Knotgrass is considered to be a treasure of protein, cellulose, tannins & sugars.
It also contains phosphor, calcium, zinc, ascorbic acid, silicon & carotin.

Knotgrass has a diuretic activity, helping to increase elimination of unwanted toxic waste, alleviating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, gout, repetitive strain & skin inflammation.
It has been used for coughs, bronchial catarrh, inflammations of the mouth & upper respiratory tract, liver & kidney disorders.
Knotgrass has astringent properties, rendering an infusion of it useful in bleeding piles & all hemorrhages & to combat bed-wettingdysenteryenteritis.
It is a mild & quite diffusive relaxant & stimulant, antispasmodic in action & of decided usefulness in flatulent colic & painful menstruation.
Knotgrass is recommended for diarrhea, dysentery & enteritis.
Good for bronchitis, whooping cough, jaundice & lung problems.
As a blood coagulant, it is useful for all forms of internal bleeding, including stomach ulcers; snake bites,blood purifier, inflammations, swellings, toothache, gangrene, canker soresvenereal sores, ear infections, pyelitis & piles.
Knotgrass has been successfully used for cholera infantum, a serious condition with simultaneous vomiting & diarrhea in infants.
Supports the function of the musculoskeletal system.
Knotgrass is is known to improve the elasticity & strength of connective tissues in the body, especially the joints, it also works as an anti-inflammatory by helping the body eliminate toxins.
Externally in the form of baths it is great for various skin diseases in children.
As a gargle for sore throats & as a douche for vaginal inflammations.
When taken for a long period, it's a good solvent for kidney & bladder stones.
Taken regularly, the tea or the tincture dissolves gravel & stones.
It also helps to expel urinary tract stones.
The decoction made from knotgrass was administered to kill worms.
An ointment made from the plant is an excellent remedy for sores.

A strong tea held in the mouth for 5 minutes relieves toothache & stops bleeding gums. Prolonged use is said to harden loose, spongy gums & make teeth less sensitive
Helps prevent tooth decay.
Knotgrass can be used against gingivitis.

This herb is a slow & gentle treatment, so treatments may take several months to be effective.


Don't use it if you have blood clots.


Lung diseases, rheumatism & diseases of the digestive system infusion:

2 tsp of crushed herb to a 1 cup of hot water,
infuse for 15 minutes &
take 3-4 tbsp a day.

Kidney stones:

Chamomile & knotgrass
Mix equal parts of these herbs in water, heat & drink daily for 5 weeks.
Drink a little all day.

Tea for alcohol addiction:

A combination of 3 parts of thyme root &
2 parts each of knotgrass tops & wormwood tops
Adding this combination in boiling water & drinking it helps in the home treatment of alcohol addiction.


steep 4 tsp flowering herb in 1 cup water for 5 minutes.
Take 1 to 1 1/2 cups a day, a mouthful at a time, as needed.


4 tsp flowering herb in 1 cup water.
Take a mouthful at a time, as needed.
For stomach & intestinal problems, take 1 to 1 1/2 cups a day
for lung problems 1 1/2 cups a day.


Take 3 tbsp of dry herb to 200 ml of boiling water, close the lid & heat in water bath for 15 min.
Let it cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain.
Bring the volume back to 200 ml by adding boiling water.
Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.


Use well developed plants gathered during flowering.
Take 1/2-1 glass of juice with 1 tbsp of honey 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


2 tbsp herb to 250 ml of cold water & bring to a boil.

In exchange treatment for cleaning the skin, during the spring & fall prevention courses drink daily for several weeks 2-3 cups.

When diarrhea, cough & hoarseness, rheumatism, gout, kidney & bladder, urinary retention & recurrent pain of hemorrhoids - sip 3 cups a day over the day.

Tea applied topically in the form of lotions on poorly healing wounds, especially in trophic ulcers.

Bathtub for children:

knotgrass - 5 parts, leaves,
birch - 3 parts,
nettle - 3 parts,
chamomile - 3 parts,
black currant - 4 parts,
wild rosmary - 4 parts,
wild pansy - 4 parts,
tetterwort - 4 parts, twigs
snowball tree - 4 pieces,
burdock root - 4 parts,
thyme - 5 parts,
Great for various skin diseases.

Pancreatic disorders:

50 g agrimony
50 g knotgrass
50 g shepherd's purse
40 g yarrow
Prepare the mixed herbs as a hot infusion & sip 3 cups
throughout the day.

Thyroid gland disorders:

45 g lemon balm
45 g cleavers
45 g calendula
45 g oak bark
45 g sage
45 g speedwell
30 g iceland moss
30 g knotgrass
30 g rosemary
Prepare the mixed herbs as a hot infusion & drink 2-3 cups

Stay Young Tea:

Take equal parts of
nettle leaves
knotgrass leaves
rose hips
Pour over the 1 tsp of herb mixture 1 cup of boiling water, let it stand for 3 hours.
Drink at the mornings.


The knotgrass plant is joyous & moves its branches when the wise person, who knows how to love it, approaches it.
Knotgrass is a herb to increase emotional commitment & encourage fidelity, it can be used for ensuring promises are kept & for all rituals involving knots.
Knotgrass is used in spells to bind & restrict someone, to control a person's movements in some way, or to symbolically tie things down.
Used for binding any problems one has.

The Iroquois carry powdered knotgrass in a packet to draw love; they say that slipping some into a prospective mate's tea will make you seem more attractive.

Place in your hand & visualize them being drawn into the knotgrass & then burn the herb & discard the ashes.

To bind your woes & worries, hold knotgrass & place your problems into it, once you have visualized it absorbing all your problems, burn it.

Carry knotgrass to strengthen & protect your eyes.

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