Wood sorrel has a pleasant lemony taste & is rich in vitamin C & also contains vitamin A.

It has diuretic, antiscorbutic & refrigerant action & a decoction made from its leaves is given in high fever
Wood Sorrel is used as a blood cleanser & will strengthen a weak stomach, produce an appetite, check vomiting & remove obstructions of the viscera.

The juice used as a gargle is a remedy for ulcers in the mouth & is good to heal wounds & to stop bleeding.
Sponges & linen cloths saturated with the juice & applied, are effective in the reduction of swellings & inflammation.
The poultice of the plant is believed to be capable of dissolving old tumors & masses of diseased tissue.
Also the leaves are crushed & applied locally to dispel boils & abscesses.

Wood Sorrel can be also useful to treat catarrh & urinary disordersconjunctivitis, coughs, gingivitis, prickly-heat, stomatitis, sore mouths & throats,antiseptic & removal of worms.
It relieves heartburn, stomach upsets & slight liver complaints. For these, the tea is drunk cooled, 2 cups a day.
For jaundice, nephritis, eczema & worms the same amount is drunk warm.
The freshly pressed juice can be taken for stomach cancer in the early stage, cancer-like internal & external ulcers & growths.
The freshly pressed juice is dabbed directly on external growths.
The leaves are chewed for nausea.


When used internally, some caution is advised due to the oxalic acid content of the leaves, the plant is contra-indicated for people suffering from gastritis or a calculus condition.
Those with a disposition to gouty conditions, rheumatism, arthritis, kidney or bladder complaints should refrain from its use altogether. Wood sorrel (like many other plants: Spinach, Broccoli, Rhubarb,Chard & Beet greens all contain large amounts of oxalic acid) contains oxalic acid, which can exacerbate such conditions.
Consumption of too much oxalic acid can hinder absorption of calcium & other minerals, so if you are very mineral deficient, eating this plant frequently can cause problems.
However, the oxalic acid in vegetables is broken down in cooking.



1 tbsp of the herb infused in 1 cup boiling water. No more than 2 cups per day. Excessive doses can cause hemorrhage & diarrhea due to internal irritation. Oxalate poisoning is the result.

Fresh juice:

The leaves are washed & put into a juice extractor.

The fresh leaves may be used in cooking wherever you would use lemon juice, especially when cooking fish. It imparts a lovely lemony flavor when the fresh leaves are added to the dish.
The juice of the leaves turns red when clarified & makes a fine, clear syrup, which was considered as effectual as the infusion.
Wood Sorrel leaves make a refreshing, thirst-quenching munch & are also added to salads, soups, sauces etc. This leaf should be used in moderation.

Delicious Wood Sorrel Salad:

2 dl sprouts
handful of chives, chopped
1 dl wood sorrel, chopped
2 dl cottage cheese
100 g cherry tomatoes, quartered
Just mix everything & enjoy!

Fruit Salad with Wood Sorrel:

1 cup of strawberries
1 pineapple compote
1 pear
1 handful of Wood Sorrel
0,5 lemon, juice
Chop & mix it all.
You can add some pineapple juice.


The Celts associated the sprightly Wood Sorrel with the leprechauns. Still today in Ireland there are representations of leprechauns always holding a Wood Sorrel leaf. Leprechauns not only enjoy playing tricks on humans, they are also extremely skilled artisans & guardians of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. To put the leprechauns in a good mood, the Irish used to place bread & milk or beer under the elder bush by the house & would sometimes receive a little help with some handiwork in return.

Use wood sorrel in rituals & spells for healing.

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