Oak is slightly tonic, strongly astringent, antiseptic. Antiphlogistic, disinfectant, hemostatic, stomachic, styptic, vulnerary.

The bark is regarded as food & a good source of iron & B12.
Oak bark is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus & zinc.
Oak bark contains between 10 - 20 per cent of tannins, which are antiviral, antiseptic, anticancer & also carcinogenic. Astringent compounds constrict & shrink tissues & are used in traditional remedies to dry up wounds skin inflammation.
You can use oak bark for inflamed tissues, swollen glandshaemorrhoidsinternal bleedinggoutherpes gingivitis.
For swollen glands use from internally & externally until swelling subsides.
The bark & inner bark is antiseptic, astringent, emetic, febrifuge & tonic.
It is used in the treatment of diarrhea, chronic dysentery, indigestion, asthma, severe coughs, hoarseness.
Externally, it is used as a wash for skin eruptions, rashes, burns etc.
The bark can be chewed as a treatment for mouth sores.
Oak is good for intermittent fever, especially when given with chamomile flowers.
May also be used as an injection for leucorrhoea & applied locally for piles & bleeding gums.
Oak bark decoction possesses excellent astringent & hemostatic properties. It can be used as a gargle for relieving inflammations of the throat, including hoarseness.
As a mouthwash, it is considered as effective treatment for inflammations of the gums, including stomatitis, gingivitis & bleeding gums.
Cold compresses made from oak bark decoctions are used externally to treat variety of skin problems, including purulent sores, weeping eczema, burns & bedsores.
Compresses soaked in decoctions are applied to hemorrhoidal bleeding, varicose veins, rashes, chronic itching, eczema & eye inflammations.

Powdered bark may be taken as a snuff to treat nasal polyps or sprinkled on eczema to dry out the affected area.

Oak bark baths can be used for treating symptoms of allergic dermatosis.
As a wash , an oak bark decoction is used to treat trichomoniasis, a parasitic infestation, as well as inflammation of the vagina & vaginal bleeding.
At one time, oak enemas were the primary approach to the treatment of extreme cases of dysentery as it causes a very rapid correction of the problem.
Oak bark is effective in the treatment of inflammatory skin problems, including frostbite & chilblains. Oak bark can be added to bathwater to treat large areas of damaged skin rather than applying it directly to affected areas.

Water distilled from the oak buds or decoction of the leaves is good for any kind of inflammation.
They also reduce the predisposition of the feet & hands to excessive perspiration.
They are effective for relieving chronic intestinal inflammations as well as inflammation of the bladder & urinary tract.
It cools the heat of the liver & breaks the stone in the kidneys.

Thin skin that covers the acorn is effective in slaying spitting blood & the powder of the acorn taken with wine is a good diuretic.
A decoction of acorns & oak bark, made with milk is an antidote to poisonous herbs & medicines.
Make a tea using the fallen acorns. Boil them & use to bathe insect & spider bites.

A snuff made from the powdered bark is a preventive remedy for consumption, a decoction made from the bark & acorns with milk is considered an antidote & best first aid remedy for poisoning, whether from plants, mushrooms or nicotine.

The water that is found in the hollow places of old oaks is very effective against spreading scabs.

Oak galls are a powerful astringent, the most powerful of all vegetable astringents, used as a tincture internally in cases of dysenterydiarrhea, cholera & as an injection in gonorrhoealeucorrhea.
Oak galls are particularly potent medicine as they may contain up to 2-3 times the tannin of the bark, but can be used for the same things, although in smaller quantities.
Preparations of the gall are usually applied as a local astringent externally, mainly in gall ointment ( 30 g powdered galls & 120 g benzoated lard) applied to painful hemorrhoids & also to arrest hemorrhage from the nose & gums.
An infusion may be used also as a gargle in relaxed throat, inflamed tonsils.


Use around the mouth or genitalia has led to rashes which have spread to other parts of the body. Internal use can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

Long-term use of oak bark either externally or internally can lead to liver & kidney problems. If you have a heart problem don’t use oak bark.

