Aloe Vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12 & it contains many minerals vital to the growth process & healthy function of all the body's systems.

Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of the components to boost immunity & combat the HIV virus.

Aloe gel is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, sunscreen & healing properties that soothe skin problems like eczema & psoriasis.
Internal consumption of the gel may heal ulcers, relieve stomach disorders, arthritis, asthma, skin cancer & menopausal troubles.
It may help control blood sugar in diabetics as well as treat obesity.
It is particularly known to moisturize & soften the skin & hair, also encourages hair growth.

Apply fresh clear gel from the leaves to bruises, burns & sunburns etc.

Massage cold Aloe gel in the affected areas to subdue mastitis.

When aloe is taken internally it can stimulate & regulate various components of the immune system by stopping the inflammation & blood supply of tumors & also showed interesting results in preventing carcinogenic compounds from entering the liver & is combined in some cancer treatments.

It contains aloemannan which stimulates the growth of healthy kidney cells & helps to slow the formation of kidney stones.

The juice is also effective for the treatment of minor wounds & insect bites by forming a "natural plaster" over the wound.

Frostbite can be treated with a cream containing aloe.

Aloe-emodin which is one of the ingredients not only has a laxative effect, but is also involved in killing the herpes virus which causes cold sores & shingles.


Topically applied, aloe is safe. However, aloe may delay healing in deep, open wounds, as from surgery.
Aloe gel should be free of anthraquinones & soothing to the gastrointestinal tract, but leaf extracts can contain all parts of the leaf & thus both gel & latex.
It is important to buy aloe gel that says it is made from the inner fillet &/or that is free of aloin.
Aloe juice containing aloin can act as a laxative & can irritate the intestines. Prolonged use can lead to electrolyte loss & dependence on juice for normal bowel function.
Those with acute or severe gastrointestinal symptoms should not take the juice. Children & pregnant or nursing women should not take aloe internally.

Chronic abuse may lead to hepatitis.

People suffering from problematic hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis, colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable bowel syndrome should consult a medical practitioner or trusted herbalist before taking aloe internally.
Extreme care should be taken with the administration of aloe laxatives, as this can cause severe digestive upsets.
When used topically, some individuals may have an allergic reaction & a skin patch test is advised before use.


Aloe Vera is a potent stimulant laxative that helps form soft stools & promotes healing.
It helps heal & cleanse the digestive tract, while helping the formation of soft stools.
Drink ½ cup aloe Vera juice in the morning & evening up to 10 days as needed.

Aloe Vera helps to gently clean the intestinal tract.
Take 1 tsp gel after meals.
Don’t take more, because it can act as a laxative.

In case of gingivitis & peridontal disease Aloe Vera helps soothe throbbing gums & heal inflamed tissue.
Apply the gel directly to the gums before bed.

Aloe Vera relieves pain & promotes healing.
Drink 30 milliliters aloe gel or juice 3 times daily.

Aloe Vera for Burns: Apply fresh aloe Vera juice on an affected area & leave it for 20-30 minutes. Then absorb remains with a napkin.

For Pulmonary Tuberculosis:

Warm up 1,2 kg linden-honey
add 1 cup chopped leaves of Aloe arborescens Mill.
Boil through.
In a separate dish add 1 cup of boiling water over the
150 g of birch buds &
Let it stand for 15-20 minutes
Press out the liquid, strain & add to the honey mixture.
Divide the herbal honey in between 2 bottles, adding olive oil 1:1 to each bottle.
Take 1 tbsp 3 times per day.
Shake the bottle before using it.
People with weak heart shouldn't take the aloe, just leave it out of the recipe.

For Stomach Ache:

Take 1-2 tbsp of fresh aloe vera juice 2-3 times per day 30 min before meals.
Continue for 1-2 months.

Varicose Veins:

Take 1 tbsp each:
pork fat, goose fat or coconut oil
freshly pressed juice of aloe vera
honey, organic
juice of onion
pine resin
Heat & stir it all in bain-marie until ready.
Spread the cream over problem areas for day & for night. Cover lightly with bandage to keep clean.


Apply the aloe vera gel onto the spots for a gentle but effective remedy..

Aloe Vera for Oily Skin:

To preserve aloe juice, mix the juice with spirits in the ratio of 4:1 & store it in the refrigerator at 15°C.
Wipe your face every day before going to bed.

Aloe Mask for Dry Skin:

Mix aloe juice, honey, glycerin & water in equal proportions.
Thoroughly mix & add 1 tsp of oatmeal flour.
Mix again & apply to face for 20 minutes.

Aloe Mask for Aging Skin:

Finely chop 1 tbsp of fresh aloe leaves,
1 tbsp of fresh mint leaves,
1 tbsp of calendula leaves.
Apply the mixture on your face.
This mask will deeply cleanse & rejuvenate your skin.


Mix 1 tbsp of fresh aloe juice with 1 tbsp of honey.
Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse off.

Mask for Soothing Irritated Skin:

Mix 1 egg white with 2 tbsp of fresh aloe juice.
Use this mask daily till your skin calms down.

Aloe Vera Face Mask for Tan Removal:

Apply mix of aloe vera gel & lemon juice on the affected area.
Leave it on for 10 min & wash it off.

Aloe Vera Detox Mask:

Blend the aloe gel along with cut pieces of mango fruit.
Add lime juice to the paste & apply it on your face for 20 min before rinsing it with cold water.

Aloe Vera Face Scrub for Dead Skin:

Blend cucumber dices & aloe vera gel to form a paste.
Add oatmeal & mix properly.
Spread the paste gently on your face & massage in circular motion.
Let it sit for 10 minutes or so before rinsing it off. 

Aloe Vera Face Pack for Mature & Dry skin:

Add crushed almonds to the aloe vera gel & mix properly to form a paste.
Apply on face & neck & let it sit for 15 minutes before you wash it off.

Aloe Vera Mask for Falling Hair:

Mix 1 tbsp of aloe vera juice with
same amount of honey, add
1 tsp of garlic juice &
1 egg yolk
Mix everything.
Wash your hair with gentle shampoo, then massage the mask into your scalp,making sure you cover the roots of your hair.
Leave in hair for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with nettle tea or horsetail tea. You can use the chamomile tea also.


Aloe brings positive vibrations & good luck.
Guards against evil influences & prevents household accidents.

Plant aloe on the graves of loved ones to promote a peaceful existence until the deceased is reborn.

Use for success in the world.

Prevents feelings of loneliness.

The aloe vera plays a very important role in the afterlife. Within the ancient civilization of Egypt, it is used to help the soul journey into the afterlife. 
Aloe vera preserves the integrity of the physical body during life & death.

1 comment:

  1. Aloe Vera has a lot of benefits indeed! No wonder, I enjoy having my aloe juice!


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