Most mushrooms are a fair source of proteins & contain low amounts of starch.
Some of them are rich in B complex vitamins & minerals like iron & copper.
Most of the vitamins in the mushrooms are retained even when cooked, canned, dehydrated or frozen.
Mushrooms have analgesicanti-inflammatory properties.
Mushrooms are a rich source of calcium, which is an essential nutrient in the formation &
strength of bones.
A steady supply of calcium in the diet can reduce your chances of developing conditions like osteoporosis & can also reduce joint pain & general lack of mobility that is associated with bone degradation.
Certain kinds of anaemia's are reported to have been treated successfully with mushroom extracts.
Mushrooms are excellent sources of antioxidants in general as they contain polyphenols & selenium, which are common in the plant world.

Mushrooms have been credited with various curative properties like removing warts & blemishes on the skin, curing madness & now scientists are trying to identify anti-cancer properties in them.

The health benefits of mushrooms include relief from high cholesterol levels, breast cancer, prostrate cancer & diabetes.
It also helps in weight loss & increases the strength of your immune system.

Mushrooms improve the health of the skin & boost the energy levels.
Some mushrooms are drunk as a tonic, some treat wounds & help to fight infections.

Helps increase libido & combat allergies, lowers blood pressure.

Saffron Milk Cap:

Very strong antibacterial & anti fungal properties.



Yellow Stagshorn:

Not edible or useful for anything but very pretty!!

 Beechwood Sickener:

No Good :)

Common Stinkhorn: 

Stinkhorn mushroom is an edible fungus.
Young fruit bodies of an egg-stage can be used for food.
Fried on oil they have a fish taste.

Ancient Romans dedicated this fungus to Cerera - the goddess of fertility. Germans have named it "a witch's egg".

In middle ages it was used for preparing so called "amorous liquor".
In Austria it is called "a podagra morel".
Baltic & Slav people's medicine advises using Zemestauki (Phallus Impudicus) for pains in abdomen, renal diseases, for bathing & treating wounds, as a remedy for rheumatism & podagra.
The Chinese have attracted their attention to this fungus as a remedy for carcinoma of the lip.
Recent experiments & clinical  studies show that Stinkhorn mushroom juice  have an anthithrombogenic activity, which is very important in thromboembolic disease prevention in cancer.

It is known for its antibiotic properties both topically & internally.  Its juices can be spread on cuts & burns to help ward off infections as well as kill off any bacteria that my already be in the wound.  
Also for frostbites, eczema, psoriasis, trophic ulcer.
When using stinkhorn it is best to use a good probiotic because it is  indiscriminate on which bacteria it kills.

Despite it being a fungus itself, it is actually a pretty good fungicide, helping to heal things such as athlete's foot or ring worm.
Common Stinkhorn helps & cures not only cancer but also stomach tract diseases, stomach ulcers, bacteriosis, gastritis, ruptures & podagra & also gynecopathiesmastopathy & myoma.
It is the first remedy against bone deformations, as well as a good remedy for potency – ancient Romans used it for the improvement of potency.
The Common Stinkhorn juice liquidizes blood, diminishes blood pressure & improves immunity - phytoncides of the mushroom kill viruses of herpes, flu, hepatitis.
The mushroom without any addition of alcohol helps to cure pancreas.
It can be used also during the post-operational stage.
For prevention & treatment of malign & benign tumours, as well as after beam therapy & chemotherapy.
For treatment of liver, kidneyshaemorrhoids & a fissure of rectum.

Due to the mushrooms phallic shape this species is infamous in folklore, rather unsurprisingly being suggested by many as an aphrodisiac & to cure impotence.


When young, the spongy fungal tissue makes an excellent food & is consumed with relish by people in many European areas. Once matured, it is not edible but its dried inner woolly substance can be stored & used to stop bleeding from wounds & incisions.
The spores are used as an anesthetic & narcotic through inhalation, though this can cause serious lung inflammation.
The Blackfoot tribe of North America sniff the spores to treat nosebleed & burn the fungi as incense to drive off evil spirits.
Lycoperdon pyriforme, the North American stump puffball, is said to have sleep inducing effect.

When young & pulpy the Puff Ball is excellent to be eaten, but it deteriorates very rapidly after being gathered & should not be used if it has become stained with yellow marks.
When purely white it may be cut into thick slices of a quarter-of-an-inch & fried in fresh butter, with pepper, salt & pounded herbs & each slice should be first dipped in the egg yolk.
The Puff Ball will also make an excellent omelets.

