Primrose contains saponins, which have an expectorant effect & salicylates which are the main ingredient of aspirin & have anodyne, anti-inflammatory & febrifuge effects.
The roots & the flowering herb are anodyne, antispasmodic, astringent, emetic, sedative & vermifuge.
Primrose has similar therapeutic properties to cowslip.

Primrose is important remedy for muscular rheumatism, paralysis & gout. Aids in weight loss, reduces high blood pressure & helps to treat female disorders such as cramps, heavy bleeding, hot flashes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, alcoholism.
An infusion of primrose flowers is used as remedy for migraine headaches, insomnia, nervous conditions, PMS & general weakness.
A tea made from the flowering plant is used for articular rheumatism.
Primrose is considered a blood purifier & useful for palsy & lumbago.
An ointment made of the leaves & flowers can be used for skin problems, heals wounds, burns, scalds, softens wrinkles, lightens freckles, discolorations of the skin & blemishes. Primrose can be used for vertigo, hysteria, epilepsy, convulsions, palsy, backache, cystitis & urine retention.

An infusion made of the flower petals has been employed as a remedy for insomnia, restlessness, fatigue & in stronger concentrations, even tremors, palsy & frenzy.
Tea  promotes a sleep & relaxation.

When used raw & made into a poultice or a paste, it may be employed as a healing salve for open wounds.

Mixed with oil & heated, it can help to relieve mild symptoms of rheumatism arthritis.
It makes an excellent compress to reduce inflammations & fevers.

A maceration of the dried leaves, often combined with the dried root of the plant, makes an excellent ointment for the relief of pains associated with rheumatismarthritismuscular spasms & general discomforts brought about by over-exertion or strain.

The dried flowers may also be allowed to macerate in oil, to be employed as a soothing massage ointment that promotes relaxation.
It works best when massaged into the temples, scalp, neck & upper back.

The rootstock makes a good expectorant. A decoction being useful for catarrh, mucous congestion, coughs, fever, bronchitis & lung problems.
An infusion of the roots can be used to treat headaches.

The fresh & dry root mildly decocted in either it's fresh or dry form, makes for an excellent expectorant, especially when combined with mint, honey & cloves.
Like ginger root, it may be combined with honey along with a number of other medicinal plants & taken as a quick remedy for a variety of different bronchial problems.
The honey mixture may likewise be employed as an antibacterial salve or soothing balm for skin inflammations, allergies & minor cuts or scrapes.

Primrose oil may be applied topically to soothe burns, scars & wounds to help healing.
The oil of the common primrose may also be employed as a salve or ointment for the relief of rheumatic & arthritic pains due to its mildly analgesic properties.

The roots are harvested in the autumn when 2-3 years old & dried for later use.


Avoid the root if sensitive to aspirin.
Do not take high doses during pregnancy, because the plant is uterine a stimulant.
Avoid primrose entirely by patients taking blood-thinning drugs.


Leaves & flowers can be used for tea as well as garnish, or flowers can be crystallized.
Fresh leaves can be used in salads in the springtime.
Picked when first opened, the flowers are fermented with water & sugar to make a very pleasant & intoxicating wine.
Both the flowers & the leaves can be made into a syrup.

Infusion: Take 2-3 tsp of fresh or 1-2 tsp of dried herb & add a cup of boiling water.
Allow to stand for at least 10 minutes.
Strain & sip slowly.
Take 1 cup a day.
Use for pain relief, particularly effective for gout, cramps & spasms, as well as headache.

Decoction: boil 2 tsp root stock in 1 cup water.
Good for nervous headache.


Rubbing the leaves on pale cheeks will add color to them.

Cowslip & primrose flower juice can be combined into an ointment for treating facial spots & wrinkles.
Oil can also be employed to help smoothe the skin & improve its vibrancy, elasticity & texture.


Primrose is the flower of  Love & bringer of good luck & is the symbol of the first day of spring.

A tea of primrose blossoms offered to the object of one's eye is said to elicit feelings of love & desire. Bathing one's person with an infusion of primrose blossoms is believed to enhance one's attractiveness, desirability & charisma.
If you find a primrose that has petals, it is said that the wildflower brings luck in love & marriage.

Burn dried primrose flowers or ground primrose root for protection & for the enhancement or attainment of extrasensory abilities.
Because it is believed to be a protective herb, planting primrose around one's household is also traditionally believed to protect the homestead from ill-fortune, sickness & discord.
Both the cowslip & the primrose were thought to hold the keys to heaven & so were considered to be very sacred by the Celtic people.

Due to its traditional associations with relaxation & sleep, dried flowers were commonly sewn into pillows during ancient times, as it was believed to promote restful sleep devoid of nightmares, as well as to enhance the harmony & loyalty of each family member.

Collect the primrose morning dew on Ostara for a potent rejuvenation spell ingredient.

Primroses were very important in the rural area especially during the butter making season that began in May.
In order to encourage cows to produce a lot of milk, primroses were rubbed on their udders at Beltane.
Primroses would also be scattered on the doorstep to protect the butter from the faeries.

Primroses were also associated with chickens & egg laying & it was considered unlucky to bring primroses indoors if the hens were hatching in the coop dresser.

Primroses, being one of the first flowers of spring, open the portal to the realm of the faeries, after the long harsh winter when they like to stay hidden.
It is said that the faeries take shelter under the leaves of primroses when the cold February rain is pouring down.
Primroses can be used in fairy magic spells for beauty & radiance/charisma.
A household where primroses grew was said to be favored by & blessed by the little folk, especially by Fae.
Guard the house with a string of primroses on the first three days of May. The fairies are said not to be able to pass over or under this string.
According to Irish lore, eating primroses enables you to see faeries & hanging a a bouquet on your door is seen as an invitation for faeries to enter & would secure their blessing on your home. However, if you scatter primroses on the ground outside your front door, the faeries are unable to cross over & enter your home.
The symbol of safety & protection, in ancient times it was placed on the doorstep to encourage the fairy folk to bless the house & anyone living in it & it was also said that if you ate the blooms of the primrose you would see a fairy.
Protects the garden from adversity, attracts faeries, attracts love & lust, cures madness & when sewn into children's pillows, makes them loyal to their parents.
Primroses are loved by the faeries so if you grow them don’t let them die or you will greatly offend the faeries.
It was also said that if you touched a fairy rock with the right number of Primroses in a posy you will be shown the way to fairyland.

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