Don’t take oak bark baths if you have skin conditions including eczema or large areas of skin damage.
Don’t take oak bark baths if you have a nerve condition that leads to overly tight muscles, hypertonia.
Don’t take oak bark baths if you have fever or infection.



1 tsp of the powdered bark in 1 cup of water is boiled gently for 15 minutes & applied to an affected area.
For bleeding wounds, the powdered leaf, twigs, bark, or galls are equally effective when applied directly to the wound.
Often, using the powdered herb along with such powerful antibiotic herbs as usnea or echinacea gives an added boost to the healing process.

Poultice for sprains & swellings can be made by combining the sap layer of the oak with mullein leaves & the root from red shank.

Oak Bark Tea:

As a general guide use 1-2 tsp of dried herb or mixture of herbs to 1 cup of water.
Place the plant material in a saucepan, pour on the water, cover with a lid & simmer for 10-15 min before straining.
If not using the tea straight away, you can store it in a covered jug or container in the fridge for up to 24 hours & gently warm the mixture before drinking.
It is useful in chronic diarrhea & dysentery.

Tincture can be taken: 0,5 tsp in warm water, sweetened with honey, before meals.

The smaller dose of 5-10 drops in hot water before meals is good for disorders of spleen & this is especially suitable for those who suffer from an excess of alcohol.

As a gargle for sore throat use 1 tsp of the tincture in a tumbler of tepid water.

For diarrhoea take 0,5 tsp in tepid water every 3 hours until better.

The fruit, acorn should be given in the form of a tincture, or vegetable extract, or even mixed (when ground) sparingly with flour in bread.

The dose should fall short of producing any of the above symptoms & the remedy should be steadily pursued for many weeks.

The tincture should be made of saturated strength with spirit of wine on the bruised acorns, to stand for a fortnight before being decanted.

Then the dose will be from 20-30 drops with water 3-4 times a day.

Decoction for Internal Use:

Place 1 tsp of chopped bark into 1 cup of water
Bring to boil, then reduce heat & simmer for 10 min, adding extra water from time to time to maintain the original water level. Strain.
Drink 1 cup 3 times daily.
The decoction may also be used as a styptic for burns & wounds.
Drinking more than the recommended amount may cause vomiting.

To prepare a decoction for a healing bath or vaginal douche
, use 2 tbsp of bark per 2 liters of water.
Bring to a boil & simmer for 10 minutes.
Cool & strain.

Slice a handful of the sap layer very thin, combine with wild cherry & poplar.
Boil in a 1liter of water until 500 ml remains to treat bladder & kidney issues.
Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day.


Oak bark ointment can be used to heal extremely dry skin.

Oak Hair Wash:

When used regularly, progressive results help to encourage clean, manageable healthy hair & scalp, with the appearance of more body & thickness.


Oak is for fighters, who never give up. Oak gives strength to these people so they can do what they suppose to do.
Oak restores the true inner strength, which is flexible & adaptable.

Oak has been known to have been used in working related to healing, money, protection, health, luck, fertility, potency & incense making ingredient.

Oak is a tree of great strength & wisdom & will help you to develop your inner understanding of the deeper significance behind even simple rituals.
It is also ideal for those who wish to progress further in magick & are prepared to accept the extra responsibilities.
Some practitioners will only work with fallen branches of oak.

Newlyweds should dance around the oak tree to secure happy & lucky future.

Oak protects from evil spirits.

In Japan oak symbolizes luck & protection.

Druids gathered mistletoe & oak branches & burned them to predict the outcome of the events.
It was very good sign when fire burned quick & smoke raised powerfully up to the sky.
When smoke hung around the ground was bad sign..

Every home should have maple, oak & birch growing nearby as they are very lucky.
Oak grows often near the birch tree as a spouse.

In autumn stand under the oak tree & try to catch a falling leaf before it hits a ground. Keep it in your wallet or handbag so you would always have money.
When oak leaf falls on you unexpectedly, keep it in secure place, it will bring you luck.

