Vitamin A:

Because it is found in many foods high in saturated fats & cholesterol, people often unknowingly avoid vitamin A as well. Subsequently, a deficiency may result.

These foods include meats, eggs, cheese & cream,oils of some fish, liver,milk.
The body can use fruits & vegetables to produce A from beta-carotene:
Green & yellow vegetables like alfalfa, asparagus, beets, broccoli, chili peppers, carrots, kale, mustard, spinach, pumpkin & yellow squash, sweet potatoes
& reddish-yellow fruits like apricots, cantaloupe, mangoes, papaya, peaches.
Generally, deeper, richer colors indicate higher quantities of beta-carotene.

Too much vitamin A can result in a loss of appetite, headaches, irritability, liver damage, bone pain & neurological problems, including brain damage.
Large amounts of beta-carotene will not make you sick. However, increased amounts of beta-carotene can turn the skin yellow or orange. The skin color will return to normal once you reduce your intake of beta-carotene.

Vitamin A helps maintain elasticity in the tissues. Studies have shown that people who eat large amounts of beta-carotene  have a significantly decreased mortality rate from cardiovascular disease, compared with those who don’t eat much beta-carotene.
The vitamin A in a multivitamin–mineral supplement should be sufficient.

Beta-carotene protects the lungs & soothes the mucous membranes. Deficiency of beta-carotene & vitamin A increases the susceptibility to respiratory infections & pneumonia.
Take 10,000 IU daily.

Antioxidants—vitamins A (beta carotene), C, E & selenium—help protect against many forms of cancer.
Low blood levels of beta-carotene have been linked to an increased risk of different types of cancer, especially breast, bladder, colon & lung cancer.
Take 10,000 IU beta carotene.

Vitamin A is necessary for the body to produce the sex hormones that are essential for sexual function.
Take a multivitamin–mineral supplement, which should provide an adequate amount of this important vitamin.


Biotin promotes healthy skin through proper fat production,is needed for healthy hair & nails & is needed for DNA replication & cell division & growth
It is also needed for healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue & bone marrow,for synthesis of fatty acids.
Very important for metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins & fats for energy.

The B vitamin complex includes vitamins B1, niacin, B6, B12, folate, biotin & pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid is needed to make cholesterol, bile, some fats, red blood cells, hormones & nerve regulators.

Foods high in Biotin are:

carrots,romaine lettuce,swiss chard,tomatoes,raspberries,strawberries,cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, onions,broccoli
cooked egg yolk
milk, cheese, yogurt
oats,whole grains
salt-water fish like halibut

Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1:

Thiamine is needed each day to maintain health. Thiamine can be lost in cooking due to heat. A well balanced diet should provide enough thiamine daily.

Thiamine is found in foods such as:

sunflower seeds,nuts
tuna,animal liver,lean meat (pork, poultry, beef)
vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce, spinach, tomatoes,beans, beets, cauliflower, eggplant, green peas
brewer's yeast
egg yolk
pulses like chickpeas, lentils, soybeans,dried beans
raw rice bran,wheat germ,whole grains & cereals such as unpolished rice & oatmeal
whole & enriched breads, grains & cereals

Vitamin B2, riboflavin:

Milk products supply about half of the riboflavin that people get & unlike other vitamins, riboflavin is not destroyed by cooking.
Vegetarians may have riboflavin deficiencies.
Riboflavin is important for healthy vision & to alleviate eye fatigue, it may help prevent cataracts.
The key role is in energy production,it is essential for growth & repair of all body tissues & maintains the mucous membranes of the digestive tract & around the lips, mouth & tongue.
Riboflavine is needed for absorption of iron & vitamin B6,helps maintain levels of the other B vitamins in the body.
Children who do not get enough riboflavin may have poor growth. Vitamin supplements usually reverse symptoms within days to a few weeks.

Foods high in Vitamin B2 are:

animal liver,heart,kidney,lean meat
cheese, milk, yogurt
asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, chard, collard greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, turnip greens, venison,spinach,beans
whole-grain or enriched breads & cereals

Vitamin B2 deficiency has been linked to cataract formation.
About one out of three people over age 65 are riboflavin deficient.
Take riboflavin supplements of up to 10 milligrams daily as part of a B-complex formula.


Niacin is important for conversion of food to energy,it helps the functioning of the digestive system & is needed for production of genetic DNA in cells
Also it promotes functioning of the nervous system & healthy looking skin.
Without niacin, the body would not be able to convert the food we eat into energy. Niacin has been used with some success to treat people with high cholesterol levels.

Good sources of niacin are:

raw rice bran,corn flour,whole wheat
tuna,halibut,salmon,shrimp & scallops,sea vegetables
beef liver,chicken breast,lean pork,turkey,venison
brewer's yeast
dairy products like cheese & milk
peanuts,peanut butter
vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, green peas, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, tomatoes  & beans

Those with a severe niacin deficiency may benefit from using a supplement. It is important to remember niacin can cause flushing & should be taken at a low dose & gradually increased.

Large amounts of niacin can cause severe flushing, skin disorders, liver damage, ulcers & blood sugar disorders.

Vitamin B6-Pyridoxine:

Vitamin B6  helps the immune system produce antibodies to fight diseases, to break down fats & carbohydrates to produce energy & regulate blood sugar levels.
Its needed for protein metabolism & is essential for new cell formation & growth.
Vitamin B6 promotes healthy skin & mucous membranes & is needed for hemoglobin & red blood cell formation.
It is also important for normal nerve & brain function.
Vitamin B6 helps the body convert tryptophan to vitamin B3 & reduces risk of heart attack or stroke by controlling blood levels of homocysteine.

Foods high in Vitamin B6 are:

bananas,bell peppers,chick peas,potatoes (baked with skin),prune juice,turnip greens,spinach,beans (garbanzo, soybeans, lima),garlic,asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, peas
raw rice bran,wheat germ,whole grains & whole grain products
brewer's yeast
calf liver, chicken breast, turkey breast, pork loin, beef, venison
cod, halibut, snapper, trout, tuna
nuts,sunflower seeds,turmeric powder,walnuts

Excess vitamin B6 causes neurological symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis, including numbness & tingling of the hands, difficulty in walking & electric shocks shooting down the spine.

Pyridoxine  has proven useful for premenopausal acne.
Pyridoxine deficiency has been associated with acne.
Take 25 to 50 milligrams 2-3 times daily.

Vitamin B6 has proven to be effective in asthma patients.
Take 25 to 50 mg twice daily.

Vitamin B6 helps with the production of red blood cells.
Take 50 milligrams 3 times daily.

Vitamin B6 helps relieve pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome in some—but not all—patients.
Generally, vitamin B6 helps some patients, especially when it is combined with supplements of vitamin B2 & other B vitamins.
In any case, treatment with vitamin B6 is safe & recommended before opting for surgery.
Take 25 milligrams 3-4 times daily.

Vitamin B6 improves glucose tolerance. People with diabetic neuropathy have been shown to be deficient in vitamin B6 & to benefit from supplementation.
Take 1,800 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily in the form of pyridoxine alphaketoglutarate.

Vitamin B6 helps relieve nausea.
For morning sickness, take 10-25 milligrams 3 times daily.
For motion sickness, take 100 milligrams one hour before the trip, followed by 100 milligrams two hours later.

Vitamin B12: 

Vitamin B12 helps cells metabolize proteins, carbohydrates & fats,is essential for red blood cell formation & needed to make DNA (the genetic material in all cells).
Vegetarians, their children & the elderly are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency.

