranberry juice,half cup 3 times per day.
Tea from;Ginger,St.Johns Wort,Lady' Mantle,Shepherd's-purse,Chamomile,Nettle,Coltsfoot,Mountain Cranberry leaves,Lime Flowers,Oregano,Calendula,Cowslip roots,
Garlic-2-3 cloves per day.
Pineapple,apple vinegar,black or red pepper,Wild Strawberries
Place fresh crushed Birch leaves or White cabbage leaves on sore parts.
Apply the poultice made from honey & salt (1:1) for night.
Whip with fresh nettle leaves the sore joints.
Nettle & Red clover baths.
Damp & Toxins on the Skin: This condition includes any skin inflammation that also has a weepy, damp nature, such as eczema, skin ulcers & allergic reactions that produce a discharge (skin eruptions that ooze or that are crusty).
Vitamins C, A,E, B6, zinc,magnesium,potassium foods.
Herbs are used both internally & in the form of topical poultices:
Tea from herbs:chamomile,nettle,lemon balm,wild strawberry leaves & flowers,st.johns wort,parsley,peppermint,oregano,yarrow,calendula,dandelion
Poultices of raw squashed peas,white cabbage,beetroot,blueberries
Eat raspberries & pumpkin.
Baking Soda bath:
400 g of baking soda into bathwater,take the bath ideally 2 times per day.
Aloe Vera cream:
Blend aloe vera leaves with salt free butter 1:4.
Cream affected parts 2 times per day.
Internal Dampness: Typically due to an imbalance in the spleen, symptoms of internal dampness include bloating, diarrhea, lack of appetite, undigested food in the stools, fatigue & possible edema in the abdominal area.
When a person coughs up mucus right after eating ice cream, it shows that a cold spleen produces dampness.
Since excessive dampness in the spleen is stored in the lungs, a damp spleen can often lead to frequent colds & allergies.
Herbs like:nettle,dandelion leaves,wild strawberry leaves & flowers,red clover,Hawthorn berries,parsley
Dryness & summer heat, the last of the six pernicious influences in traditional Chinese medicine, both have deleterious effects on the body's moistures. Associated syndromes include constipation, thirst, headaches & excessive sweating.
Its influence on the body is drying & astringent. It can easily deplete the body fluids, causing constipation, dry cough, concentrated urine, dryness in the throat & nose, thirst & dry skin.
Dryness typically enters the body through the nose & mouth, quickly affecting the lungs.
Syndromes of Dryness External Warm Dryness: Symptoms include fever, headache, thirst, dry mouth, dry nose, dry eyes, dry cough with scanty mucus, red tongue & a rapid pulse.
Pears are considered healing foods in conditions of dryness; they are very moistening.
Herbs:Coltsfoot,Lime Flowers,Yarrow,St.John Wort,Cowslip root,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers
External Cool Dryness: Traditionally considered an illness of late autumn, this pattern has symptoms of chills, mild fever, lack of sweating, dry cough, nasal congestion, dry & itchy throat & a wiry & floating pulse.
Herbal teas:Angelica,Elder Flower,Raspberry leaves,Raspberries,Cowslip root,Lime Flowers,Red Clover,Oregano,Black Currants,Peppermint,Coltsfoot,Yarrow,St.Johns Wort,Wild Strawberry leaves & flowers
Internal Dryness: In this chronic condition, the body fluids have been depleted over time. It can be both a result or cause of yin or blood deficiency & it is more commonly seen in the elderly.
In its more acute form, internal dryness can result from the depletion of body fluids due to sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, or bleeding.
Prolonged internal or external heat usually has a detrimental long-term effect on body fluids, depleting them.
Typical symptoms of internal dryness are dry, itchy skin, thirst, constipation & a chronic shortage of body fluids.
Treatment depends on the particular organ & vital substance affected by the imbalance.
Avoid smoking,spicy foods & stress.
Nettle tea.
