Tanacetum parthenium
Feverfew will provide you with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, Niacin.
This herbal tea is also considered a good source of potassium, manganese, magnesium, zinc & selenium.

The leaves have been used in traditional medicine throughout history for various ailments including reducing fever & treating toothachedigestive problems, insect bites.

Feverfew tea may be good for alleviating the pains & discomforts that come with menstrual cramps, infertility & with labor during childbirth, also to facilitate delivery of the placenta following childbirth..
Aside from acting as a pain reliever, this tea can also help regulate menstruation cycles.
Brings on delayed periods  & cures inward & outward inflammations of the female reproductive organs, especially a hardened or prolapsed uterus.

Feverfew has a mild tranquilizing effect & is especially good for headaches caused by tension or fatigues, particularly for the prevention of migraines & arthritismuscle tension & pain.
To be fully effective it needs to be taken every day. Feverfew is unlikely to work immediately & you may need to take it for several weeks before you experience marked improvements in your migraine.
To prevent headaches chew 2-3 fresh leaves per day.

Feverfew can also reduce inflammation in joints & tissues.
It helps in relief of face-ache or earache of a dyspeptic or rheumatic person.

Feverfew is also used to lower blood pressure, lessen stomach irritation, stimulate the appetite & to improve digestion & kidney function.
It has been indicated for colitis, dizziness, tinnitus.

A decoction with sugar or honey or as a syrup is said to be good for coughs, wheezing & difficult breathing.

A tincture made from Feverfew & applied locally immediately relieves the pain & swelling caused by bites of insects & vermin or as a treatment of bruises.

The nervous system is also benefited as the feverfew acts as a tonic, it helps in relaxing the tension & aids in lifting away persistent depression while also promoting sleep at the same time.
Feverfew's sedative properties make it useful in hysterical complaints, nervousness, low spirits & is a general tonic.

The herbal feverfew remedies have also been used to treat disorders such as asthma, allergic reactions such as the hay fever, in the treatment of spells of dizziness.

Also used as a foot bath for swollen feet.

Feverfew tea is sometimes recommended for reducing some of the symptoms of anemia.


Avoid feverfew in pregnancy because it may increase the risk of bleeding or even induce abortion of the fetus.
It is best taken with food as this reduces the chance of its causing irritation to the stomach.
Feverfew can cause stomach upset. Chewing the raw leaves, day after day, can irritate the mouth, but the irritation subsides once you stop chewing the leaves.
Using the fresh plant also can cause a skin rash.
Since feverfew relaxes blood vessels, it can increase blood flow during menstruation.
Avoid feverfew if you are allergic to plants in the ragweed family.
The fresh leaves can cause mouth ulcers, discontinue use if this occurs.


1-4 leaves chewed per day proven in the past to be effective for some migraine headaches & is antiseptic.
Pick the leaves & then eat them in which ever way you find most suitable.
They can be chopped up & put in salad or a sandwich.

Use 1 tsp of the herb with 1 cup of boiling hot water.
Take 1- 2 cups every day.
Relieves headaches, migraines, arthritis, neuritis, neuralgia, indigestion, colds & muscle tension.
Eliminates worms.
Stimulates the appetite, increases fluidity of lung an bronchial tube mucus, stimulates uterine contractions & promotes menses.

To combat insects, a tincture made from feverfew mixed with 1 cup of cold water will keep away the gnats, mosquitoes & other pests.
Bees find the odor & taste of feverfew highly repulsive.

To make a flea rinse for your pet, pour boiling water over the fresh herbs & let stand until completely cooled. Strain & apply wetting the fur & skin thoroughly.
Do not towel dry or rinse.


Externally can be applied as a cosmetic agent to remove spots.


Some say that feverfew is most effective against fever & colds if it is gathered with the left hand as the name of the patient is spoken aloud & with nary a glance behind.

A magic herb carried by clumsy or accident prone people to protect them from harm.
Feverfew is often use in mojo bags. Alone or combined with hyssop & rosemary in a bag it is used to prevent general accidents.
To prevent accidents while traveling, put it in a bag with comfrey root & a St Christopher medal & put it in your glove box, rear view mirror or carry on bag.
Using feverfew as a bath tea will help break hexes designed to make you more accident prone.

Growing this plant around the outside of your home is said to prevent illness from entering.
Binding the flowers to the wrist is said to assist in drawing out pain as well.

Feverfew is planted around the house for purification & protection.

Opens the head energy centers, if they are constricted, allowing better energy flow.
Blow smoke around the individuals head, or if they are sensitive to smoke, use an oil infusion as a massage or even compresses of hot tea.


  1. thanks for sharing! i had never heard of feverfew but wow so many great results from drinking it! i might just have to try it. Thanks.

    Joy at The Joyous Living

  2. Feverfew might become useful in states where abortion is now illegal.

    1. I don't recommend, as it is not safe. Feverfew is an amazing herb & can be taken for so many different health issues, but one should use it with care & respect 💛☀💛

  3. I didn't know about feverfew till now. This I'd very enlightening. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow, I'd never heard of this but it seems like it comes just packed with really helpful stuff. My hubby is into teas like this, so I might have to try it.

  5. Kristine Nicole AlessandraJuly 29, 2019 at 11:33 PM

    This is the first time I have heard about the plant and its benefits when made into a tea. Thank you for listing down its benefits aa well as the precautions we need to know about.

  6. We used to have this flower in our garden. I didn't know it has so much benefits!


Thank you for your thoughts