The estrogenic, anti-inflammatory & mild sedative properties within Lady’s Mantle help in child birth, for treating barren women, for bringing on menstruation, relieving excessively heavy periods & water retention, in treating cervicitis, pelvic infections, uterine fibroma & for easing the discomfort of menstrual cramps & menopause.

Not only is Lady's Mantle beneficial for menstrual disorders, abdominal disorders & indisposition during menopause, but it also helps at the beginning of puberty, together with Yarrow tea, to influence the onset of menstruation favorably.
For injuries after delivery, debility of the abdomen of women who have difficult confinements or are inclined to miscarry, for strengthening of the foetus & uterus, Lady's Mantle is of great help. Women so affected should start drinking Lady's Mantle tea after the third month. It is a cure-all for all female disorders & together with Shepherd's Purse, even helps in prolapse of the uterus & in hernia.

Lady’s mantle can be used in bath water for alleviating lower abdominal problems.
Crushed & applied externally, Lady's Mantle heals wounds, stings & cuts
Cuts, scrapes & burns can be treated with skin washes of lady's mantle to prevent infection.
The action of Lady's Mantle is astringent & very rapid healing & it is used also as a diuretic & heart strengthening remedy for wound-fever, for festering wounds & neglected sores.
After removal of teeth, Lady's Mantle tea is recommended as one of the best remedies. Within a day the wounds heal after several rinses.
It relieves weakness of muscles & limbs & helps in anemia.
Lady's Mantle, together with Shepherd's Purse is used for muscular atrophy & serious & incurable disorders of the muscles.
This valuable medicinal herb is used for multiple sclerosis as well.
 Lady’s mantle is used for treating stomach ailments, diarrhea, excess water retention, muscle contractions.
It is also used as a gargle to relieve inflammation of the mouth & throat.
Lady’s Mantle infusion can also be taken to induce sleep for those plagued with insomnia &/or anxiety.
It can also relieve mild headaches, stomach aches & dizziness associated with anxiety disorders.
A cup of warm tea just before bedtime or whenever a calming effect is desired should soothe a person enough to be able to rest comfortably.
Lady’s Mantle can be used in case of obesity, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, muscle weakness, anemia, muscle pain, spasms, weakness, dropsy (excessive water retention), hernia, growing problems in children, diabetes & circulatory problems associates with diabetes.


Tea: cup of boiling water is poured over a 1 heaped teaspoon of herbs, infused for a short time.

For any of these female related ailments make a cup of tea with 1-2 tsp of dried Lady’s mantle. Drink this 2-3 times per day as symptoms persist.

Lady's mantle for diarrhea is 1 cup of tea up to 3 times daily taken between meals.

Tea in cases of obesity: 2-3 cups daily.

Herb application: A suitable amount of fresh herbs is washed & crushed on a wooden board with a wooden rolling pin & applied.


Place a single flower in your hair or weave in a crown to find love.
In Sweden an old authority states that if placed under the pillow at night the herb will promote a good nights sleep.
Women also sometimes collected the dew - not in search of the philosopher's stone, but in search of eternal beauty: they believed that to moisten the skin with the sacred dew would impart a special radiance of elfin allure.

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