Foods packed with Vitamins A, C, B2,Niacin,zinc,Potassium,Iron
Black beans,bean sprouts, black sesame seeds, celery, (tender green) coconut, juicy fruits (melons, loquats & persimmons,pineapple), poppy seeds, walnuts & vegetables,pears,honey,sweet potatoes,honey
Summer Heat:
Summer heat is "uprising & spread out," meaning it affects the head, causing thirst, red face & headache & it causes a person to lie down with the limbs spread out.
The excessive sweating also leads to dark, concentrated urine & depletion of the body's yin can occur.
The extreme heat also affects the heart, leading to restlessness or even coma in severe cases such as heatstroke.
When summer heat combines with dampness due to humidity & overconsumption of sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, the spleen is also affected.
This leads to a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & fatigue.
Treatment of summer heat is complex, depending on the organs & additional pathogenic factors involved.
Usually, herbs are used that clear excess heat from within the body along with herbs that moisten the interior. Foods like leafy greens, salads, fruit, melons, asparagus, broccoli, corn, long grain rice, tofu, smoothies & yogurt. Cucumbers, mulberries watermelon & mung beans .
There is also a point behind the knees associated with clearing heat; holding ice behind the knees helps the body cool down quickly.
When digestive disturbances occur due to a combination of dampness & summer heat, cooling herbs are combined with herbs that clear turbid dampness, such as patchouli .
Peppermint,lemon,watercress,dandelion, parsley, basil,
Potassium rich foods.
The Seven Emotions
The seven basic emotions related to organ function are anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, sadness, fear & shock (fright). Although the mind/body connection has been acknowledged only relatively recently in Western medicine, the interaction of emotions with the physical body is an essential aspect of traditional Chinese medicine.
Each organ has a corresponding emotion; imbalance of this emotion can affect the organ's function. For example, prolonged anger can lead to an imbalance in the liver. At the same time, liver imbalances can produce symptoms of anger, often leading to a self-perpetuating cycle.
It is only when a particular emotion is experienced over a prolonged period or with particular intensity that it becomes a source of imbalance.
Anger is associated with the liver. By its nature, anger causes qi to rise, leading to a red face & red eyes, headaches & dizziness. This matches the pattern of liver fire rising. Anger can also cause liver qi to "attack the spleen," producing lack of appetite, indigestion & diarrhea (often experienced by those people who argue at the dinner table or eat while driving).
In a more long-term view, suppressed anger or frustration often causes liver qi to become stagnant; this might result in depression or menstrual disorders.
It is interesting to note that people who take herbs to release stagnant liver qi often experience bouts of anger as the stagnation is relieved. The anger passes as the condition clears.
Similarly, anger & irritability are often the determining factor in diagnosing liver qi stagnation. Many people are relieved to know their rage has a physiologic basis. It is essential to avoid drinking coffee when treating anger-related liver disorders, as coffee heats the liver & greatly intensifies the condition.
The emotion of joy is connected with the heart. A disorder related to joy may sound perplexing, since most people want as much joy in their life as possible. The disorders from this emotion are not caused by happiness; rather, the imbalance comes from too much excitement or stimulation, or sudden good news that comes as a shock to the system.
The death of a spouse or a job loss is a significant source of stress.
However, a marriage or job promotion, while a happy occasion, is also a source of stress.
A person who is constantly on the go, partying & living a life of excess can eventually develop heart imbalances with palpitations, anxiety & insomnia.
A person with heart imbalances may also exhibit emotional symptoms, since the heart is the seat of the spirit (shen).
A person with extreme disturbances of heart shen might be seen chattering happily to himself with
outbursts of laughter.Such behavior results from the heart organ's inability to provide a stable resting place for the spirit.
A very common emotion in our stress-filled society, worry can deplete the energy of the spleen. This can cause digestive disturbances & eventually lead to chronic fatigue: A weakened spleen cannot efficiently turn food into qi & the lungs are unable to extract qi from air efficiently.
A person who worries too much "carries the weight of the world on her shoulders," a good description of how a person feels when her weak spleen qi leads to dampness.