Acorn is a symbol of wisdom & prosperity.
Keeping an acorn in your pocket will protect you from evil & bad tempers of the weather.
Keeping 3 acorns in your pocket will make you look younger.
Acorns may also be used as a magical charm for fairness & mercy when dealing with legal matters & to invoke the protective powers of this deity.
It was once believed that an acorn placed on a windowsill guarded a house against fires & damage caused by lightning strikes. This superstition can be traced back to the old Norse legend that the great god Thor once sheltered from a thunderstorm under a mighty oak tree.
Oak is sacred to Jupiter/ Zeus/Woden/Thor & all the great Thunder Gods that hurl their thunderbolts & lightening flashes as they fertilize the moistness of the earth's womb.

Seeing an oak tree in your dream promises long happy & fruitful life.
If the tree has acorns, its a sign you will be rich.
Strong & healthy oak tree talks about children who bring honor to the family.
Dreaming about acorns may tell about a new idea or sometimes pregnancy.

If you desire to know what fate has in store for you & your fiancée, perform the following divination on a night of the full moon:
Take 2 acorns & mark your initials upon one & your fiancée’s initials upon the other.
Place the acorns 3 inches apart from each other in a cauldron filled with water & then carefully observe their movements.
If they drift towards each other, this is a sure sign that a wedding is in the offing.
However, if they drift away from each other, this indicates that you & your fiancée shall part company before your wedding bells ring.
If the acorns remain stationary, repeat the divination again at a later time.

Method of interpreting the oracle using the oak lots that are kept at the base.
It is a method that adapts well to modern decision making, especially in matters of success, money, independence, property, justice & career.
Go to a grove or forest of oaks at one of the sun times, dawn, midday or sunset. Choose the time when wind is rustling through the leaves.
Pick up 30 sticks 15-20 cm long. Using a wooden-handled knife if possible, scratch away a bark & make a cross on each stick.
Place a light colored tablecloth or sheet beneath the largest oak tree & draw a circle clockwise from the north or 12 o'clock position around it on the earth with a large oak branch to mark your place.
Sitting on the due south of the cloth oak facing north think of yes/no, go/stay, act/wait question or two people opportunities you need to choose between.
Holding your sticks in your left hand for right brain, magical inspiration, cast them all on the cloth at the same time & count the number that show the cross which are on the positive side.
If there are more positives than negatives, you know that deep down that is what your inner voice is telling you. Note how close the numbers are, whether they are fairly evenly matched. If you have exactly the same number of positive & negative sticks, the issue is not clear cut. Try rephrasing the question.
If the numbers are fairly evenly divided, you might ask the trees why you have doubts.
Listening to the blowing, especially at the main oracle tree is another method. Ask the question either silently or let or let it be carried as the breeze begins to blow. Listen to the leaves. They may answer in words, song, images or colors. Accept what you hear & see whether externally or through your inner voice & minds eye.
The first answer before doubts & logic set in is the correct one & will explain why your answer was yes Or no. Trust these sources of wisdom to guide your actions.
Gather up your sticks & fold them in the cloth. Undo the circle with your stick anti-clockwise from the north & bury the stick in the grove.
When you find running water, cast your oak lots into the stream, sending forth your hopes & wishes for success & happiness. If the water passes over stones, you c an use the third method of interpretation & listen for wisdom in the water.
Relax & listen to the sound, letting it form images in your mind. Do not try to form images but let that answer come to you.
Finally, take an acorn home & plant in your garden or on waste land as a symbol that mighty oak really do grow from small acorns & that any endeavor, however humble, can have results far beyond its conception.

Old proverb for weather:
if the oak before ash,
then you'll only get a splash
if the ash before oak,
then you may expect a soak

It is said that if a "worm" is found inside the gall on Michaelmas Day, 29 September, then the year will be pleasant & unexceptional & if
a spider is found, then it will be a bad year with shortages & ruined crops.
If a fly is found inside, then it will be a moderate season & if
nothing is found, great death follows, serious diseases will occur all that year.
If lean, hot dry summer
If moist, wet summer follows
If kernel fair & clean-summer shall be fair & corn good, too
If many & ripen early-early winter & very much snow shall be before Christmas & it should be cold.

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