Smyrnium olusatrum

Alexanders root contains vitamin B12, Zinc, Thiamine, Sucrose, Riboflavin, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Fructose, Glucose & many other trace minerals.

Alexanders is antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, analgesic, aphrodisiac, deodorant, digestive, antiseptic, lipolytic (fat & weight loss action), stimulant & stomachic.

The whole plant is bitter & digestivediuretic
The root is a diuretic.

The seeds can be soaked in wine to create a tonic for scurvy when other sources of vitamin C were not available & also to promote menstruation.

Alexanders has been used in the treatment of asthma, menstrual problems & wounds.

Externally it is used as a medicinal gargle for sore throat & as a medicinal poultice for broken bones, swellings, itching & rheumatism.

The crushed leaves or their juice is a soothing & healing treatment for cuts & minor abrasions.


The whole plant has a strong warm celery-like taste & can be eaten either raw, as a salad among other herbs, or boiled.

Stems can be cooked like asparagus, the roots can be treated like any other root vegetables & the leaves can be used as a stock vegetable & are particularly useful in soups.

The flower buds can also be steamed & eaten in place of broccoli.

Leafy seedlings can be used as a parsley substitute.

Use leaves same ways as celery or lovage, as flavoring for soups, stews & sauces accompanying meat & fish.

Flower buds can be used raw, steamed or pickled, they can be added to salads & go well with fish or with a strong, hard cheese.

Use the roots as parsnip substitute or they can be preserved in a sweet & sour pickle.

The root is said to be more tender if it has been kept in a cool place all winter.

Seeds can be used to add flavor to stocks, stews, soups & to flavor rice.

The unopened flower buds can be pickled & when this is done they look like mini-cauliflowers.

The spicy seeds can be used as a pepper substitute.


Magically, Alexanders is under the dominion of the planet Jupiter & is used as an aphrodisiac & in love potions & philtres.

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