Foods high in Vitamin B12 are:

cod, halibut, herring, mackerel, salmon, snapper, trout also seafoods like clams, scallops & shrimp
egg yolk
kidney, beef, lamb, pork, poultry, venison,animal liver

Vitamin B12 deficiency causes symptoms that can easily be mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Even a mild deficiency can cause neurological disorders & memory loss.
A vitamin B12 deficiency can also be caused by pernicious anemia.
Take a multivitamin containing 10 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily.

Vitamin B12 helps prevent vitamin-B12-deficiency anemia.
Take 2,000 micrograms sublingual 3 times daily for 30 days, then 1,000 micrograms methylcobalamin (the active form of B12) once per day, plus folic acid.

Vitamin B12 deficiency creates mood disturbances & depression. Correcting an underlying vitamin B12 deficiency can result in a dramatic improvement in mood.
Take 1,000 micrograms daily.

Vitamin C:  

Vitamin C helps the body build & maintain healthy bones, teeth, gums, red blood cells & blood vessels, heal wounds, bruises & fractures & protect from infection by keeping the immune system healthy. Because vitamin C cannot be stored in the body so it is important to eat foods high in vitamin C.

Foods high in Vitamin C are:

guava,lychees,papayas,strawberries,broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, mustard greens, bell peppers, turnip greens, spinach,blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackcurrants,grapefruit, lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines,cantaloupe, kiwifruit, mangos, melons, persimmons, pineapple,onions, ,fennel, parsley, peppermint; rose hips,radishes, turnips, potatoes & sweet potatoes (baked with skin),asparagus, beet greens, chard, garden cress, green peas, lettuce, tomatoes, winter squash, zucchini,

Large doses of vitamin C have been associated with diarrhea, kidney stone formation & impaired copper absorption.

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that has been found to prevent allergies & asthma. Studies have found that people with asthma tend to have low levels of vitamin C in their blood.
In addition,studies have found that as little as 1 g of vitamin C daily can help prevent asthma attacks.
Take 10 to 30 mg daily for every 1 kg of body weight.
Take in divided doses.

Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron. Studies have shown that you can nearly double your absorption of iron from plant sources (such as whole grain products) by consuming vitamin C with the iron.
Take 1,000 milligrams 3 times a day with meals.

Vitamin C helps prevent damage to the cartilage in the joints & it assists in the manufacture of collagen, a protein in cartilage. Without enough vitamin C, the body stops producing collagen & the joints become compromised.
Take up to 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily, in divided doses.
Studies have also shown that vitamin E helps protect against cartilage breakdown, especially when taken in combination with vitamin C.
Take 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E daily.

Vitamin C helps reduce inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin C is essential for cholesterol metabolism. It is responsible for the excretion of excess cholesterol from the body & it helps the body balance “good” & “bad” lipids, one of the biggest factors in heart disease.
Take up to 3,000 milligrams daily, in divided doses.

Vitamin C plays an important role in the repair of injuries.
Vitamin C assists with collagen production, which is essential for the formation of tendon & bursal tissues.
Take 1,000 milligrams daily.

Vitamin C has been shown to protect against breast cancer in postmenopausal women, as well as colon & stomach cancer.
Take 5,000 to 10,000 milligrams vitamin C.

Vitamin C helps fight viruses & reduce inflammation.
Vitamin C helps decrease the duration & severity of cold symptoms.
Take 1,000 milligrams every 2 hours daily.

Vitamin C is transported into the cells using insulin. Many diabetics develop vitamin C deficiencies in the cells, even if they consume enough in their diets. Failure to address the problem with additional supplementation can lead to health problems, including poor wound healing, high cholesterol levels & a depressed immune system.
Take 1,000-3,000 milligrams daily.

Vitamin C deficiency can cause gallstones.
Take 500-1,000 milligrams 3 times daily.

Vitamin C plays an important role in sperm formation. There is much more vitamin C in seminal fluid than in other body fluids, including blood.
Several double-blind studies have shown that vitamin C increases sperm count.
Take 1,500 milligrams daily, in divided doses.

Vitamin C & vitamin E are antioxidants that prevent damage to the intestinal wall & promote tissue healing.
Take 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C & 200-400 IU of vitamin E daily.


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body & the fifth most abundant substance. About 99% is deposited in the bones & teeth. The remaining 1% is involved in the soft tissues, intracellular fluids & blood.
The major function of Calcium is to act in cooperation with phosphorus to build & maintain bones & teeth.
Another important function is the storage of the mineral in the bones for use by the body. The Calcium state of the bones is constantly fluctuating according to the diet & to the body's needs. The 1% of ionized Calcium that circulates in the fluids of the body is small, but vital, to life.
It is essential for healthy blood & eases insomnia & its delicate messenger ions help regulate the heartbeat.
Calcium assists in the process of blood clotting & helps prevent the accumulation of too much acid or too much alkali in the blood. It also plays a part in secretion of hormones. It affects neurotransmitters (serotonin, acetylcholine & norepinephrine), nerve transmission, muscle growth & muscle contraction. The mineral acts as a messenger from the cell surface to the inside of the cell & helps regulate the passage of nutrients in & out of the cell walls.

Calcium foods are:

Sardines,salmon,sea vegetables,shrimp
spinach, kale, turnips & collard greens,mustard greens, romaine lettuce, celery, broccoli, fennel, cabbage, summer squash, green beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus & crimini mushrooms,black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, black-eyed peas, or baked beans,oranges, butter lettuce, okra, bok choy
Basil, thyme, dill , cinnamon, peppermint leaves, garlic, oregano, rosemary & parsley, dandelion greens,oat straw, nettle & red clover
Almonds, sesame seeds

There are a number of foods & substances that, when consumed in excess, drain calcium from your bones & deplete your body’s calcium stores.

Caffeine – Drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day can lead to calcium loss. The amount lost can have a significant impact on older people with already low calcium levels. You can buffer the effects to an extent by drinking coffee with milk.

Animal protein – Protein is a vital part of your diet, but getting too much protein from animal sources can lead to calcium loss. To avoid weakening your bone’s calcium stores, limit yourself to 120 g of meat per day.

Alcohol – Alcohol inhibits calcium absorption & disrupts your body’s calcium balance in a number of ways. Try to keep your alcohol consumption to no more than 7 drinks per week.

Salt – Eating too much salt can contribute to calcium loss & bone breakdown. What you can do: taste your food before adding more salt,use herbs instead & reduce processed foods, which are often high in sodium.

Soft drinks – It’s best to avoid drinking soft drinks regularly. In order to balance the phosphates in soft drinks, your body draws calcium from your bones.

Calcium & magnesium have been shown to calm the nerves & reduce anxiety when taken together.
Take up to 1,500 milligrams of calcium & 750 milligrams of magnesium daily.

Calcium is essential for blood clotting; it also plays a role in maintaining blood pressure.
Take up to 1,500 milligrams daily.

Calcium has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer as well as to reduce the formation of polyps (precancerous lesion).
It is thought that calcium binds to bile acids in the gut & neutralizes their cancer-causing effects.
Take up to 1,500 milligrams daily.

Calcium aids function of the heart muscle.
Calcium is essential for blood clotting; it also plays a role in maintaining blood pressure.
Take 1,500 milligrams daily, after meals & at bedtime.

Calcium deficiency is common in people with hypertension.
Several clinical studies have demonstrated that calcium can lower blood pressure, especially pregnant women & the elderly.
Take 1,500 milligrams daily.

Calcium & magnesium deficiency can cause you to wake up after a few hours of sleep & have trouble going back to sleep.
Take 1,500 milligrams of calcium & 750 milligrams of magnesium daily.

