For many, Yule begins before the Winter Solstice & continues until New Year's Day.
Traditionally Yule ends on January 2th.
Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere will be on Friday night, 22 December. The shortest day & longest night of the year. From this day forward, the days would continually grow longer as sunlight will increase. Life will start to draw upwards again. 
It is one of those times of the year in which the border in between our physical world & Otherworld disappears. All the gates & portals are open, which makes it easier to contact the spirit world. . It is very good time to perform magical rituals.

The time of the Winter Solstice is very powerful energetically, the birth of new life is celebrated. Since ancient times, the Winter Solstice has been considered the most important & magical event of the year.
It is such a magical & intimate time to deepen our relationship with natural world & connect with Mother Earth on a nice solstice walk along with family.. Feed the wild birds & animals. Feel the plants, trees, Earth & water around you. Experience a sense of unity with the entire Universe & Mother Earth. If possible, go to your special place of power, your own tree, stone or spring. Bring offerings, light a candle, have a picnic, talk about things, you can tie a red ribbon (loosely ) around a tree branch with your special request.. Show your love. 

Enjoy a holiday feast, light a fire & burn candles to honor our ancestors.. Pause in stillness & give thanks for all the goodness we've experienced & let go of everything that doesn't serve us.
Reflect on what you have done this year. Let gratitude, love & peace into your heart. 

Bringing evergreen branches home during the Winter Solstice is a symbol of life in all cultures. Just one Spruce branch has the same energy, healing- & protective power as a whole large tree. Pine, Juniper, Mistletoe, Ivy, Heather, Holly, Cranberry leaves or other evergreens are enough to keep the energy of life. Place an Orange in the center of the living room to celebrate the birth of the Sun & the beginning of the new solar year. Light fire or green, red, orange, white, gold candles & perform your rituals to hasten the birth of the Sun & initially support its forces. Greet the Sun.
However, influence of the Sun on the Winter Solstice can negatively affect the energy field of people. For this reason, many may experience weakness, headaches & other physical or mental issues.
One should honor the ancient gods, express respect for the ancestors & their traditions. In the old days, people believed that followers of holiday traditions were lucky in literally everything. For our ancestors, the laws of nature have always been respected.

Yule is a time for quiet reflection. We will meet the new solar circle with loved ones, friends, relatives. We want to give something of ourselves, generate benevolence, be sacrificial & in some other way the good deeds return to ourselves.
We should remember our family members who have passed away. The memory of the ancestors, the memory of the family, the traditions of the family is the most sacred thing.
If we go to the cemetery during the holiday season to place a candle or make a giant fire in the sacred place, it makes sense to talk with our ancestors. We might not get direct answers, but in this way our relationship deepens. We can perceive the connections that ancestors have felt, the ancestral memory. We can feel the connection with nature, or the power of God, because we are part of nature & are an integral part of spirituality.

Let the dinner table be rich in order to ensure that food & abundance continue for the next year & that you also have enough power & strength. Don't forget your ancestors.. When having a dinner, place the plates with some food that is on the table for spirits visiting the house during the holidays. Leave a plate overnight so that the spirits can enjoy treats. In the morning give it to birds or animals. You can't eat it. Drinks should be poured into the ground.

Keep the candles lit in homes over the three days at the time of solstice, to give strength to the Sun. White, bright red, bright green & golden candles are especially suitable.
These three days are a good time to leave unwanted things in the past by writing them on a piece of paper & throwing them into the fire. Do not forget to give thanks with a small offering, a piece of bread or other food from your table. It's a good time to make plans for the future, think in advance.
With the solstice Mother Earth turns herself towards light, warmth, food & life. What we do or do not do at this time will affect our own & household's well-being in the next year. At Yule time, we should keep our thoughts clean to create positive visions for the new year to come.

At this time, it is also worth paying special attention to your intuition & dreams. Right now, all energies are moving stronger than usual & you may experience emotions that you have not felt before. Signs may appear to you that are important warnings or guidance. Let yourself experience all this calmly, without any judgements. Dreams are prophetic. Before going to sleep, you can think about a certain problem, then dreams will offer a solution.
Predict future on the Winter Solstice using fire, water, runes or cards. Go out at night & listen to random passers-by. Their words tell you what to expect from future.
During the day, it is also worth taking a closer look at passers-by.
If they are mostly happy couples - luck in love.
Did you witness a theft or a fight? Be alert, spirits warn of trouble.
A new beginning on the day of the Winter Solstice is a good sign. Any business will be successful.
Winter Solstice declarations of love lead to happy marriages.
It is very good time to have a dialogue with your heart & make a wish.
The clearer that request you create during the Solstice, the clearer the Universe can respond to it. Write down your dreams & visions.

