Honeysuckle bark contains compounds that induce a diuretic effect in the body; a remedy made from the bark is used to bring relief from problems such as gout, from kidney stones & is also used in treating liver problems of all kinds. 


Honeysuckle leaves have the astringent properties & are made into an infusion used as an oral gargle & general mouthwash - this remedy is excellent in alleviating sore throats & canker sores or other oral complaints
The plant is also used to reduce blood pressure
The stems are used internally in the treatment of acute rheumatoid arthritis, mumps & hepatitis


The flowers should be harvested in early morning before they open & are dried for later use.

Honeysuckle should be used for acute illnesses. It is not meant to be used in the treatment of chronic conditions.

An infusion of the flower buds is used in the treatment of a wide range of ailments including syphilitic skin diseases & tumors, bacterial dysentery, colds, enteritis, pain, swellings etc.
Flower extracts lower blood cholesterol levels & are antibacterial, antiviral & tuberculostatic
Externally, the flowers are applied as a wash to skin inflammations, infectious rashes,boils & sores

The remedies made from the flowers of the honeysuckle have an anti-spasmodic effect, this brings relief from chronic coughs & can be used as a treatment for asthma & related respiratory disorders.

Honeysuckle is used to clear away toxic substances, also to kill or inhibit the action of germs.

It reduces ulcers, sore throat, skin infections & clears the lungs & strengthens general health.

Because it is a natural antibiotic, honeysuckle can also be used for infections caused by staph or strep bacteria.

Honeysuckle is used for digestive disorders including pain & inflammation of the small intestine & dysentery.
Also for colds, influenza, swine flu & pneumoniaswelling of the brain (encephalitis).
Honeysuckle is also used for urinary disorders, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis & cancer.
Some people use it to promote sweating, as a laxative, to counteract poisoning & for birth control.

Honeysuckle has been used to  purify the system & stimulate the efficient removal of waste products from the body.
It helps to cleanse toxins from the blood, intestinal system, liver & urinary tract.
Often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honeysuckle has been known to fight infection, lower fevers, as well as enhance the immune system.
Important recent research shows promise in the fight against malignant diseases, HIV & other viruses.

One of Honeysuckle's constituents, salicylic acid, is the natural forerunner of aspirin & has, therefore, made the herb useful in easing painful headaches & the inflammation & pain of aching joints

Honeysuckle is useful in reducing rashes from skin diseases & poison oak, in which case it should be used as a poultice.
For cuts or abrasions that could become infected, an external honeysuckle infusion can be applied.


Most Honeysuckle berries are poisonous & should not be eaten.
Honeysuckle is not intended for long-term use. While the flowers are low in toxicity, the fruits, leaves & stems are more toxic. Symptoms of poisoning include extreme tiredness, drowsiness, dilated pupils & photo sensitivity.
Avoid when there is chronic diarrhea caused by cancer treatment, HIV, hepatitis C, or other chronic disease.
Skin contact with honeysuckle can cause rash in allergic people.
Honeysuckle might slow blood clotting, so there is concern that it might increase the risk of extra bleeding during & after surgery. Stop using honeysuckle at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


Honeysuckle is edible & medicinal. High in Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium, the leaves can be parboiled & eaten as a vegetable. 
The edible buds & flowers can be made into a syrup or puddings.

Honeysuckle sore throat syrup:

2 cups honeysuckle fresh flowers 
1 l water 
1 cup honey 

Bring 1 l of water to a boil & add the two cups of honeysuckle flowers.
Gently simmer for 10 minutes & strain.
Add 1 cup of honey, bring to a boil for 1 minute & remove from heat.
Add any flavorings at this time to the syrup.
Store in fridge up to a month or freeze in small batches & take out what you need at one time.
Take 30 ml every 2 hours.

This cures also strep throat.
Eruptive childhood diseases (mumps, measles, chicken pox etc.)
Bacterial or viral infections (including respiratory infections, cold/flu, urinary tract infections, etc.)
Cough with burning sensation or chest tension.
Cold/flu with feelings of restlessness, high fever, flushed face, red tongue & rapid pulse.
Locally on wounds, abrasions & burns.
Tension, restlessness with feelings of irritation & anxiety.

Honeysuckle flowers infused in honey or glycerin:

Pick honeysuckle flowers & buds & put them in a jar, then fill it up with runny honey or vegetable glycerin. Put the jar on a sunny windowsill or in another warm place & leave it for 2 weeks.
You may need to push the flowers down into the liquid every few days to keep them covered, or they will go brown.
Strain, bottle.
Dose: 1 tsp as needed for sore throats, or 3 times a day.

The flowers can be infused to create a hot tea that can be used as an expectorant. 
Honeysuckle is often combined with other herbs (including cowslip & mulberry) to create a tea that is used to treat coughs & mild symptoms of asthma.


Recipe for a facial steam with the honeysuckle:

1/4 cup of dried honeysuckle blossoms.
Bring 2 cups of water to boil & add the honeysuckle blossoms to the hot water in a glass bowl.
Let steep for 2 minutes.
Place the bowl on a solid surface, drape a towel over your head, allowing the vapors to steam your face for about 10 minutes, or until the water cools.
Discard or drink the liquid.
Honeysuckle flowers help clear toxins that can cause heat rashes, acne & eczema.

Face cleansing with honeysuckle: 

Prepare an infusion putting a handful of flowers & one of leaves in a pot with 1 l of boiling hot water.
Let it cool & pour the liquid in a bottle.
Use this liquid after face cleansing as tonic lotion, passing a soaked cotton ball on your skin.
It is astringent for oily skin & has antiseptic properties.


Honeysuckle - devoted love - said to protect your garden from evil.
It is known as the 'love bind' - symbolizing a lover's embrace in its clinging growing habits.
The heady fragrance of the flowers was believed to induce dreams of love & passion.
If the bloom is brought into the house a wedding is said to follow within the year. 

Honeysuckle has been burned as incense since ancient times within homes & dwellings for prosperity.
It is said that burning honeysuckle can attract & maintain financial blessings into the home.
The sugary & lemony scent of honeysuckle sweetens the thoughts of those who smell it, therefore triggering generosity.

Since ancient times, it is said that the sweet scent of honeysuckle works to clear the mind & work to strengthen psychic powers.
Some believe that crushing & placing the honeysuckle flowers next to the forehead can boost the psychic powers within the mind.
The scent of honeysuckle can sharpen intuition when used as a plant, when burned as incense or when dried & placed around the room in sachets.

1 comment:

  1. Looking for some more information on the birth control part. Could you help me please? Thanks!! xx


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