Calcium helps relieve nervousness & irritability.
In addition, calcium helps ward off osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, which begins at menopause.
Take 1,500 milligrams daily in divided doses.

Calcium has been found to improve many PMS symptoms characteristic of PMS. Supplementation with 1,200 milligrams of calcium (as calcium carbonate) over a three-month period is very effective in reducing moodiness, water retention, food cravings & pain.
Take 1,500 milligrams daily in divided doses.

Calcium deficiency: Facial muscles are sagging, osteoporosis sets in.
The following also develop: heel spurs, kidney stones, calcium deposits, cramps & twitches, PMS, lower back pain. 
Arthritis is osteoporosis of the joint ends of the bones.
Kidney stones are symptoms of a raging calcium deficiency. This condition is quickly cured with addition of calcium (please, not calcium carbonate), magnesium & boron.

Coenzyme Q10:

Coenzyme Q10 is vital for normal cell growth & basic functioning of every cell,it is powerful antioxidant & vital for effectiveness of the immune system & anti-aging.

Foods high in Coenzyme Q10 are:

organ meats like heart, kidney, liver
migratory fish like herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines
wheat germ
vegetable oils like soybean, sesame, rapeseed oils

Coenzyme Q10 helps prevent production of histamine.
Take 50 to 150 mg daily.

Coenzyme Q10 helps transport oxygen to the cells & improve brain function. Take 100 milligrams daily.

Coenzyme Q10 helps prevent the accumulation of fatty acids; it also plays a critical role in energy production in the cells. Several small studies have found coenzyme Q10 to be effective & safe in the treatment of angina.
Take up to 100 milligrams daily.

Coenzyme Q10 inhibits the formation of free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules that can damage the cells & cause cancer.
Take 100 milligrams daily.

Coenzyme Q10 oxygenizes the blood & improves exercise tolerance.
Take 50-100 milligrams 3 times daily.

Coenzyme Q10 promotes weight loss.
Take 100-300 milligrams daily.

Vitamin D:

Main role of vitamin D is to maintain the right level of calcium in blood,it promotes adequate levels & use of calcium & phosphorus to ensure healthy skeletal growth & development of bones & teeth,builds bone density to prevent osteoporosis & bone fractures.
It is also stimulates production of insulin which is needed to handle blood sugars.

The body largely produces Vitamin D from sun rays absorbed through the skin.
Just 15 minutes of sun exposure every day.

Foods high in Vitamin D are:

fish liver oils,mackerel,salmon,sardine,shrimp,oysters,cod, halibut, tuna, herring
fortified cereal,oatmeal
alfalfa,sweet potatoes
animal liver
dried shiitake mushrooms, raw button mushrooms
some soy milks

Too much vitamin D may cause weight loss, vomiting, irritability, destructive deposits of calcium in soft tissues like the kidneys & lungs & possibly fatal kidney failure.

Vitamin D is necessary for calcium uptake.
People who do not get sufficient exposure to the sun may benefit from vitamin D supplementation.
A good multivitamin–mineral supplement should contain 400 IU daily, which is all you need.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is very powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the free radicals that cause tissue & cell damage,acts as an antioxidant to delay degenerative diseases,decreases the risk of some cancers such as prostate & bladder cancer,slows cellular aging due to oxidation (anti-aging),boosts the body's immune system function, works in synergy with vitamin A to protect lungs from pollution,helps protect skin from ultraviolet radiation & sun damage & lowers the risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin E can be found:

almonds,seeds, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts
wheat germ oil, vegetable oil,chard, mustard greens, spinach, turnip green,avocados,blueberries,kiwifruit,olives,papaya,soybeans,sweet potatoes,asparagus, bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, kale, parsley, tomato
enriched cereals,oatmeal
brown rice,wheat germ,whole grains
egg yolk
dried beans

Vitamin E reduces scarring & regulates levels of vitamin A in the body.
Take 400 IU daily for 3 months.

Vitamin E helps transport oxygen to the cells in the brain. Taken early enough, it may help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease & dementia—or at least slow their progress.
Take 400 IU daily,if signs of Alzheimer’s disease are already present, you can increase the dose to 800 IU daily.

Vitamin E helps prevent free radical damage, in addition to helping the body maintain cardiac &  smooth muscle. It also keeps one particular form of LDL cholesterol from oxidizing & forming plaque deposits on the arteries.
Take 400-800 IU daily.

A deficiency in vitamin E has been linked to breast cancer.
Vitamin E may also help to prevent stomach cancer & other cancers of the gastrointestinal tract by inhibiting the conversion of nitrates in foods to nitrosamines, which are potential carcinogens.
Take 1,000 IU vitamin E.

Vitamin E helps heal an irritated colon.
Take 400 IU daily.

Vitamin E improves glucose tolerance & helps the body maintain normal blood-sugar levels.
Take 400 IU daily.

Vitamin E helps eliminate hot flashes.
Take up to 400 IU daily.

Vitamin E relieves PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, headache, fatigue, nervous tension.
Take 400 IU daily.

Folic Acid :

Folic Acid is  important for lowering risk of heart attacks & strokes by preventing build-up of homocysteine in the blood, lowers homocysteine level which decreases risk of dementias & osteoporosis related bone fractures.
It is considered a brain food, involved in production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine & serotonin that regulate the brain in areas like appetite, mood, sleep,is needed for energy production & for metabolism of amino acids & synthesis of proteins.
Important for DNA replication & healthy cell growth & function,especially critical during stages of rapid cell replication & growth,essential for proper development of the fetus during pregnancy & protects against birth defects.
Folic Acid is important in red blood cell formation & to prevent anemia,promotes healthy skin & nails,also protects the linings in body cavities like the mouth & intestinal tract.
Folate assists prevention of neural tube defects (spina bifida) in fetuses before birth & involvement in production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, that regulate mood, sleep & appetite. Evidence suggests that folate may have a role in the prevention of some cancers when it is consumed along with a variety of nutrients found in fruits, vegetables & other foods.

Foods high in folacin include:

animal liver or kidney,poultry & pork
peas & dried beans such as adzuki beans, black beans, cranberry beans, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, dal, kidney beans, lentils, mung beans, navy beans, pinto beans
asparagus, beets, broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, mustard greens, parsley, romaine lettuce, spinach, turnip greens, papaya,okra,avocadoes,cabbage, green peas, leeks, red bell peppers, squash, string beans, tomatoes,bananas,cantaloupe,oranges & lemons,dates

wheat bran,wheat germ,whole grains like brown rice & whole wheat
yeast breads
Pink salt, or a hydrochloric acid supplement

Folic acid helps prevent anemia caused by folic acid deficiency.
Take 800 to 1,200 micrograms of folic acid 3 times daily.

Folic acid helps lower levels of homocysteine. The body uses amino acids found in cow’s milk & red meat to form homocysteine, an amino acid that helps create arterial lesions.
Folic acid helps reduce homocysteine levels & lowers the risk of heart disease. Take 800 micrograms daily, along with vitamin B12.

Folic acid plays a key role in building DNA, the complex compound that forms our genetic blueprint. Observational studies show that people who get higher than average amounts of folic acid from their diets or supplements have lower risks of colon & breast cancer. This could be especially important for those who drink alcohol, since alcohol blocks the absorption of folic acid & inactivates circulating folate. High intake of folic acid blunts the increased risk of breast cancer seen among women who have more than one alcoholic drink a day.
Take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.

Folic acid deficiency has been found to be present in people with chronic constipation; the condition often resolves when supplements are used.
Take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.

