All parts of the plant are poisonous. Ingestion of only small amounts can cause gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea &  lowered heart rate.

Lily of the Valley is antispasmodic, diuretic, emetic, laxative, purgative, cardiac tonic, sedative & antipyretic.

Lily of the valley is known as a cardiac tonic.
It also helps to treat valvular heart disease, cardiac debility, dropsy & congestive heart failure.
It is also useful in the treatment of arrhythmia as it increases the muscular action of the heart while at the same time slowing down & regulating the heartbeat rate.
The active cardiac glycosides in the lily of the valley are released consecutively & do not pose a toxic problem to the kidneys, which excrete them easily.
The herb has been used for weak contractions during childbirth as well as for epileptic seizures, strokes, angina & ensuing paralysis, conjunctivitis & leprosy.
Lily of the valley has been recommended for strengthening the brain & rejuvenating a weak memory.
It has been successfully employed in treating patients recovering from strokes, especially when their speech is slow to return.
It also soothes the nerves, reduces high blood pressure, helps epilepsy, dizziness, convulsions, palsy, apoplexy & cures various forms of dropsy.
It can be made into an ointment for headache & for rheumatic or gouty pains.
Removes obstructions from urinary canal & treating kidney stones.
The flowers themselves have been used as a remedy for urinary tract infections & other urinary complaints & are typically brewed into a very mild tisane.

An ointment made from the plant roots has been used to treat burns & prevent scar tissue.

The flowers, when infused into oil  also made for an excellent healing salve for wounds, sores & other ailments of the skin.
This oil can also be employed as an embrocation for aches & pains stemming from rheumatism, arthritis, or from injuries such as sprains.
The petals of the lily of the valley may be dried & powdered into a form of snuff & taken via the nasal passages, as it is said to relieve migraines & help improve one's concentration.

The roots, flower petals & even the leaves may be macerated in wine or some other alcoholic beverage, the ensuing tincture then taken for anxiety, stress & apoplexy.

Purified water, infused with the petals of lily of the valley, can be used as a remedy for sore eyes, conjunctivitis & any other type of ocular discomfort.


All parts of the plant are poisonous. Ingestion of only small amounts can cause gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & a lowered heart rate.
Excessive use of the herb can lead to gastrointestinal irritation & dehydration.
Lily of the valley should not be mixed with beta blocker drugs, lanoxin, quindine, digoxin & calcium salts.
Overdose can even lead to cardiac failure.
Red berries of the plant are highly poisonous & should never be consumed.
Should never be consumed during pregnancy & lactation as it can affect the baby.
Lily of the Valley contains glycosides that act somewhat like foxglove & can produce irregular heartbeat & upset stomach.
Leaves can be a mild skin irritant.


Prepare an infusion from the flowering stalks: 15 g to 500 ml of water.
The dosage in all cases is 4 tbsp per day in divided doses.
A cardiac tonic & diuretic, closely resembling in valvular heart disease, cardiac debility & dropsy.
It slows the disturbed action of a weak, irritated heart while, at the same time, increasing its power.


An ointment made of lily of valley is used for treating burns & other wounds without leaving any scars.
It is also helpful in healing the scar tissues quickly & effectively.

The flowers of this herb are infused with water to prepare a tonic for skin lightening from medieval times. It acts as a skin astringent too.


In ancient pagan religions, the flowers of the lily of the valley is sacred to the Celtic goddess Ostara & is burnt as sacrificial incense during her feasts.
Incense made from lily of the valley flowers is also said to attract positivism into a person's life, as well as peace of mind & tranquility.

Lily of the valley  represents purity & humility.

Lily of the valley blooms on the grave of someone who was executed for a crime they did not commit.

It is thought that planting them in the garden will protect the home from ghosts & evil spirits.
The scent of this flower is said to attract nightingales & to give people the power to see a better world.

Although some people consider it bad luck to bring the flowers into the house, in France, people still trade gifts of this plant on May Day in order to have good luck through the year.

It is unlucky to plant the bed of the Lily of the Valley. The person doing so will die before the year is over.

Both the flowers & the root of the lily of the valley can be dried & used as an incense to stave away depression & encourage happiness into one's life.

Lily of the valley is also said to increase one's sensitivity to psychic phenomenon & to enhance one's intellectual powers.

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