Too much thinking or obsessing about a topic can also deplete the spleen, causing a stagnation of its qi. A person with this condition may exhibit such symptoms as poor appetite, forgetting to eat & bloating after eating. In time, the person may develop a pale complexion from a deficiency of spleen qi. This can eventually affect the heart, causing the person to dream about the same subjects at night.
Sadness or grief affects the lungs, producing fatigue, shortness of breath, crying, or depression.
The emotion of fear is related to the kidneys. This relationship can readily be seen when extreme fear causes a person to urinate uncontrollably.
In children, this can also manifest as bed-wetting, which psychologists have linked to insecurity & anxiety. Long-term anxiety due to worrying about the future can deplete the kidneys of yin, yang & qi, eventually leading to chronic weakness.
Shock is especially debilitating to the kidneys & heart. The "fight or flight" reaction causes an excessive release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. This causes the heart to respond with palpitations, anxiety & insomnia.
Chronic stress from shock can be very debilitating to the entire system, causing a wide range of problems. Severe shock can have a long-term effect on the heart shen, as is evident in victims of post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Poor Dietary Habits:
Poor dietary habits are a major cause of disease. Since food is the medicine we take most often, many illnesses can be quite difficult to treat unless changes occur in a person's diet.
Irregular Times & Amounts: It is important to consider the time it takes food to pass through the stomach.
Simple fruits & vegetables can leave the stomach after about 20 minutes, while more concentrated proteins, starches & fats may take 4 to 5 hours.
If the stomach contains partially digested food when the person eats another meal, the digestive process can be seriously impaired.
If a person waits too long between meals, secretion of digestive juices stops.
We need to eat when the stomach signals true hunger.
Consumption of liquids is also an important cause of imbalance. If a person drinks a large glass of cold water after a meal, the digestive juices become diluted. (The stomach secretes just enough enzymes to digest a particular meal.)
Also, the stomach needs a certain amount of heat for the chemical reactions of the digestive process to take place; cold liquids slow the reaction.
It is best for the contents of the stomach to be a soup-like consistency, since too much dryness can also disturb digestion.
Achieving this consistency can be accomplished by sipping liquids, preferably warm, along with a meal.
If a person desires cool water, the water should be consumed at least half an hour before a meal or three hours after a meal, when the stomach is empty.
Consuming the Wrong Types of Food: Foods have different energetic qualities; something appropriate for one type of person or climate might be unhealthy for another body type or weather pattern. For example, cold & raw foods are very healthy in hot weather or for a person who has too much internal heat. Conversely, these foods can deplete the spleen qi & yang & cause dampness in cold weather or in persons who have too much internal cold.
Similarly, spicy food is appropriate for cold weather or persons who are yang deficient, but it can cause imbalance in hot weather, especially in persons who have internal heat.
Certain foods, such as sweets or alcohol, are meant to be used infrequently & in small quantities; overconsumption can cause a wide range of problems.
Overeating or Undereating: Malnutrition due to undereating can lead to a chronic deficiency of qi & blood.
While more common in developing countries, this condition is also seen in developed countries in conditions of poverty & in persons who suffer from emotional imbalances & substance abuse.
In the West, overconsumption is a far more common problem, leading to a high incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes & cancer.
Food Cravings & Addictions: The human body is designed to process a wide variety of foods to meet our needs. Fad diets or addictions to a narrow range of foods can be debilitating. Some essential nutrients are likely to be missing from a narrow diet. By eating a wide assortment of different-colored vegetables, whole grains & proteins, we can receive the nutrition we need to function at a high level of wellness.
Contaminated Food: Although more common in developing or tropical countries, parasites are a problem all over the world. They can wreak havoc on the digestive organs, damaging the qi of the spleen & stomach. Herbs that kill parasites are quite strong, so it is important to have an accurate diagnosis through a stool test before beginning treatment.
Other sources of contamination are toxins produced by bacterial contamination in the course of processing food.
Meats are especially susceptible to this sort of pathogen; you should always cook meat thoroughly to kill virulent microorganisms.
Water-borne pathogens are another source of disease & water of questionable quality should always be boiled.