A magical Solstice ritual for new beginnings:
For the ritual you need:
White candle, you can use a tea light
A small bowl
Silver spoon
The best time to perform the ritual is immediately after dark. Before beginning the ritual, take a moment to meditate & calm your mind. When you feel ready, sprinkle a few pinches of salt into the water. Salt is used for spiritual cleansing & warding off negativity. Mix the salt water with a silver spoon, let the salt dissolve & say:
"I release myself from the burden of the past & leave the past behind!
All that has served its time, go in peace!"
Sprinkle yourself with salt water, make sure that the water gets to the top of your head & down to the soles of your feet. Then light the candle & say:
"I am ready for everything new that life has to offer me.
I accept changes positively & good things are expected in my life!"
Now little quietly think about the changes you want in your life. Let the candle burn to the end. Thank the Universe & consider the ritual complete.

At the Winter Solstice or Christmas we naturally & subconsciously embrace herbs & spices like ivy, rosemary bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger in mulled wine & wreaths etc., bringing evergreen conifers such as spruce, pine or fir into our houses.

Druids would cut the mistletoe that grew on the oak tree & give it as a blessing.
If a mistletoe is spotted & a couple avoid or refuse to kiss under it, then bad luck is believed to follow them, bringing them problems in their relationships & also straining ties with other family members.
Druids also believed holly’s evergreen nature made it sacred & that it remained green throughout winter to keep the earth beautiful at a time when deciduous trees shed their leaves.
Placing a ring of holly on doors originated in Ireland. Holly, green with red berries, was one of the few plants still beautiful at this time of year. It gave the poor a means of decorating their dwellings. The more berries on the bush, the luckier it was considered to be, since it was a symbol of fertility & good luck for the year to come.
Decorating homes with holly brings protection & good luck to the inhabitants in the coming year.
Don't throw green holly leaves on the fire or cut down an oak tree that has mistletoe growing on it.

Oaks were seen as sacred & the winter fruit of the mistletoe was a symbol of life in the dark winter months.

In the Winter with all the countryside going into a period of slumber or death, the fir tree was seen to live on so it became a symbol of life.
Firs were brought into people’s homes in the hope that some of its fortune would rub off on them.
People would decorate trees with apples on Christmas eve to encourage luck & plenty in the coming year.

Most important point of the Yule festival was the burning of the ceremonial Yule log.
This log was either taken from the householder’s land or received as a gift, it never should have been purchased.
This massive log, once dragged into the house through the fields by oxen whilst the farmers drank ale & sang songs, was then placed in the fireplace, decorated with seasonal greenery, drizzled with cider & then set alight by a piece of the previous years’ log.
The log would burn all night & then smoulder for the next 12 days & was believed to bring beneficial magic to the home, protecting it from witchcraft as well as warming the house in the winter chill.
The ashes from the log were then sprinkled in the nearby fields to aid the soil’s fertility.
The Celts thought that the sun stood still for 12 in the middle of winter & during this time a log was lit to conquer the darkness, banish evil spirits & bring luck for the coming year.
People used to tuck notes of good wishes into the foliage that comes with the Yule Log.  
Difficulty in lighting a Yule Log is considered ominous.
It is very inauspicious if the Yule Log is touched by a barefooted woman or a squint-eyed man.
The visiting of a flat-footed man while the Yule Log is burnt is also considered unfortunate.
Ashes of the log were put in the wells to keep the water good.
Embers would protect the home from the devil.
If, while sitting around the fire, one of the person's shadows on the wall appears to have a vague or no head, then death is expected for the same person that very year.

Leaving a candle in the window was a common tradition on Christmas Eve in Ireland.
At its heart it was a symbol of hospitality signaling any stranger that they were welcome to the house & that none would be turned away. It is believed that if the lighting is turned off or if there is any sort of difficulty in lighting candles, then the person is bound to have a bad year ahead.
If the fire extinguished before night was through, it predicted an upcoming tragedy.
The halls are also supposed to be decorated with as many lights as possible & an addition of evergreens such as holly & mistletoe to wade off bad forces.


Nonalcoholic Hot Mulled Punch:

2 cups cranberry juice
2/3 cup white sugar
7 cups water
3 cinnamon sticks
1 tbsp whole allspice
1 tbsp whole cloves
1/2 cup orange juice concentrate
1 l pineapple juice
1/2 cup concentrated fruit punch
In a large pot over medium heat, combine the cranberry juice, sugar & water. Bring to a boil & stir until sugar is dissolved.
Place the cinnamon, allspice & clove into a cheesecloth bag & tie shut.
Add to the liquid & simmer 20 minutes.
Remove spice bag & add fruit juices.
Serve hot.

