Basil is an excellent source of vitamin K & manganese; a very good source of copper, vitamin C & a good source of calcium, iron, folate, magnesium & omega-3 fatty acids.
Basil's beta-carotene content is an essential compound that helps prevent muscle degeneration.
Basil is also a good source of vitamin A & Ascorbic acids that is known to cure the dry eye syndrome & Stardgart’s disease.

It has antispasmodic, appetizing, carminative, galactagogue & stomachic properties.
Basil is used to combat stress, tension & nervous indigestion.
It is cooling to the body & a natural mood enhancer.
Sweet basil is used for ailments such as migraine, colds & hay fever
Basil acts principally on the digestive & nervous systems, easing gas & stomach cramps & preventing or relieving nausea & vomiting.
It is mildly sedative & has been found to be helpful in treating nervous irritability & fatigue, depression, anxiety & insomnia.
It is also useful for weak digestion, stomach upset & flatulence & it can gently stimulate a sluggish liver.
For liver problems eat 10-15 leaves every morning.

Sweet Basil is also good for promoting the flow of breast milk & for promoting the flow of blood during menstruation.
It also has the capacity to cease the flow of menstrual blood when it is in excess.

Sweet Basil is good at promoting flow & movement in the body's systems as it can also treat cystitis.

The leaves & seeds are used as a disinfectant, an immune stimulant, for intestinal parasites, for stomach, lungs, spleen & large intestines.
Seeds are useful in complaints of urinary system

The juice or infusion of the leaves is useful in bronchitis, cataract & digestive complaints, applied locally on ringworm & other skin diseases, dropped in ears to relieve earache.
A decoction of leaves is used to cure common colds.
Traditionally the dried leaves were pounded & taken as snuff, used as a remedy for colds.

It also has antibacterial properties & the juice or a poultice of the fresh leaves relieves the itch & pain of insect bites & stings.

Decoction of root is given in malarial fever to bring about sweating.


Avoid during pregnancy.


Basil leaves as a food are used in variety of recipes such as pesto, dressings, marinades, vinegars, oils, herbal butter, basic salt, sauces, soups, salads, sandwiches, breads, pastas, desserts & other cooking purposes.

Combine fresh chopped basil with garlic & olive oil to make a dairy-free variety of pesto that can top a variety of dishes including pasta, salmon & whole wheat bruschetta.

Layer fresh basil leaves over tomato slices & mozzarella cheese.

Add basil to healthy stir-fries, especially those that include eggplant, cabbage, chili peppers, tofu & cashew nuts.

Purée basil, olive oil & onions in a food processor or blender & add to tomato soups.

Basil Tea:

Make an infusion by adding 2 tsp fresh leaves to
1/2 cup boiling-hot water.
Steep for about 10 minutes.
Strain & drink hot.
Take 3 times a day.
It is quite effective for tension headaches, exhaustion & digestive upsets such as stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea & enteritis.
Basil tea also relieves symptoms of acid reflux, especially when mixed with a spoon of raw honey.
Drink 3-4 times a day, between meals.

Basil Headache Steam:

Add 1 tbsp of dried basil leaf, a handful of fresh leaves or a few drops of basil oil to 3 cups of water & bring to a boil. 
Drape a towel over your head & lean over the bowl, positioning the towel to keep in as much steam as possible. Breathe in the vapors for up to 10 minutes.
Because basil works as a muscle relaxant & has analgesic properties, steam infused with the leaves of the plant is an effective treatment for tension headaches.

Basil Decoction:

Boil 15-20 basil leaves with 2 cups of water until you have half of the amount.
Add pinch of rock salt.
Drink for digestion problems, dysentery, gastro-enteritis & gas.

Basil Decoction for Fever:

Boil 1 tbsp leaves with
1 tsp powdered cardamom in
2 cups water until it is boiled down to 1 cup.
Drink with milk & sugar to taste, 2 -3 times a day.