Folic acid has a mild antidepressant effect, probably due to its function as a methyl donor, which helps increase levels of serotonin in the brain.
Take 100 to 200 milligrams 3 times daily.

Folic acid reduces inflammation & bleeding in case of the gingivitis & periodontal disease.
Rinse your mouth with 5 milliliters of a 0.1 percent solution of folic acid twice a day for 30-60 days; or take 4 milligrams capsules or tablets daily.

Folic acid & other B vitamins play a key role in recycling homocysteine, a by-product of protein breakdown that has been linked with increased risk of heart attack & stroke.
Without enough folic acid & B vitamins, the recycling of homocysteine into methionine becomes inefficient & homocysteine levels increase.
Take 400 milligrams daily.


Inositol is important in fat & cholesterol metabolism,mild lipotropic agent that removes fats from the liver & lowers blood cholesterol.
Its also needed for hair growth & strong healthy hair,helps maintain healthy skin & is considered a brain food as it helps nourish the brain.

Foods high in Inositol are:

fruits especially bananas, citrus fruit like oranges & grapefruit (except lemons) & cantaloupes,
green leafy vegetables,beans like red beans & kidney beans,cabbage
brewer's yeast
brown rice,oat flakes
wheat germ,whole grains

unrefined molasses

Eye, hair, nail, mouth & skin symptoms are among the early outward warning signs of vitamin & mineral deficiencies. 


Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the World,it is a mineral concentrate in the blood, which is present in every living cell.
Iron is the mineral that is found in the largest amounts in the blood. It is involved in respiration by being the main carrier vehicle for getting oxygen to all the cells in the body. It is essential to the oxidation of fatty acids.

Iron foods are:

Turkey or chicken giblets,liver,beef,lamb,ham,veal,pork,dried beef
Egg yolks
Dried fruit (prunes, raisins),dates,figs,prune juice,dried apricots,
dried peaches
Mollusks (oysters, clams, scallops),shrimp,tuna,sardines,haddock,mackerel
White bread ,whole wheat bread,pasta,wheat products,bran cereals,
corn meal,oat cereal,rye bread
Beans, lentils, chick peas & soybeans,dried peas,dried beans
Artichokes,spinach,sweet potatoes,peas,broccoli,string ,beans,beet greens,dandelion greens,collards,chard
Corn syrup,maple syrup,molasses
Beans (kidney, garbanzo, or white, canned),tomato products (e.g., paste)
Here's a tip: If you eat iron-rich foods along with foods that provide plenty of vitamin C, your body can better absorb the iron.

Iron helps prevent iron-deficiency anemia.
Take 30 milligrams succinate, gluconate, or fumarate iron, twice a day between meals.
If the iron causes stomach distress, switch to 30 milligrams with meals 3 times daily.

If you have anemia, avoid foods & beverages containing caffeine, because it interferes with the body’s ability to absorb iron. For the same reason, pass on iced tea, which contains tannins that also get in the way of iron absorption, as well as foods high in oxalic acids, including almonds, asparagus, beans, beets, cashews, chocolate, kale & rhubarb.

Vitamin K:

While involved in protection against osteoporosis, skin wounds & possibly cancer, Vitamin K significantly helps blood to clot after an injury. Also found in a variety of foods, especially vegetables, K most often forms from intestine bacteria in the body. However, various circumstances can prevent the body from receiving the proper amount.
Medications, such as antibiotics & blood-thinners, can cause a hindrance. Injuries & illness, such as serious burns, gallbladder problems & liver disease, may also disturb K levels.

Eating kale, collard greens & spinach. Turnips are also rich in this necessary nutrient.

Vitamin K makes several proteins that assist the blood to clot when bleeding. It also makes proteins for blood, bones & kidneys. People taking blood thinning medicines, such as aspirin may need to limit their intake of vitamin K foods. 

Foods high in Vitamin K are :

soybeans,especially dark green leafy vegetables, like asparagus, beet greens, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green cabbage, cauliflower, chard, collard greens, garden cress, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, spinach, turnip greens, watercress,alfalfa,carrots,garbanzo beans,green beans,peascollards
animal liver
egg yolk
cereals (oats, oatmeal, rye, wheat)
safflower oil



Magnesium is an essential mineral that accounts for about 0.05% of the body's total weight. Magnesium is involved in activating enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates & amino acids.
By countering the stimulative effect of calcium, magnesium plays an important role in neuromuscular contractions. It also helps regulate the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
Magnesium helps promote absorption & metabolism of other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium & potassium.
It also helps utilize the B Complex & Vitamins C & E in the body.
It aids during bone growth & is necessary for proper functioning of the muscles including those of the heart.

Magnesium food sources:

pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews,almonds, pine nuts,hazel nuts,walnuts
Halibut,winkles,conch,shrimp,whelks,clams,cockles,crab,boiled lobster,prawns,oysters,
canned sardines,mackerel,bluefish,salmon,herring,haddock,flounder
spelt, buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, millet,whole grains,whole barley,whole wheat bread,corn meal,brown rice,rye flour,raw oats
watermelon, fresh/dried coconut,dried figs,dried apricots,dates,dried prunes,avocado,bananas,raisins,
potato with skin,swiss chard,spinach,summer squash, turnip,mustard greens, broccoli, sea vegetables, cucumbers, green beans, celery,navy beans,soybeans, pinto beans, lima beans ,kidney beans,beet greens, parsley,sweet corn,okra,kale,kohlrabi,horseradish,dandelion,cabbage, raw,brussels sprouts,artichokes
hard cheese
liver,heart,bacon,corned beef,lean roast beef,steak,veal, chicken,turkey,

Reduce sugar & alcohol, which increase the excretion of magnesium.
Most people with a magnesium deficiency, however, benefit best from adding a chelated magnesium supplement to the diet.

Magnesium deficiency can cause spasms of the coronary arteries. In fact, people who suffer sudden, severe heart attacks often have low levels of magnesium. Magnesium helps to dilate the coronary arteries, reduce the demands on the heart, inhibit the formation of blood clots & normalize the heart rate.
Take up to 250 milligrams daily.

Calcium & magnesium have been shown to calm the nerves & reduce anxiety when taken together.
Take up to 1,500 milligrams of calcium & 750 milligrams of magnesium daily.

Magnesium relieves fatigue & muscle pain.
An underlying magnesium deficiency can cause chronic fatigue.
Take magnesium citrate or aspirate, 200-300 milligrams 3 times daily.

Magnesium is frequently used as a laxative.
Magnesium sulfate, magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) & magnesium citrate are so-called saline-type laxatives that draw fluid from the tissues & serum into the intestine.
The result is stimulation of the intestine to contract.
Overuse of these laxatives over long periods of time can cause magnesium toxicity.
Use a commercial product; follow package directions.

Magnesium helps to burn fat & produce energy, which is crucial to combat fibromyalgia.
Take 150-250 milligrams 3 times daily.

Magnesium levels tend to be low in people who suffer from both tension headache & migraines.
Take 250-400 milligrams 3 times daily.

PABA,Para-Amino-Benzoic Acid :

PABA helps in the utilization of pantothenic acidis important for healthy skin & hair pigment,even may restore grey hair to original color when used with inositol, folic acid & pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), if greying was due to stress or deficiency in the B vitamins.