Puffballs were also used as tinder many years ago & are burnt, producing smoke which stupefies bees so that honey can be collected safely.

In Scotland the Puff Ball is the blind man's e'en, because it has been believed that its dust will cause blindness.

Chaga Mushrooms:

Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is a fungus that grows on birch & other hardwood trees.
Chaga is unusual in the mushroom world as it resembles porous wood & is black & hard - similar to lumpy charcoal.
Chaga contains wild-source minerals & is particularly high in copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc & iron.

Ancient Chinese regarded it as a longevity factor, which is why they deemed it the most complete of all growths.
Chaga is a health food which supports the entire system. The Siberians drink it daily. This is why they are long-lived.
They are effective against influenza, smallpox & HIV,against cancers of the liver, uterus, breast, colon, skin, cervix & lung.

The polysaccharides found in this mushroom have been shown to have high anti-inflammatory properties which also help to balance the immune system.

These medical mushrooms have some of the most powerful concentrated antioxidants known to man to help fight free radical,anti aging.
Records from the 16th century show that chaga mushrooms were used to help those suffering from ulcers, cancer, tuberculosis & gastritis.
Other aliments where this effect was registered include diabetes & hypertension.
Studies have also been conducted on the use of these mushrooms on psoriasis & the results have been very positive.


One rare side effect which may be suffered is bleeding. This is generally made worse if the mushrooms are used in conjunction with medicines such as warfarin & aspirin.
Another side effect which you might rarely have is that your blood sugar levels fall too low.

Make sure your mushrooms are dry & hard.
The best way to cook these hard, woody mushrooms is to cut the entire mushroom into small pieces.
Place mushrooms in a pot with of water, depending on the quantity of mushrooms & the desired tea strength.
Bring the water to a simmer for 20 minutes to 1 hour or so until tea reaches desired strength.
Allow tea to cool & strain it through a cloth.

These teas act as a tonic, which helps to restore or increase body tone.
These mushrooms can also be dried & ground into powder to be used in preparation of teas.

Tree decay fungi - Identification & Significance 

Birch Polypore:

Birch Polypore has been used as a tonic for the immune system, as an antiseptic to clean wounds & promote healing, a plaster that is microporus, antifungal & antiseptic & can be used to get rid of parasitic worms.

Young polypores can be sliced thin, marinated then roasted. 
Cut up & dried, they can be used as a tea although it isn't that great tasting. Dehydrating is a great way to preserve them long term. Once dehydrated they can be powdered, then add to any dish you prepare. 
Store in a cool, dark location once dehydrated.


Truffles contain zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium & many other properties.
It treats diabetes, prevents atherosclerosis, has a certain inhibitory action on cancer cells & tumors.
Prevents heart's blood vessel deceases, helps to reduce & control cholesterol levels.
Also may increase the energy,restore the appetite & improves the sleep.
In Italy these tubers are fried in oil & dusted with pepper.
For epicures they are mixed with the liver of fattened geese in pat de foie gras.


Looking like a single mini-trumpet this mushroom has been associated with anti-microbial, bacterial & fungal properties.
They are also high in vitamin C, D & potassium.
Frequent consumption may be effective for night blindness, dry skin, infections of respirator tract, inflammation of the eye & sarcoma.
Chanterelles may help to increase circulation to the extremeties & may help to alleviate cold hands & feet.

Shaggy Ink Cap: 

The Shaggy Inkcap is a good edible species although lacking somewhat in flavour compared with Ceps, Morels or Chanterelles.
It can be used to make soups or sauces to be served with meat dishes, or simply cut into strips & fried.
The most important thing is to make absolutely sure that they are young & fresh.

People who like a drink should know that while the common ink- cap can be eaten in perfect safety, if they drink alcohol in the next few days they risk being overcome with nausea, sweating, acute sensations of pins & needles & heart palpitations.
In the past the active substance coprine has been used to deter alcoholics from drinking.

Common Ink Cap


Also called caterpillar fungus or Tochukasu has anti-aging effects.

They also attack the golden staph & herpes viruses.
The medicinal power of Cordyceps also inhibits the vitality of leukocytes & detoxify the body.
The mushroom consequently ensures proper circulation of blood within the body, where all tissues are properly fed.
It has hypoglycemic & possible antidepressant effects, protects your liver & kidneys,helps normalize your cholesterol levels & has been used to treat Hepatitis B.
Cordyceps has anti tumor properties as well.
More recent studies suggest it also has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics that may be helpful for those suffering from asthma,rheumatoid arthritis,renal failure,stroke damage.