Grind finely a bunch of leaves & apply on the cleaned affected area.

Take 10-15 basil leaves mixed with 1 tsp honey daily in the mornings for cardiac pain, cold, influenza, low blood pressure, pain in ribs, skin, diseases, worms, urinary diseases.

Make a mouthwash to treat halitosis, bad breath by covering 1 handful of dried basil leaves with 1 cup of boiling water,
cover & leave for 15 minutes.
Cool & then rinse mouth well.

Basil Poultice:

Mash a handful of fresh leaves until soft.
Place the leaves directly on the insect bite or sting.
Leave on for 15- 20 minutes.
Repeat as necessary, until the swelling & itching are relieved.
Basil poultice is effective in relieving the sting & swelling of mosquito & other insect bites.
For an even more effective remedy, prepare a poultice using equal parts fresh basil leaves & fresh plantain leaves.

Basil Tea for Headache & Stress:

1 part basil leaf
1 part lemon balm leaf
¼ part chamomile &/or lavender flower
Combine the herbs & mix well.
Use 1 tsp if dried or 2 tsp if fresh herbs blend per 1 cup of boiling water.
Pour the boiling water over the herbs,
let infuse for 10-15 minutes,
Drink warm or at room temperature.

Chunky Tomato Sauce:

50 g butter
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
Salt & freshly ground pepper
6-7 big tomatoes, cut into smaller pieces
handful of basil leaves, teared
Heat the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat.
Add the onion, garlic, tomatoes, salt, pepper, basil & simmer until sauce thickens. .
You can also add cumin, oregano or fresh parsley.
Great with pasta, vegetables, chicken or meat dishes.
For a smooth sauce puree sauce in a blender or food processor.
You can refrigerate the sauce in a tightly sealed container for 3–5 days or freeze for 1–2 months.


Known to relieve anxiety, basil leaves or oil can be added to your bath along with 1-2 cups of Epsom or Himalayan Pink Salt.

Its antiseptic properties will also keep your skin soft, supple & free from acne or other skin infections.

Basil Mask:

Make a paste of basil leaves,
sandalwood paste &
rose water.
Apply the paste on your face & let it sit for 20 minutes.
Wash it off with cold water.
The strong anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties of basil help prevent formation of acne.
Basil helps cleanse the skin from within.
The excellent skin cleanser is perfect for those with oily skin.
It also helps remove dirt & impurities that clog pores.

Invigorating Beauty Bath:

Use 1 cup chopped basil leaves in
2 cups boiling-hot water.
Steep for 15-20 minutes.
Then add to bath.
The basil leaves help to remove toxins from the body.

For Younger & Brighter skin, simply rub or apply a paste of basil leaves on your face.
It helps to tone & improves your facial skin.

Basil paste is great in prevention of hair loss as it reduces itching in your scalp region & also enhances blood circulation in the head area.


Basil is a herb for money & success, a happy family & a peaceful home, drives away the Evil Eye.

Sweet Basil has a very uplifting aroma & action so it can be used during meditation or spiritual practice to clear the mind & spirit.

Sweet basil is used in flower therapy for those who tend to separate spirituality from sexuality, believing the two cannot be integrated.

In India Sweet Basil is sacred & has purifying & protecting qualities.

Placed around the home or on the floor to purify the space for purification.

If the common basil placed on the hand of one who is impure, it will at once wilt.

Basil helps to end lover’s quarrels & to help keep a partner faithful.
Basil can be used in all Love Spells but in particular those for binding, ensuring fidelity & gaining commitment.
It is used to sooth tempers & to burn in love incense.

Basil is a sacred herb used for in spells to bring peace & happiness at home.

It was common in witch spells to sprinkle basil over one's mate as they slept to ensure loyalty.
Others have placed twigs of basil beneath a dinner plate to prevent one from over eating.

If basil is carried with you it is said to attract customers to your business.

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