Foods high in PABA are :

brewer's yeast
organ meats like animal liver & kidney
wheat germ,bran, whole grains (such as brown rice & whole wheat)

Potassium (K):

 Potassium is an essential mineral found mainly in the intracellular fluid (98%), where it is the primary positive ion force. Potassium constitutes 5% of the total mineral content of the body. Potassium & sodium help regulate water balance within the body, that is, they help regulate the distribution of fluids on either side of the cell walls & preserve proper alkalinity of the body fluids.
Potassium also regulates the transfer of nutrients to the cells. Potassium unites with phosphorus to send oxygen to the brain & also functions with calcium in the regulation of neuromuscular activity.
The synthesis of muscle protein & protein from the amino acids in the blood requires potassium. Protein & carbohydrate metabolism are dependent upon potassium.
It stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes. Potassium works with sodium to help normalize the heartbeat.
In extreme cases, potassium deficiency can lead to cardiac arrest. Prolonged fasting, excessive use of laxatives &/or diuretics can lead to deficiency in this mineral. Alcoholics are also at risk for this & other vitamin & mineral deficiencies.

It is especially easy to obtain potassium in fruits & vegetables.
chard, crimini mushrooms,spinach,baked potatoes,fennel, kale, mustard greens, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, winter squash, blackstrap molasses, eggplant, bell pepper,cantaloupe, tomatoes, summer squash, celery, romaine lettuce, cauliflower, turnip greens, asparagus, shiitake mushrooms, kale, carrots, beets, green beans, papaya, lima beans,bananas, dried apricots, dates, figs & tomato products

raisins,grapefruit, cucumber,turmeric, apricots, ginger root, strawberries, avocado, banana, tuna, halibut, cabbage.

Omega 3:

Omega-3 refers to omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats, which, despite their misunderstood reputation, are vital nutrients. Omega-3 is used to regulate blood clotting, build cell membranes & support cell health. It's polyunsaturated, which is the relatively heart-healthy kind of fats that help reduce blood triglycerides (fats) & low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called bad cholesterol.
Omega-3 also curbs inflammation. While inflammation is a normal part of the body's immune response, research indicates that it also underlies a host of serious illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers & autoimmune diseases.

Omega 3 foods:

Flax seeds ,walnuts
Chinook salmon,scallops,halibut,shrimp,snapper,tuna,cod
Tofu, raw
Winter squash
Kidney beans

Vitamin P:

Most flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals & prevent them from damaging cells & DNA,enhances the effects of other antioxidants, including glutathione.
Vitamin P enhances the effectiveness of vitamin C,works with vitamin C to reduce bleeding, bruising & nosebleeds,clinically proven in treatment of hemorrhoids & varicose veins.

A diet rich in fruits & vegetables would provide enough bioflavonoids.

Foods high in Vitamin P are :

white material just beneath the peel of citrus fruits,celery,garlic,red onions,broccoli,blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, apples, apricots, blackcurrants, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, guavas, lemons, oranges, papaya, pears, prunes,parsley, peppers,romaine lettuce,tomatoes,brassica (or crucifer),Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, cress, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, pak choi, swedes, turnips.
bilberry, hawthorn, ginkgo, licorice, pine bark, rose hips, yarrow, milk thistle
green tea,red wine
dry beans such as red beans, black beans, pinto beans

Selenium (Se):

Selenium is an essential mineral found in minute amounts in the body. It is one of the essential body substances that can be used in a preventive manner for many diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, stroke, cirrhosis, arthritis & emphysema.
Selenium functions either alone or with enzymes. It is a natural antioxidant that protects against free radicals & appears to preserve elasticity of tissue that becomes less elastic with aging. All diseases that are associated with aging are affected by the workings of Selenium.

Selenium foods:

Brazil nuts

crimini mushrooms,shiitake mushrooms
cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, salmon,scallops
mustard seed
chicken,lamb,grass-fed beef & turkey

Selenium levels tend to be low in asthmatics.
A selenium-containing enzyme (glutathione peroxidase) is essential for reducing leukotriene formation.
Take 200-400 micrograms daily.

Selenium has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression & fatigue. Other studies have shown that taking selenium with vitamin E & other antioxidants can improve mood & increase blood flow to the brain.
Take up to 50 micrograms of selenium daily.

Selenium & vitamin E can help ease the pain of rheumatoid arthritis when taken together. Many people with rheumatoid arthritis have low levels of selenium, an important antioxidant that also helps slow the body’s production of inflammatory agents known as prostaglandins & leukotrienes.
Selenium & vitamin E can help stave off the disease in the first place.
Most good multivitamin–mineral supplements contain appropriate amounts of selenium (50 to 200 micrograms) & vitamin E (100 to 400 IU).
Megadoses of these nutrients are not necessary.

Selenium appears to protect against heart disease & stroke; the rates for heart disease are highest where selenium intake is lowest.
Take 200 micrograms daily.

Broad-based epidemiological studies have shown that selenium may protect against cancers of the breast, colon & lung. Selenium inactivates peroxides in the cells, which can result in tissue damage.
Take 200 micrograms selenium daily.

Together with Vitamin E, Beta-carotene & Selenium, more than 13% of all cancers can be cured according to a Chinese study. 
This also cures cardio-myopathy (heart attack) & liver spots.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral occurring in the body in larger amounts than any other trace element except iron. It is present in all tissues. Zinc is known for its ability to fight disease & to protect the immune system.
More recently, blindness in the elderly has been found to be arrested by zinc.
It is also credited with increasing male sex drive & potency because of its ability to regulate testosterone in the prostate.

Sources for Zink are:

Calf's liver,venison, lamb, beef, turkey
Crimini mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms
spinach,asparagus, chard,green peas
scallops,shrimp, oysters
maple syrup
oats, whole wheat grains
pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds,nuts

Zinc relieves inflammation & heals damaged skin. Zinc inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the real acne culprit.
Take 15 to 25 milligrams of zinc 2-3 times daily for 3 months.
Be patient, it can take weeks or months for the overall condition of your skin to improve.

Zinc helps bronchial healing. Proper immune function & tissue repair depends on adequate levels of zinc in the body.
Suck on zinc lozenges, following package directions for dosage information.

Zinc deficiencies are common in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Take up to 45 milligrams of zinc daily.
Some multivitamin–mineral supplements contain this level of zinc.

Zinc helps produce collagen, which builds tissue.
Take 20 milligrams for tendonitis.

Zinc promotes healing & retards growth of cataracts.
Take 50 milligrams daily.

Zinc boosts the immune system & helps fight certain common cold viruses. Dissolve 1 lozenge (15 to 25 milligrams each) of elemental zinc under the tongue every 3 hours for the first 3 days, then 1 every 4 hours for up to another 4 days. Do not take zinc for longer than 7 days.
For flu, dissolve 1 lozenge every 2 hours for up to 1 week.

For dandruff ,Zinc promotes protein metabolism (scalp is mainly protein).
Take 5 tablets dissolved in mouth daily for 1 week.

Zinc restores low zinc levels usually seen in patients with eczema; it also promotes tissue repair.
Take 45-60 milligrams daily, reduce to 30 milligrams when eczema clears.

Zinc assists with prostate gland function & overall reproductive health.
Take 15-50 milligrams daily.

Zinc improves testosterone levels & sperm counts in men.
Zinc is involved in hormone metabolism, sperm formation & sperm motility.
Take 25 milligrams 3 times daily.

Zinc can be used to help repair intestinal walls.
Take 25-50 milligrams daily.

Zinc improves calcium uptake.
Take 50 milligrams daily.



