The vitamins found in cloves are vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D & vitamin K.
Minerals in cloves include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium & zinc.
Clove oil contains calcium, omega-3 oil & iron which all contribute to stronger joints & bones in the body.Clove oil is used as antiseptic & preservative.
Taken internally, it is carminative & antispasmodic.
Cloves have been known to reduce fever.

Intake of clove infusion or powder mixed with honey provides relief in vomiting, nausea, flatulence & indigestion. Cloves can be used for liver, stomach & bowels; a remedy for colic & diarrhea, a preventive for paralysis of the tongueinflammation of the gums & loosening of the teeth.
It is a good anaesthetic for toothaches, a digestive aid & kills intestinal parasites.
For gum & teeth ailments powder of roasted cloves is mixed in 1 teacup lukewarm water & used for gargling frequently.
Essential oil of cloves acts as an antiseptic & germicide which helps cure tooth decay & bad breath. Chew cloves or apply clove oil on decayed teeth to alleviate toothache. Chew a clove in case of nausea.

For headache make a smooth paste of cloves, water & salt. Apply on the temples.
Its expectorant quality aids in asthma & bronchial problems.

The anti-inflammatory property of Eugenol contained in cloves helps in the treatment of arthritis & rheumatism. Clove oil reduces inflammation, so it will help eliminate muscle aches arthritis pain.
Apply clove oil in the form of a poultice to allay muscular cramps sprains.
The diluted oil may also be applied to the skin to relieve nerve pain elsewhere in the body, such as in shingles.

Mildly anesthetic, it is worth trying in irritable bowel syndrome, where it may reduce nerve sensitivity within the gut, easing spasms & urgency.

Clove oil can be used naturally to heal the skin & treats cuts.
Skin disorders such as acneulcers & sores can also be cured by cloves.
Clove oil also can treat bitesstings & reduce chances of infections.

Cloves are very strong antioxidants & support heart & circulation.


Consumption of large quantity of clove can cause gastrointestinal irritation, central nervous system disorders.
Individuals with stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis & diverticulitis conditions should avoid food prepared with this spice.
Eating cloves should be also avoided during pregnancy.


Often prepared as a decoction or infusion cloves can be made more palatable by adding cinnamon & apple peel.

During heaviness in head due to cough & cold 
grind 2 -3 cloves into a fine paste along with 5 tsp dried ginger & apply on nose & forehead.

For toothache soak a piece of cotton wool in few drops of clove oil. Press on the affected tooth.
Crush a clove & put it on the affected tooth.

Add 1 drop of clove oil onto the toothbrush to clean teeth & gums.

When experiencing throat irritation due to coughing chew 1 - 2 cloves.

For bronchial afflictions boil 6- 8 cloves in 1 cup water.
Take 1 tsp with honey frequently.

Add 1 drop to half glass of water, gargle sore throat to settle  & numb the pain.

When trying to quit smoking, rub a drop of clove oil over the tongue.

When you got a splinter, sprinkle a drop of clove oil over it to ease the pain & splinter will start to move out itself.

Infusion for Parasites:

Pour 1 glass of boiling water over 5-6 cloves, steep 5-10  min,
drink 30 min before every meal.
You can also add freshly ground clove into pineapple or carrot juice.

For Earache:

Fry a few cloves in 1 tsp of sesame oil,
remove the cloves & put 3-4 drops of this warm oil into the ear.


Make a paste of 2-3 cloves & a little bit of salt in milk & apply this over the forehead.

Cinnamon Clove Syrup:

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cinnamon stick, broken into pieces
1 tbsp ground or whole cloves
Combine the sugar, water, cinnamon stick & cloves in a small saucepan over high heat.
Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar, then reduce the heat to low & cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat; discard the cinnamon & clove.
Bottle it airtight & store at room temperature.


Clove Oil for Acne & Acne scars:

Mix 3-5 drops clove oil with 1 tbsp coconut oil or olive oil & apply this oil blend onto your face & massage gently in circular motions.
Continue to massage your face, focusing on the acne-prone areas, for about 10 minutes.
Wash your face & pat dry.

For Cystic Acne Control:

Apply a small amount of oil on cleansed skin directly on affected area 2-3 times per day. 
Avoid the eye area. The more often that it is applied, the faster that you will see results.
Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
No need to apply moisturizer on top.
Always dilute when applying over a large area.

Rose water flavored with cloves is a favorite eyewash.

Clove oil can be used to prevent hair loss & to thicken the hair.


Cloves are used for banishing evil, clearing your head, protection, love & money.

Cloves are one of the strongest & best herbs you can burn for protection as the smoke will protect you psychically & physically whether from a deliberate attack or an unconscious evil eye directed at you.

Burn cloves as an incense to draw wealth & prosperity, drive away hostile & negative forces, produce positive spiritual vibrations & purify the area in which they are burned.

Wear or carry cloves to draw members of the opposite sex to you.

Using cloves in your spells will ensure that your intention is realized.

Cloves also bring in money luck when burned on charcoal.

Create a pomander made with cloves. 

Using straight pins, stick the heads of the cloves & attach them to an orange, covering the surface. Following an old tradition, you can hang the clove covered orange on a ribbon in your kitchen & your cupboards will always be full.

If you suspect someone is maliciously gossiping about you behind your back & you want to stop lies & slander, stud a red candle with whole cloves & burn it down or simply burn more powdered cloves while stating your intent.

Friendship Charm:

Fill 2 small cloth bags with 7 cloves each & hang them on thin cotton cords as necklaces.

If two people wear these until the cords break, they will remain good friends the rest of their lives.

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