Too little exercise can lead to a variety of degenerative diseases, including obesity, cancer & heart disease. Moderate exercise strengthens the heart & lungs & stimulates the flow of blood & lymph, the body's filtration system, which filters out toxins. Exercise is the only way to pump lymph through the body, since lymph isn't powered by the heart.
Too much activity can hurt the body. This is especially true if a person is fighting a cold or is already depleted & in need of rest.
Since the eyes are intimately connected with the liver, excessive use of the eyes can drain that organ. The liver stores the blood, so stressing it in this way depletes the blood supply.
People who must stand all day at work, especially on a concrete floor can get sore feet, painful joints & varicose veins.
Tendinitis is a very common condition, especially among runners.
Computer work & repetitive stress injuries are also frequent causes of tendon injury.
The liver blood can also be depleted by too much work, as can be seen in marathon runners who no longer have menstrual periods. When they ease up on their workouts, their menstrual periods usually return.
Each individual has a different capacity for sexual activity, depending on their age & their constitution. Overindulgence in sexual activity, however, can lead to a depletion of the kidneys, causing fatigue & chronic pain in the low back.
Causes of Illness
The causes of illness in traditional Chinese medicine are determined by a number of factors. Some of these causes are considered external, as in the six pernicious influences: wind, cold, heat, dryness, dampness & summer heat.
Other causes are considered internal, as in the seven emotions: anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, sadness, fear, & shock.
Other factors that play a role in the development of disease are diet, lifestyle & accidents.
An exceptionally strong pathogen can overwhelm even a healthy person, especially if the person has been weakened by stress, fatigue, overwork, or other lifestyle factors. For example, a person with a strong immune system might avoid catching a cold, even if a sick person sneezes on him. However, if he drinks a test tube full of the same virus, his strong immune system will be no match for such an onslaught.
On the other hand, a person with very weak wei qi can catch whatever pathogen may be around due to his or her exceptionally weak defenses. This is the reason the elderly & young children are most at risk during influenza epidemics.
There are other causes of disease that don't fit within the categories of the six pernicious influences, the seven emotions, exercise, or nutrition.
Predisposition to Disease
The genetic inheritance is outside our control, & it can be the determining factor in a number of ailments.
Accidents & Injuries
These causes of disease are self-explanatory. However, a person with strong qi & blood will recover from injuries much faster than a person who is deficient in these vital substances.
Side Effects of Medical Treatments
This is especially common with Western medicine, where the list of possible side effects for a drug might fill two pages of text. A recent study found that in some hospitals, as many as 30 percent of patients at any given time are receiving treatment for the side effects of the drugs they're taking. Herbal medicine can be very helpful in reducing many of these side effects; cancer patients in Chinese hospitals, for example, are routinely prescribed herbs to help counteract the side effects of chemotherapy.
Although herbal medicine is exceptionally safe, side effects can occur, although they are rarely serious.
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Information very thorough, easy to understand and helpful. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletePlz elaborate , on sleeping problem, i have not sleept on time properly for lastt 3 - 4 months, i'm 24 age , female. Pakistan.
ReplyDeleteKindly guide how can i regain my immune system and sleep naturally.
Kindly do tell us about liver cleanse , if i feel i had dark circles since childhood.
Chinese medicines are amazing especially the organic medicine the used. :)
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew the cause of my daily hair loss...the Chinese medicine doctor I went to for acupuncture could not really tell me anything other than that it might be caused by stress. But I feel it's more than that but I don't know what. I'm almost 39, been losing LOTS of hair daily for the past almost 20 years (maybe even sooner) and I can't tell what the heck might be causing it. I've tried eating a tablespoon of dulse flakes, thinking I have low thyroid (and I think I do) but it didn't seem to make a difference. Maybe I didn't eat it long enough...I'm tired of my brown spots on my face as well, making my complexion look dirty. I tried doing a liver cleanse a couple times but I could never keep up with the consistency of taking the tinctures on schedule, so I'd have to put it off for another month (because you are supposed to not take it during your menses) if I don't do it for three weeks straight.
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