            Symptom                                                                                          Deficiency                    

  Age spots,liver spots                                                                           Selenium
  Bitot's spots-shiny pearly spots                                           severe vitamin A deficiency
  of triangular shape occurring on the
  Bloodshot eyes                                                                     Vitamins B2,B6
  Blurred vision                                                                      Vitamins E, B2, B6
  Bulging eyes                                                                         Vitamin E
  Cataracts,clouding of the lens inside the eye                        Vitamins B2, C, E
  Color-blindness                                                                      Vitamin A
  Conjunctivitis                                                                         Vitamins A, B2, C,B6
  Corneal ulcers                                                                        Vitamins A,B6,C,zink
  Crossed eyes                                                                          Vitamins E, C, B1
  Dark spots in front of the eyes                                               Vitamins B6, C, zinc
  Dim vision                                                                             Vitamins B1, B2, C, B12
  Dry eyes                                                                                  Vitamin A
  Eyelid tics                                                                   Vitamin B2,B6,B12,magnesium,zink
  Farsightedness                                                           Vitamin A,magnesium, potassium
  Glaucoma                                                                  Vitamins B1,B2, magnesium, vitamin C
  Infected, ulcerating eyes,keratomalacia                                   Vitamin A
  Itching, burning, watery, sandy eyes                                       Vitamin B2
  Macular degeneration                                                  Vitamins A, B2, B6, magnesium, zinc                        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Near-sightedness (myopia)                                                     Vitamins C, E, D
  Night blindness                                                                Vitamins A,B2 ,B6,zink
  Red blood vessels in the sclera                                         Vitamin B2
  Retinal detachment                                                         zinc, vitamins B6, B2, C, E, A
  Retinitis                                                                       Vitamins B2, B6,B12,C, zinc,magnesium
  Sensitive eyes, fear of strong light ,photophobia                     Vitamins B2,A
  Tics of eyelids                                                         magnesium, vitamins B2, B6, zinc


  Symptom                                                              Deficiency
  Acne                                                                     Vitamins A, E, B2,B3, B6, C, niacin, biotin,                                                                                                                 zinc,Potassium
  Addison's disease -                                                    all B vitamins,vitamin C   
  adrenal exhaustion: increased tanning,          
  especially on skin-folds, scars, elbows,             
  knees; black freckles
  Arterial spiders                                                    Vitamin C, Calcium, antioxidants, bioflavonoids
  Bedsores                                                                          Vitamins C, E
  Blisters                                                                             Vitamin E
  Brown discoloration around small joints                          Vitamin B12
  Brown skin spots                                                             Vitamin E,antioxidants
  Dermatitis                                                                             Vitamin B2
  Dermatitis around eyes & nose                                 Vitamin B2,zink
  Dry, rough, or cracked skin                                     Vitamins A, C, B2, EFA,Niacin,zinc,Potassium
  Easy bruising                                                                        Vitamin C
  Eczema around nose & ears                                         Vitamin B2
  Eczema, skin ulcers                                            Vitamins C, B2, B6, zinc, magnesium,Inositol , EFA,
  Eczema, infantile                                                      EPA, zinc, vitamin B6
  Edema                                                                      Vitamins B6,C, zinc ,magnesium
  Fingers white, numb, stiff,                                     Vitamins B6, B1, antioxidants, niacin,
  swellings (Raynaud's disease)                                 magnesium/calcium, EFA
  Fungus infections                                                       Vitamins B2,B3,B6,B12
  (e.g. athlete's foot, ringworm)                              
  Gangrene                                                                Vitamins C, E, B1
  Greasy dermatitis around eyes, nose                           Vitamin B6, zinc
  Greasy skin eruptions (seborrhea)                                Vitamin B2
  Horny red skin on pressure areas                                 Zinc (vitamin B6)
  (e.g. knees, elbows)
  Hot flushes                                                                 Vitamin E,magnesium, calcium
  Ichthyosis (fish-like scales)                                         Vitamin A
  Infant dermatitis                                                            Vitamin B6, zinc
  with inflamed pustules around body openings
  Infections of the skin                                                    Vitamins C, A, B6, zinc,magnesium
  Itching                                                                       Vitamins B1,B2, B3,B6,B12,C
 Jaundice                                                    Vitamins  E,  C, A,B12, lecithin, B6,magnesium,  zinc                                                                                                                                                                                     
  Keratosis,a growth of keratin on the skin                             Vitamin A
  Lemon-yellow skin                                                 Vitamin B12
  Oily skin, white-heads                                              Vitamin B2
  Over-sensitivity to sunlight                                   Vitamin B6, zinc, PABA, beta-carotene,                                                                                                                          antioxidants, bioflavonoids,
  Pale skin                                                              Biotin, Folic Acid, vitamins B6,B12 , iron
  Peeling of skin around the nose                                    Vitamin B2
  Prickly-heat rash                                                        Vitamin C
  Psoriasis                                                                    Zink,Vitamin D
  Purplish or blue-black skin areas                           vitamin C, B2, bioflavonoids
  Rash                                                                   Vitamin C, calcium,Vitamin B6
  Raynaud’s disease                                                         Vitamin B1
  Reddish-brown skin on neck                                     Vitamin B3,Folic Acid
  Red-brown, often symmetrical                                  Niacin,Folic Acid
  discoloration of skin exposed to
  the sun, later ulceration
  Red-brown or dark-red spots                                         manganese
  Rosacea (redness of part of face)                                     Vitamin B2
  Scaly dermatitis                                                                            Biotin
  Scaly eczema around nose, ears, scrotum, vulva               Vitamin B2
  Scar tissue                                                                                Vitamin E
  Scleroderma,hardening & swelling of skin                      Vitamin E, C, A, PABA
  Seborrheic Dermatitis                                                     Vitamin B2
  Sensitive skin                                                        Vitamin B12
  Sensitivity to insect bites                                                 Vitamin C, B1, calcium
  Shingles                                                                   Vitamins B12, C, A, B, E, zinc
  Skin disorders like seborrheic dermatitis &                Folic Acid
  vitiligo (loss of pigment leading to
  white patches on the skin)
  Skin cancer                                                  Vitamins A, B6, PABA, antioxidants, bioflavonoids,  zinc
  Skin-folds red, infected                                                             Niacin
  Small spots of bleeding under the skin                                     Vitamin C
  (which appear as pink spots on the skin)
  Stretch-marks                                                             Vitamins E, B6, zinc
  Subcutaneous bleeding,                                                          Vitamin C
  red or purplish spots under the skin,                        
  bruises easily
  Swellings (for example, face)                                          Zinc, magnesium, vitamins B6, B12
  Vaginal itching                                                              Vitamins B2, E, C
  Vitiligo,white skin patches                                PABA, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6,B12, zinc
  Warts, moles                                                                      Vitamins C, A,E
   Weals on the skin (urticaria)                                    Vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin C
  White heads                                                                Vitamin B2
  Wrinkles or aging skin                                                  Vitamins C, E, A,

  Hair & Nails:

  Symptom                                                                               Deficiency
  Brittle  fingernails                                                                  Calcium,Zinc
  Coarse, brittle hair                                                                  Zinc,Omega 3
  Dandruff                                                                Vitamins B2, B6, zinc, magnesium, biotin
  Dry hair                                                                                    Vitamins A,C, zinc,Omega 3
  Frizzy hair                                                                                 Zinc
  Graying hair ,premature                                            Folic Acid, pantothenic acid, PABA,
  Hangnails                                                                          Vitamin C, Folic Acid
  Hair loss                                                    VitaminsB6,B12,selenium,biotin,zink                                          -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Nail Cuticle Inflammation                                                         Zinc
  Nails opaque, white spots/bands                                        Zinc, vitamin B6
  Oily hair                                                                              Vitamin B2
  Pale nail beds                                                                         Iron
  Peeling nails                                                                  Vitamins A, C, calcium
  Poor Nail Growth                                                                  Zinc
  Ridges on nails, longitudinal                                                Vitamin A
  Ridges on nails, transverse                                                    Zinc
  Scaling of cuticle or lips                                                      Biotin
  White spots on fingernails                                             Zinc,Vitamin B6

  Tongue & Mouth:

  Mouth problems are often due to amalgam fillings, allergies or Candida infestation (thrush).

