Cinnamon is a warming tonic & great source of magnesium, fibre, iron & calcium.
It is a powerful antiseptic, with antiviral & antifungal properties & is often indicated in cases of viral infections, fungal infections & colds & flu.
It is a mild emmenagogue, making it useful in cases of sluggish & painful menstruation.
Cinnamon can be used as an appetite enhancer.
It can also lower cholesterol thin blood clots.
It chases chills, prevents colds & warms the hands & feet of those who feel cold all the time.
Cinnamon is used to enhance digestionprevent nauseatreat coughs & generally for health problems of the respiratory & the circulatory system.

A cup of cinnamon tea, made by steeping a cinnamon stick or a scant teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, is a good way to prevent the flu.
Cinnamon tea also eases menstrual crampssoothes sore jointsrelieves gas pain & allays that feeling of fullness after a big meal.
A sip or two of cinnamon tea before meals improves digestion & prevents acid reflux.
Those who drink cinnamon tea regularly will have less cavitiesstronger gums & fewer insect bites.
Cinnamon tea is a gentle but effective remedy for both childhood diarrhea & infestations of worms.
In India, cinnamon tea is regarded as a remedy against halitosis, nausea vomiting.
It is a strong stimulant for the glandular system & is very warming, so it is good for relieving the symptoms of coldsflu & sore throats.
Cinnamon can be taken internally for fibroids, flatulence, intestinal cramping, inflammation, rheumatism, oral infections caused by candida.
The bark of the stem & the oil obtained from it are useful as antiseptics, astringents & carminatives; the oil obtained from the leaves is used as a flavoring agent & for local application on certain rheumatic pains.
Essential oil of Cinnamon has anti-coagulating, anti-microbial & antioxidant properties.
Cinnamon may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels.
The essential oil of cinnamon is a good substitute for clove oil in treating toothache. It is particularly effective in killing the organisms that cause periodontal disease.
Inhaling the warm, spicy & sweet scent of this spice can boost brain activity & memory.
In China, Japan & Far-East countries, women who do not conceive & wish to strengthen the uterus take cinnamon powder. In such cases, you should take a pinch of cinnamon powder in 1/2 tsp of honey & apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day so that it slowly mixes with the saliva & enters the body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome can also be cured by using cinnamon daily, which will help jump start a woman’s period/cycle & promote fertility.

Because of its warming & stimulating properties, cinnamon is used to boost vitality, improve circulation & clear congestion.
It is a well-respected digestive aid, particularly for cases of overeating, bloating & sluggish digestion & one of the best herbs around for stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Honey & cinnamon is used as a cancer treatment which kills microbes inside the cancer cells.


To be safe, caution is advised for anyone with liver problems.
Due to its blood-thinning effects, people should stop taking cinnamon in quantities greater than use as a spice at least one week prior to surgery.
Close monitoring of blood sugar levels in diabetics is warranted to avoid unsafe lowering of blood sugar.
People with prostate problems should avoid cinnamon.
Large doses of cinnamon bark can cause changes in breathing & dilation of blood vessels.
Once pregnant, you should not take cinnamon because it stimulates premature labor & uterine contractions.
Very large amounts of powdered cinnamon can cause poisoning. Symptoms begin with central nervous system sedation, characterized by sleepiness & depression. This is followed by tachycardia & stimulation of the vasomotor center, which causes increases in intestinal peristalsis, respiration & diuresis.


The flavor of cinnamon complements cooked apples, fresh fruit, fruit punches or mulled wine & is also very tasty in spice cakes & cookies.

Simmer Cinnamon sticks with milk & honey for a warming beverage.

Mix 1 - 3 tsp of ground Cinnamon powder in 1 cup of hot water.
Let it steep for 10 minutes.
Strain & drink to cure diarrhea.

For Cough:

Make a tea with ½ tsp ginger, ¼ tsp cinnamon & 1 clove per 1 cup of water.
Sweeten with 1 tsp honey & drink.

Expectorant Cough Syrup:

120 ml water
120 ml honey
1-2 tsp dried mullein leaves
1-2 tsp dried white horehound herb
1-2 tsp dried rosemary leaves
1-2 tsp powdered or chopped cinnamon bark
1-2 tsp dried chopped ginger
1 pinch of cayenne
Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan.
Bring to the boil, then lower the heat.
Simmer, uncovered, until the mixture has reduced by about one-half.
Remove from the heat & strain.
Cool to room temperature.
Take 1 tsp as often as every 2 hours.
Store in the refrigerator.

Cinnamon & Scallion Tea for Cold & Flu:

Finely chop one scallion.
Put it into a teacup & add 2 slices of raw ginger & dash of powdered cinnamon.
Fill the cup with hot water, let the herbs steep & drink the tea.
Cinnamon & ginger induce sweating, while scallion clears sinuses.

Cinnamon for diabetes 2:

Take at least 1/2 teaspoon a day, which is critical to “soften” the cell membranes. Cinnamon mimics insulin, thus it may lower your need for insulin immediately.

Cinnamon-Ginger Tea for Menstrual Difficulties:

1 tsp chopped cinnamon bark
1 tsp chopped dried ginger or freshly grated ginger root
Pour 1 cup boiling water over the herbs. Cover & let steep for ca 30 minutes.
Strain & sweeten with honey.
Sip slowly. Prepare & drink as often as needed, until cramps subside.
Both cinnamon & ginger are reliable aids for relieving stomach & menstrual cramps.
A warm poultice or hot-water bottle placed over the pelvic area can also be helpful.