Mulled Wine:

2 bottles red wine
6 cinnamon sticks
2 oranges, halved & studded with whole cloves
1⁄2 cup sugar
1⁄2 cup brandy
Pour wine into a non-reactive soup pot.
Add cinnamon sticks, clove-studded oranges, sugar & brandy.
Warm over medium heat, stirring occasionally to make sure sugar dissolves, until the wine has taken on the flavor of the spices, approximately 15 minutes. Do not let boil.

Chamomile Wine:

4 cups red or white wine
1/4 cup dried chamomile flowers
1 tbsp lemon zest
1 tbsp orange zest
2-3 tbsp brown sugar
Place all the ingredients in a glass jar with a tight-fitting top & steep in a cool dark place for about a week.
Strain & bottle.

Yule Eggnog

1 cup rum
1 cup Cognac
1 pint sweet cream
1 pint whole milk
6 eggs
1 cup powdered sugar
Separate the eggs.
Set aside the egg whites in the refrigerator.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg yolks, sugar, rum, cognac, milk & cream until smooth.
Chill in refrigerator overnight.
When ready to serve, put the refrigerated rum mixture into a punch bowl.
Beat the egg whites until stiff & fold them into the refrigerated rum mixture. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.

  • The first person who opens the door during the early Christmas morning should shout "Welcome Father Christmas" to welcome Christmas. This also helps bad spirits who were trapped to escape.

  • If someone avoids the kiss under the mistletoe will have bad luck.

  • It is mandatory to stir the pudding three times and make a wish. If you are unmarried and don’t join in, then you will not find your spouse in the next year. Wishes should be kept secret until they come true.

  • Singing religious Christmas songs at the houses of different people was an ancient tradition. It was believed that if you turn them away without food or money or drink you are bound to suffer bad luck for rest of the year.

  • Never give shoes to any of your loved ones during Christmas. If you do that, then that particular person can walk out of your life in future.

  • Holly is brought during Christmas to protect family members from witches.

  • For a greener planet after winter, green branches are brought. The Christmas tree is the centerpiece because of that.

  • No one should work hard on something which is not mandatory during Christmas.

  • Cakes were usually eaten on the Christmas Eve in 19th Century. However, it was believed that it would bring bad luck if cut before the day dawned. A piece of the cake should also be preserved for the Christmas day as well.

  • A blowing wind can bring good luck during Christmas.

  • Christmas day dinner consists nine dishes.

  • To bring good luck fish scales should be placed under the dinner plates.

  • After the twelfth night, all the decorations should be removed to bring good luck.

  • The dog who screams on the Christmas Eve will go mad before the end of the year.

  • To stay away from the rage of the impulsive forces most of the homes are well adorned on the Christmas Eve.

  • Alcohol consumptions are not allowed on the Christmas Eve.

  • Even though all the animals can speak on the Christmas Eve but it brings bad luck if anyone tests this superstition.

  • The household will be blessed if the first person who visits the home during Christmas is a black haired man.

  • The child born on Christmas Day will have a special fortune.

  • Snow on Christmas means Easter will be green.

  • You will have as many happy months in the coming year, as the number of houses you eat mince pies in during Christmastime.

  • In Greece, some people burn their old shoes during the Christmas season to prevent misfortunes in the coming year.

  • To have good health throughout the next year, eat an apple on Christmas Eve.

  • The gates of Heaven open at midnight on Christmas Eve. Those who die then go straight to Heaven (an Irish beleif).

  • Christmas candles should be left burning until Christmas morning and should rest undisturbed from time of lighting until they are snuffed.

  • Singing Christmas carols at any time other than during the festive season is unlucky.

  • The yule log should be lit by a piece of the log used on the previous Christmas. Once that is done, no evil spirit can then enter into the house. The remains of the Yule log were also considered lucky, and would be a protection against lightning or fire.

  • Read more at http://www.theholidayspot.com/christmas/superstitions.htm#friGHOcchXOGP5Oc.9
    Tradition has it that St. Nicholas felt sorry for three sisters at Christmas time and tossed three coins down the chimney. Their stockings were hanging at the hearth and each coin landed in a respective stocking. A superstition has arisen about giving shoes, never give them at Christmas because the person can then walk out of your life.
    Read more at http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-10-christmas-superstitions#pqKjxHQwf7s8hHXe

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