  Symptom                                                                                 Deficiency

  Bad breath,halitosis                                                                      Vitamin B6,magnesium,zinc
  Beefy, enlarged tongue                                                                  Folic Acid
  Burning, sore tongue/span>                                            Vitamins B2, B6, B12, niacin,Iron
  Canker sores                                                            Niacin,Vitamins B1,B6,B12,Folic Acid,zink
  Cheilosis,cracked lips & corners of the mouth                 Vitamins B2, B6, Folic Acid                      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Distended, purplish-blue veins under the tongue                                          Vitamin B2
  Edema or tooth-marks on tongue                                                         Niacin
  Furrowed tongue                                                                        Vitamin B1
  Gingivitis                                                                         Folic Acid,Vitamin C,Calcium
  Gums disease                                                                        Coenzyme Q10
  Gums receding, bleeding                                  Vitamin C,calcium,Vitamin K,Folic Acid
  Loss of sense of taste                                                   Vitamins B2,B12
  Mouth ulcers                                                              Vitamin B12
  Mouth Soreness & Fissures at Corners of Mouth          Iron,Vitamin B2,Folic Acid
  Papillae prominent or erased                                               Niacin
  Pale gums                                                                                      Iron
  Panic attacks                                                                          Calcium
  Purplish or magenta tongue or lips,                                         Vitamin B2
  also veins under the tongue
  Sore, swollen, purple-red tongue                                           Niacin,Vitamins B2 ,B12                                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Swollen gums                                                                         Vitamins C,B2
  Swollen or sore throat                                                           Vitamin B2
  Teeth decay easily                                                           Vitamin C,Calcium
  Tongue red at tip or edges;                                                     Niacin
  severe deficiency: whole tongue scarlet red, sore
  Tongue shiny, smooth, beefy; early sign:                         Vitamin B12, Folic Acid
   strawberry-red tip/sides
  Tongue too small or too large                                          Niacin
  White patches on tongue                                                Vitamins B1,B2 ,B3,B6,B12

Medical conditions:

Symptom                                                                                  Deficiency
17 varieties of Cancer (including breast, prostate & colon)             Vitamin D
Abnormal cravings for substances other than food,                              Iron
such as paper, dirt, clay, rubber as well as ice
Abdominal pain                                                                    Folic Acid ,Iron,Vitamin B1
Abcesses in the ears                                                                             Vitamin A
Allergies                                                                                    Magnesium
Alzheimer’s Disease                                                       Vitamins D,B12,Selenium
Anemia                                      Riboflavin (vitamin B2),Vitamin B6,Folate,Vitamin B12,
                                                          Vitamins C,E,Iron,Folic Acid,Selenium,Zinc
Anxiety                                                              Vitamin C,Potassium,Magnesium
Arthritis                                                                                     Calcium
Asthma                                                                          Vitamin B6,Magnesium
Atherosclerosis                                                              Inositol ,Coenzyme,Q10
Autoimmune diseases                                                              Vitamin D
Bad body odors                                                                              Zinc
Behavioral problems                                              Omega 3,Zinc,Magnesium
Bladder problems                                                                      Vitamin D
Bleeding gums                                                                                Vitamin C
Blood fails to clot                                                                  Vitamin K
Blood in Stool (Could be caused by bowel disease)                    Vitamin K
Blood in Urine                                                                        Vitamin K
Bone Fractures,frequent                                                           Vitamins K,D
Bone pains,including back pains                                            Vitamin D
Bowel diseases(IBS,Crohn's,etc)                                        Omega 3,Zinc
Brain fog                                                                                          Iron
Breast cancer                                                                        Vitamin B12
Breathlessness                                                               Folic Acid,Vitamin B12
Bruising easily                                                                         Vitamins C, K,P
Bursitis                                                                                     Vitamin D
Calf, foot or toe cramps at rest                                          calcium, magnesium,potassium
Calcification of Heart Valves                                                 Vitamin K
Cervical dysplasia, leading to greater risk of                          Folic Acid
cervical cancer from factors such as
smoking & HPV infection
Chest pain                                                              Folic Acid,Iron ,Vitamin B1,Magnesium
Chronic pain                                                                            Vitamin D
Constant cold & flu                                                      Vitamins D,P
Constipation                                                                     Vitamin B1,Inositol,PABA,Iron,Potassium
Constipation or diarrhea                                                            Vitamin D
Convulsions similar to epileptic seizures                                 Vitamin B6
Cramps                                                                                     Potassium
Creaking,popping joints                                                           Omega 3
Damage to the fetus during pregnancy                                       Vitamin B2
Decreased immunity                                                             Vitamin D
Dementia                                                                       Vitamins B12, B1,Niacin
Depression                                              Thiamin (vitamin B1),Biotin,VitaminsB12,B2,D,
                                                                                            Omega3 ,Niacin,PABA,Magnesium,
Depression & Seasonal Affective Disorder                      Vitamin D,Magnesium
Diabetes                                                                       Omega 3,Magnesium,Vitamin D
Diarrhea                                                                           Niacin,Folic Acid ,Potassium,Zinc,Vitamin B12
Difficulty swallowing                                                                 magnesium
Digestive problems                                                                Vitamin A,Niacin
Dizziness Upon Standing                                              Iron,Niacin,Vitamin B6
Dry mucous membranes                                                           Vitamin A
Emotional disturbances                                                            Vitamin B1
Enlarged prostate                                                                           Zinc
Excessive Menstrual Bleeding                                                    Vitamin K
Excessive swelling after injury,                                                  Vitamin P
such as sports injuries
Fatigue                                                                   Niacin,Potassium,Magnesium,biotin,
                                                                    Vitamins D,C,B12,B6,B1,Omega 3,Folic Acid,Iron,                                                                                                                                                       PABA,Selenium
Feet have a strong odor                                                               Magnesium
Fertility Problems/Loss of Libido                                                     Zinc
Fibromyalgia                                                                               Vitamin D
Flatulence(intestinal gas)                                                                      Iron
Fragile bones                                                                                        Iron
Frequent infections of the bladder or urinary tract                       vitamin A
Gave syndrome(watermelon stomach)                                           vitamin B12,
Gastric upset(nausea,vomiting)                                      Thiamin (vitamin B1),Iron
Gastrointestinal symptoms                                                    vitamin B12,PABA
General muscle pain & weakness                                        Vitamins D,C
Glucose intolerance                                                                    Potassium
Gout                                                                                              Vitamin D
Hallucinations                                                 Vitamin C,Folic Acid ,Vitamin B12
Headaches                                                                 Vitamin D,Sodium,Iron,Niacin,PABA
Heartburn                                                                                         Heartburn
Heart abnormalities such as palpitations or                      Vitamins B1,B12,E,Folic Acid,Coenzyme Q10,
enlarged heart                                                                          Iron ,Potassium,Selenium,magnesium
Heart disease                                                               Vitamin D,Potassium,Magnesium,Omega 3
Hemorrhoids or varicose veins                                                  Vitamin P
High blood pressure                                      Vitamin D,Omega 3,Coenzyme Q10,Calcium
High blood sugar                                                                        Coenzyme Q10
High cholesterol                                                                        Potassium,Inositol
Higher blood levels of homocysteine                                               Vitamin B12
which increases risk of heart attacks & strokes
Higher risk of cancers                                                          Coenzyme Q10,Selenium
Hyperactivity                                                                                      Zinc
Hypocalcemia (low blood calcium level)                             Vitamin D,magnesium
characterized by muscle cramps,
twitching nerves or muscles,
numbness & tingling of fingers & toes,
irregular heart contractions & irritability
Hypertension (low blood pressure)                                 Vitamin B12,Magnesium
Impaired function of thyroid gland,resulting goiter                             Iodine
Impaired proper function of insulin- producing                          Vitamin D
cells possibly leading to type 2 diabetes
Impaired immunity                                                       Coenzyme Q10,Selenium,Vitamin E,zink
Improper tooth formation                                                           Vitamin A
Inability to absorb fat                                                                 Vitamin E
Increased susceptibility to infection                                        Vitamins C,A
Indigestion                                                                                     Niacin
Infertility & PMS                                                                    Vitamin D
Inflamed mucous membranes                                            Riboflavin (vitamin B2),Niacin
Insomnia                                                   Vitamin C,Folic Acid ,Potassium,Magnesium,Niacin,
Internal hemorrhage                                                           Vitamin C
Involuntary eye movements & vertigo                            Magnesium
Irregular heartbeat                                            Vitamin B1,Folic Acid,Magnesium,Vitamin D
Irritability                                         Vitamins B12,D,B6,B1,B2,Potassium,Magnesium,Niacin,
                                                                                 Folic Acid,PABA,Calcium,Iron
Joint pain                                                                       Vitamins D,C
Kidney or renal failure                                              Coenzyme Q10
Kidney stones                                                                Calcium
Lack of appetite                                     Folic Acid,Niacin ,Biotin,Vitamins B1,A,Magnesium,
Lack of coordination of muscle movements                   Vitamin E
characterized by jerkiness,
clumsiness or instability
Learning disabilities,ADHD                                   Omega 3,Folic Acid
Liver cirrhosis                                                             Selenium
Liver or gallbladder disorders                                      Vitamin E,
that result in poor absorption of food
Liver Cancer                                                                    Vitamin K
Loss of balance                                                             Vitamin B12
Loss of smell, taste                                                      Vitamin A
Loss of sensation (numbness) in hands & legs                Vitamin B1
Low birth weight or premature infants                                      Folic Acid
& neural tube defects resulting in severe brain
or neurological damage of the fetus
Lung congestion & difficulty in breathing                        Vitamin B1
Mania                                                                                 Folic Acid
Menstrual Irregularities                                                                Zinc
(could be caused by thyroid disease as well)
Mental confusion                                                                  Niacin,Vitamin C,Potassium,Vitamin B1
Metabolic Syndrome & Diabetes                                    Vitamin D
Migraine headaches                                                       Vitamin B6,Magnesium
Miscarriages, uterine or testicular deterioration,                 Vitamin E,Vitamin B12
decreased fertility
Mood changes                                                                  Vitamins C,D,Folic Acid
Mood disorders                                                            Omega 3
Multiple sclerosis                                                           Vitamin D,Inositol,Selenium
Muscle cramps                                                         Vitamin D,Magnesium,Calcium
Muscle disorders                                                         Sodium,Vitamin B12
Muscle pain                                                            Vitamins D,E,biotin,magnesium
Muscle twitches                                                                      Magnesium
Nausea                                                           Sodium,Potassium,Vitamins B6,B1,E,Biotin,Magnesium
Nerve damage                                                                   Vitamin A,Vitamin B6,Vitamin B12
Nosebleeds                                                                     Vitamins C, K,P
Numbness & tingling or burning sensations        Vitamin E,Calcium,vitamin D,magnesium
in the arms, legs, hands or feet
Obesity                                                                         Vitamin D
Osteoarthritis                                                               Vitamin D
Osteoporosis & Osteopenia                              Vitamin D,Ca,K,Magnesium
Painful or swollen joints                                                     Vitamin C
Painful tingling & numbness                                        Vitamin B12
in the hands & feet
Pancreatitis                                                                                   Selenium
Paranoia                                                                       Folic Acid ,Vitamin B1,Zinc
Parkinson’s Disease                                                               Vitamin D,Selenium
Pellagra                                                                   Niacin
Periodontal disease                                                            Vitamin D
Phobias                                                                       Magnesium
Pins & needles                                              Vitamin B12
Poor appetite                                                           Thiamin (vitamin B1),Biotin,Vitamin B2
Poor balance                                                           Folic Acid
Poor circulation                                                        Iron
Poor concentration                                     Vitamin D,Thiamin (vitamin B1),Magnesium
Poor growth                                                   Vitamin A
Poor memory                                                      Vitamins B12 ,B1 ,Folic Acid,Inositol,Iron,Zinc
Poor night vision                                                           Vitamin A
Problems with becoming pregnant                                  Vitamin A
Psoriasis                                                                        Vitamin D
Psychosis                                                            Vitamin D,Folic Acid
Reduced ability to taste, hear & smell                                   Vitamin A
Reduced resistance to respiratory infections                        Vitamin A
Restless sleep                                                                   VitaminD,B1,Zinc
Rheumatoid arthritis                                                               Vitamin D
Rickets which causes soft bones,                                   Vitamin D,Calcium
skeletal deformities or retarded growth in children
Schizophrenic symptoms                                                   Vitamin C
Seizures                                                                             Magnesium
Sensitivity to cold                                                           Folic Acid
Sensitivity to light & sound                                        Magnesium
Sensory or motor deficiencies                                   Vitamin B12
(absent reflexes, diminished vibration or
soft touch sensation)   
Severe PMS                                                              Magnesium
Sinusitis                                                                         Vitamin A
Shortness of breath                                                          Vitamins C,B12,Folic Acid
Skeletal deformities                                                          Vitamin D
Slow reflexes                                                              Potassium
Slow wound healing                                                      Vitamins A,C
Soft bones                                                                 Vitamin D
Sterility                                                                       Vitamin E,Potassium
Sterility in males                                                          Selenium
Stabbing pains in toes, calves,                                  Magnesium, calcium, potassium
arches of feet & backs of legs
Swollen bleeding gums                                            Vitamin C
Swollen or painful joints or bones                               Vitamin C
Thirst                                                                       Potassium
Thrombocytopenia/ITP                                      Vitamin K
Tics                                                                              Magnesium
Tingling in Extremities                                                   Iron,Vitamin B12
Tooth loss                                                                         Vitamin C
Trembling                                                                  Magnesium
Twitches                                                                       Calcium,Vitamin D
Unexplainable chills                                                  Potassium
Unintended weight loss                                                 Vitamin C,Thiamin (vitamin B1),Phosphorus,
                                                                                          Folic Acid
Upset stomach                                                               Thiamin (vitamin B1),Vitamin B6,Biotin
Vague aches & pains or tingling sensations               Vitamin B1
Vague fears or feelings of persecution                             Vitamin B1
Vomiting                                                                      Niacin,Potassium,Magnesium
Yeast & Fungal Infections                                                  Iron,Zinc
Weakening of the bones & teeth                                    Phosphorus,Magnesium,Chlorine
Weakness                                                                 Vitamin B1,Folic Acid ,Niacin
Weakness of the muscles                                         Potassium,Magnesium ,Vitamins D,B1,Niacin,biotin,
Weight gain                                                                          Vitamins D,C
Wounds heal slowly                                                 Vitamin C,Zinc


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