Herbal Decoction for Uterine Tumors:

1 part turmeric
1 1/2 parts licorice root
4 parts cinnamon bark
5 parts peach seed
Simmer slowly 30 g of dried herbs in 700 ml of water for 30-60 minutes in a covered pot.
Strain & drink 1/2 cup 2 -4 times a day, between meals.
Take 6 days a week.
Tumors of the uterus, including uterine fibroids & cancers, very often involve blood stagnation. Ovarian cysts can also be placed in this category. Turmeric in diet helps dissolve these growths. Since the uterus & ovaries are not well-circulated area & growths there resist treatment, this decoction is invaluable for speeding the re-absorption of tumors, cancers & similar growths in the lower abdominal region.

Cinnamon Honey:

½ cup honey
1–2 tbsp cinnamon powder
Gently warm the honey & then stir in the cinnamon.
Stir a teaspoon of the honey into warm water or herb tea.

Cinnamon Tincture for Stabilizing Blood Sugar:

100 ml chopped cinnamon bark
80-proof alcohol (brandy, vodka)
Place the cinnamon in a glass jar.
Cover with alcohol.
Let steep for 4- 6 weeks, shaking daily.
Strain through a fine-mesh, stainless-steel strainer lined with cheesecloth.
Discard the cinnamon, then bottle the liquid.
Take ½ tsp 2x a day for 5 days.
Continue in this manner for several weeks, or until blood sugar levels normalize.

A Soup for Joint Pain:

Cook until done 1 cup pearl barley with
1/2 tsp cinnamon,
1 pinch saffron &
1 piece Dong Quai (tang kuei)
Add a pinch of following herbs as needed.
For water retention: 10 juniper berries
For weakness & chills: fenugreek or ginger

Warming Happiness Tea:

handful of lime flowers
1 orange,wash & slice
sprinkle of cinnamon or bit of cinnamon bark
Place the herbs & orange & cinnamon into the heat proof jug.
Pour over ~1 l boiling water, let infuse, covered 5-10 min.
Drink while warm with honey.


For Bad Breath boil 1 tsp cinnamon in 1 cup of water. Cool. Use frequently as a mouthwash.

Warming Cinnamon Bath Salts:

3 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 tbsp ginger root powder
1 cup sea salt
Stir the powdered herbs into the salt. Store in a sealed glass container.
Add ¼ cup of the bath salts to a bathtub filled with warm water.
Stir well.

For acne, blackheads & pimples mix finely ground cinnamon powder in 1 tsp lime juice & apply on affected areas frequently.

To improve the complexion add a pinch of cinnamon powder to ¼ tsp honey & apply on the face.
Let it dry then wash it with water.


Cinnamon is used in magic for deep spirituality & healing, protection, scrying & power.
Its can retain energy.

Cinnamon can be burned for protection & to attract money, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers & aid in healing.
Cinnamon when burned as an incense, raises high spiritual vibrations, aids in healing, draws money, stimulates psychic powers & produces protective vibrations.Cinnamon incense is one of the most common & probably the most used form of cinnamon for protection. Burning the incense works in a similar way as using it as a charm except you are converting it by burning it.
To unleash its power, you can also put a pinch in your food, tea or hot cocoa.
Laying cinnamon sticks along window sills will protect from the unwanted energy.
You can put cinnamon sticks or fresh powdered cinnamon in your purse or a pouch to carry with you, it works in the same way & act as a protection charm.

Cinnamon has a high vibration & can be used to increase our own vibration. It can be used in this way to reach our higher selves, a higher state of spirituality.
While the cinnamon spice is related to the fire element, the tree itself is ruled by the moon. The moon with her loving Lunar energy stimulates our higher selves & thinking.
Cinnamon, being ruled by fire & the moon elements can provide protection as well as assist us in increasing our psychic or clairvoyant energies.

Cinnamon is great for drawing love & money & it also adds speed/force to your workings.
Cinnamon can be good for bringing quick cash. Put a pinch in your wallet or your spare change jar or attach a dollar bill to it & watch your money grow..
Shop-keepers can sprinkle cinnamon chips & sugar on their door-step to encourage good trade.
Cinnamon can bring luck in games & gambling.

Fill a green or gold sachet with Cinnamon to draw money & success or to use as a healing charm.
A purple sachet can be used to increase your magickal &/or psychic powers.
A pink or red sachet of Cinnamon can be worn, carried with you, or placed under your bed to draw love or to promote lust.
Use a white sachet filled with Cinnamon to increase your spirituality & to confer protection.

Cinnamon is a very powerful herb for prosperity. You can also take this bath for five consecutive days & pray for financial improvement.
Do not be specific about the amount of money or from where it should come from.
Let the universe do what it wills & bring you the solution.

Prosperity Bath:

1 cup of cinnamon powder
2 cups of parsley (dried or fresh)
This bath uses cinnamon to attract prosperity & money into your life.
Take this bath during the waxing phase of the moon for maximum effect.

Protection Amulet:

Tie 9 cinnamon sticks together & hang them above your doors to protect your home from unwanted people & energy.
As always, intention is key here. With every step you take in tying the cinnamon to placing it decoratively or not above your doors imagine what it is you want. We communicate with our energy & not so much with our verbal or mental intellect. This must come from a deep desire in your heart to will this into being. Remember that the cinnamon is a constant reminder of this desire for protection, for wealth, for strength or whatever it is that you desire the cinnamon to help you with.


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