Ground Elder is a good source of vitamin C & A as well as minerals such as potassium, carotene, iron & manganese, copper & trace minerals such as boron & titanium.

All parts of the plant are antirheumatic, diuretic, sedative & vulnerary.

Ground Elder is an anticonvulsant, detoxifying & blood-purifying.
It is a diuretic, but it also gently stimulates digestion & metabolism.
The leaves can be used as well for mild sedative effects.

Goutweed is also used for hemorrhoids.

An infusion is used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis & disorders of the bladder & intestines.

Externally, it is used as a poultice on burns, stings, wounds, painful joints etc.

Boil the roots & leaves of the plant together & use hot wraps for treating pains in bone-joints.
One of the benefits of eating Ground Elder is that it can relieve painful symptoms of gout.


There are no known side effects of this leafy vegetable but over consumption might lead to some discomfort.


Ground Elder exudes a mild aroma similar to the parsley or lemon.
The foliage can be used as a spring leaf vegetable & prepared similar to spinach or can be eaten as a pot herb.
The leaves are gathered from February to May or June, prior to flowering. If gathered later, the leaves take on a pungent taste & have a laxative effect.
Before flowers bloom, young leaves are plucked & used in the making of Goutweed soup with vegetables & onions.
It can be made into a filling for empanadas. The fresh leafy greens can be made into delicious vegetarian dishes apart from salads.

Goutweed Soup:

1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
2 medium sized potatoes, peeled & cubed
handful of mushrooms
2 large handfuls of young goutweed, washed well & chopped
1 l vegetable stock
Saute the onions till soft.
Add mushrooms & garlic.
Add the potatoes & saute for ~3 minutes.
Add vegetable stock & cook the soup until the potatoes are soft.
Add the goutweed & simmer for about 5 minutes.
Puree, dilute to desired consistency & add salt, pepper, chilies or other herbs to taste.

Empanada filling:

1 sliced onion
handful of chopped mushrooms
tofu cubes
1 garlic clove, crushed
handful of chopped goutweed
Make your empanada pastry.
Chill in the fridge for at least an hour.
Roll it out in 20 cm diameter rounds.
For the filling fry the tofu in a little bit of soy sauce until crispy. Put aside.
Saute onion,mushrooms & garlic, add seasoning.
Add goutweed, stir in & fry for a couple of minutes.
Add the tofu bits.
Cool the filling.
Preheat the oven to 176°C.
Place a handful of filling in the center of your empanada round & fold it over to make a parcel. Press together the edges, with a little water if necessary to make them stick. Glaze with egg-wash.
Line a cookie sheet with baking paper & place the empanadas on it.
Bake ca 30 min.

Ground Elder Pesto:

2 handfuls of shredded ground-elder
4 cloves of garlic
salt & pepper
4 tbsp olive oil
60 g walnuts
100 g parmesan cheese
Put everything into a blender & blend until smooth, add more oil if needed.
If you prefer a spicier version, add more garlic or use a little red onion.


It is referred to as Bishop’s weed because the leaflets look like a bishop’s head-gear.

To preserve swine from sudden death take the worts lupin, bishopwort & others, drive the swine to the fold, hang the worts upon the four sides & upon the door.

Goutweed’s main properties are fast unrestrained growth & expansion in all directions, literally taking an area by storm, which would link it to the planetary influence of Neptune. It can be used in rituals aiming at overthrowing established structures through fast expansion or the quick attraction of wealth & riches.

Use for calling upon forest spirits.

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