Modern applications include its use for chronic lung problems, heart disease, hepatitis, impotence, kidney failure & immune disease including cancer, diabetes & chronic fatigue.

It enhances the function of the adrenal cortex, increases respiratory muscle performance & improves the integrity of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, thus calming the nervous system.

For people undergoing chemotherapy & radiation, they gave their bodies a fresh boost of energy when they consumed Cordyceps in the course of treatment.

The mushroom helps people who have insulin problems, helps reduce anxiety & helps fight respiratory problems like bronchitis.

Shiitake (Lentinula edodes):

Shiitake is used to treat stomach & other cancers due to its anti tumor properties,also protect your liver, relieve hyperacidity, gallstones, ulcers, anemia, ascites & pleural effusion.
Shiitake enhances immunity,even helps to fight flu & protects against the damaging effects of radiation & chemotherapy.
Shiitake mushrooms are antibacterial & antifungal,they stabilize blood sugar,reduce atherosclerosis.
In addition to fighting cancer, inhibiting the growth of viruses & lowering cholesterol, shiitake have potent antibiotic effects against other organisms.
A sulfide compound extracted from shiitake has been found to have an effect against the fungus that causes ringworm & other skin diseases.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum): 

Reishi has been used medicinally in Asia for thousands of years.
One of its more useful compounds is ganoderic acid, which is being used to treat lung cancer, leukemia & other cancers.
Reishi mushrooms are antibacterial, antiviral,anti-inflammatory, useful for reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Reishi mushrooms are commonly prescribed for a host of conditions such as anxiety, high blood pressure, bronchitis, insomnia & asthma but is particularly renowned for its use in hepatitis and other diseases of the liver & for promoting longevity.
Reishi is used to prevent cirrhosis due to alcohol abuse.
The Western focus on reishi is on the mushroom's immuno-enhancing & anti-tumor activities.

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor):

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to reduce phlegm, heal pulmonary disorder, increase energy & benefit people with chronic diseases.
Traditional medicine in China & Japan combined the turkey tail mushroom as a supplement that strengthens the body & resolves digestive & nutritional problems.
In Mexican folk medicine, it has been used to treat ringworm.

Turkey Tail includes active ingredients that counter the development of malignant tumors & stimulates the immune system.

Among other things,Turkey Tail activates the immune system, antioxidizes, strengthens the adrenal glands, helps anti-viral activity & restores & protects the liver due to its properties.

The Turkey Tail mushroom is said to treat Hepatitis B.

Turkey Tail mushroom also attempts to fight malaria.

Traditionally, mushrooms can be boiled in water to make a soothing tea.

Himematsutake (Agaricus blazei):

It is most noted for its immune-enhancing, anti-tumor & anti-cancer properties.
Himematsutake is also  known to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol & aid in reversing the effects of atherosclerosis.
Individuals with autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus or atopic dermatitis, also experience benefits from the healing benefits of this mushroom.
Himematsutake may also help decrease insulin resistance in diabetics, improve your hair & skin & even treat polio.

Fly Agaric:

This Mushroom is highly poisonous & therefore the remedial preparations are only to be given in a diluted form.
The use of the Fly Agaric has been for treating an irritable spinal cord, with soreness, twitching of the limbs, dragging of the legs, unsteadiness of the head, neuralgic pains in the arms & legs , some giddiness, a coating of yellow fur on the lining mucous membranes, together with burning & eruptive skin.
Chilblains may be eased by taking the tincture of Agaric & by applying some of the stronger tincture on cotton wool over the swollen & itching parts at night.

Agaric has traditionally been used in rituals as it acts as a hallucinogen, producing effects such as euphoria, relaxation, changes in mood & visual & auditory distortions.
It also produces a heavy intoxication similar to alcohol. But the effects are not consistent & may vary from person to person.

In Siberia, it was ingested to treat psycho physiological states of exhaustion.
For snakebites, a fly agaric tea:a cold-water extract made from dried fruiting bodies,was massaged into the affected area of the body. This was said to neutralize the toxins.
In the nineteenth century, the fly agaric was used to treat epilepsy & fever & externally to treat ulcerated fistulae.

