Stachys sylvatica
The entire woundwort plant has several medicinal properties, including  antipyreticantisepticantibacterialastringentantispasmodiccarminative  &  febrifugediureticstomachichypotensive &  tonicstypticvulnerary & vermifuge.

As the herb stops bleeding & promotes the healing of tissues so splendidly, it would make a safe & excellent first aid ointment.
Woundwort has been used in traditional herbal medicine to treat kidney problems,  to cure cuts & injuries & generally used in the form of a poultice prepared with the fresh leaves.
Woundwort possesses antispasmodic properties & since long, the herb has been traditionally used as a medication to treat gout, cramps & aching joints.
It is also effective in stopping hemorrhages as well as healing wounds.

While an infusion prepared with cold water & freshly sliced or dried as well as powdered leaves is said to be a revitalizing drink, a weak infusion of the herb may also be used as therapeutic eyewash for sties & pinkeye.

In addition, woundwort is also ingested as a remedial tea to treat diarrhea, fevers, internal hemorrhage, tender mouth & throat as well as the debility of the heart & liver.


Woundwort, especially its tuberous roots, are edible & eaten both raw & cooked. It is considered to be a healthy & nourishing food having a pleasing gentle nutty taste.
You may also prepare bread & other items by using the dried & pounded powder of the tuberous woundwort roots.
The tubers of this plant are formed during autumn.
The young shoots of the herb can also be consumed after cooking much in the same way as asparagus. Shoots are often used as a substitute for asparagus. Although the shoots have a pleasing flavor, their smell is disgusting.

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