Only the lower portion of the stalk is chosen, the fly agaric in powder form administered internally in small doses (10-30 grains) or sprinkled externally onto malignant tumors, gangrene

It is used in homeopathic dilutions for problems associated with menopause, over-excitablilty & bladder & intestinal cramps.

Fly Agaric relieves the night sweats of advanced pulmonary consumption & have severally proved of supreme palliative use against the cough, the sleeplessness & drying up the milk in weaning.
These medicines increase the secretion of tears, saliva, bile & sweating, but they materially lessen the quantity of urine.
Belladonna is found to be the best antidote.

Sarcoscypha sp.
Scarlet Elfcup:

After being dried & ground up into a powder, scarlet elfcup was applied as a styptic, particularly to the navels of newborn children that were not healing properly after the umbilical cord had been severed.
Take a handful of scarlet cups & blanch very quickly.
Scoop a small amount of cheese filling into the cap of fungus.
Make a deep frying batter.
Holding the cap by stem dip into batter & deep fry.
Serve with garlic mayonnaise.


Mushroom poisoning can vary from a minor upset stomach to a rather painful protracted death, depending upon the species of mushroom eaten, the amount eaten & the person who has eaten it.

Onset of symptoms may be delayed a day or more after ingestion.

Some mushrooms are hallucinogenic.

Small children, older people (65+) & people with existing medical problems are most vulnerable to one or more of the various toxins produced by poisonous mushrooms.


Baked Mushrooms & Eggs:

1 tbsp olive oil or butter
50 g butter
2 shallots, peeled & finely sliced
450 g chestnut or button mushrooms or 550 g wild mushrooms; cleaned, trimmed & chopped into bite size pieces
3 sprigs tarragon or parsley leaves chopped
4 tbsp sour cream
4 eggs
Salt & pepper
Heat the oil in the pan over a medium heat & add a generous knob of butter.
Add the shallots & cook gently for 7 or so minutes to soften, stirring regularly to avoid burning.
Add all butter & the mushrooms, turn the heat up & fry the mushrooms so that they get a bit of colour. Continue cooking, moving so they cook evenly, until they start to soften & the liquid evaporates.
Add salt, pepper & herbs to taste.
Remove from the heat & set aside.
Preheat the oven to 180C &  butter 4 small ramekins.
Divide the mushrooms between the ramekins.
Spoon in half the Crème fraîche.
Make a dip in the centre of each ramekin & crack an egg in, being careful not to break the yolk.
Season with salt & pepper, spoon on the rest of the creme fraiche & put in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until the white is cooked but the yolk is still runny.
Serve straight away with toast & salad.


Mushrooms may have properties that could produce super-human strength, help in finding lost objects & lead the soul to the realm of the gods.
Even Santa Claus has been linked to fungi. It's been suggested that his red &
white outfit symbolizes Fly Agaric.

Siberian shamans were known to consume this mushroom & Santa's use of the chimney is similar to a shaman custom of leaving a dwelling through its smoke hole during a festival.

According to the Norse,Odin & his attendants were riding across the sky on their horses when
suddenly they began to be pursued by demons. In order to escape these demons, they had to ride
their horses very hard. As a result, the horses began to foam at the mouth & bleed. The blood
& foam mixed & wherever it struck the ground, a red fly-agaric with white spots sprang up.

The ancient Hindus thought that eating mushrooms was extremely unlucky.

In  Bohemia it is said that many mushrooms is a sign of a bad harvest.

In Europe, mushrooms eaten in the full of the moon are thought to preserve a person from malaria.

The mushroom most associated with faeries is Fly Agaric with hallucinogenic powers. While Viking warriors would eat this magical fungus to gain their fighting frenzy known as "Berserk",the Celts stayed away from it. They had a taboo on these red mushrooms,considering them to belong to the gods.

If the Burman comes across the mushrooms at the beginning of the journey, he considers it a most fortunate omen.

Mushroom will die if human eyes watch them grow, they will not grow after they have been seen or talked about.

When mushrooms spring up during the night expect rain.

If the fungus that forms & grows on the ceiling of the wine-cellar falls upon a person, that person will surely meet a violent death.

There is a belief that the mushrooms which grow near the iron, copper or other metals are poisonous.

Fairy Rings:

Cattle are said to avoid faerie rings & it is unwise to step into one or fall asleep inside it,as these circles are gateways to the faerie realm..

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