Sheep's Sorrel is high in vitamins A, B complex, C, D, K & E which makes it a great additive to your diet. It also contains oxalic acid, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, beta carotene.


Sheep Sorrel tea is gaining popularity as an anticancer agent & for its ability to break down & reduce tumors
Sheep sorrel has also been used to treat the side effects of chemotherapy, treating mouth & throat ulcers, digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, fevers, scurvy & infections.
Sheep sorrel leaves have been valued as a diuretic to remove excess fluid from the body, for urinary & kidney complaints & to strengthen the heart.
Also for blood disorders, skin conditions, inflammation, diarrhea, excessive menstruation.
Sheep sorrel assists the body in throwing off any viral infection.
Because leaves are rich in vitamin C, the plant have been used as an antiscorbutic for centuries.
The high vitamin C content is one reason the plant has been called one of the strongest antioxidant herbs we can use.
It helps strengthen the immune system
Sorrel is rich in iron, great for treating constipation, blood disorders, skin disease, rheumatism & indigestion.
The rich combination of vitamins & minerals promote the glandular health of the entire body. 
Sheep sorrel is a digestive regulator, meaning that it can act as an anti-diarrhea agent as well as a laxative, depending on the health of the digestive tract. 
Oxalic acid also seems to promote faster blood coagulation time, which makes it helpful to control hemorrhages.
It is also helpful for chronic bowel troubles
This herb can help jaundice, liver & bladder problems like stones & gravel.
It is often taken as a spring tonic tea,as a cleansing agent  & a detoxifier.
It is also great for cleansing the system of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic & mercury.

In case of toothache hold sorrel leaf over the sore tooth until pain is gone.
An infusion of the leaves can be used as a mouth wash for mouth ulcers, or to clean infected wounds.
Sheep's Sorrel juice, with a little vinegar, was considered a cure for ringworm.
Sheep's Sorrel leaves can be made into a poultice for acne pustules, boils & other weepy skin complaints.
Sheep sorrel may improve the dry, scaly & itchy skin symptoms of eczema.
Crushed, fresh leaves are applied as a poultice to boils & carbuncles.


Both the root & the seed were formerly esteemed for their astringent properties & were employed to stem hemorrhage.


Do not take sheep's sorrel if you have kidney stones.
Excessive use may cause some laxatives to increase their action, so do not take this herb at the same time you take commercial laxatives.
Large doses may cause side effects of stomach upset, nausea & diarrhea.
Sheep's Sorrel contains oxalates. People with a tendency to develop rheumatism, arthritis, gout & hyper-acidity or kidney stones should avoid it.
In large quantities, sheep sorrel can cause stomach pains & renal & liver damage.


Sheep's Sorrel has a sharp, tangy flavour - use it sparingly. When adding chopped, fresh, young, leaves to salads, reduce vinegar or lemon juice in the dressing. 
The leaves give off a juice that can curdle milk to make cheese.
The leaves can be puréed & used in a stuffing for baked fish.
Sheep's Sorrel adds colour & flavour to mayonnaise & pancake batter.
Use in vegetable soups, omelettes, lamb, chicken & beef casseroles, add to soft cheese dips & use in sauces or gravy on pork.
Sheep's Sorrel leaves can tenderize meat - wrap them around steak, or chop them & add to the marinade.

To make an herbal tea, use 1 tsp of dried leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. 
Drink 1 to 3 cups per day.

Sheep Sorrel Pesto:

2 cups chopped fresh sorrel leaves with ribs removed
1/3 cup fresh parsley leaves
2 garlic cloves roughly chopped
1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Simply puree all ingredients in a food processor or blender & transfer the pesto to a jar with a tight fitting lid & chill it, covered.
The pesto keeps, covered & chilled, for 2 weeks.
Makes about 1 cup.

Sorrel leaves & flowers can be eaten raw in salads or as trail side nibble. The tender leaves are sour in taste & make a lovely addition to smoothies or salad dressings. When crushed, added to water & mixed with natural sweetener, sorrel leaves make a mouth-watering lemon-aid substitute when lemons are not available.

Sheep Sorrel Lemon Aid:

1 cup of sheep sorrel leaves (crushed)
2-3 cups of water
2 tbsp of honey
few mint leaves
Mix all ingredients. Serve after 15 minutes.

Risotto with Sorrel:

1.5 l vegetable stock
3 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 celery stick, finely chopped
375 g  risotto rice
150 g sheep's sorrel  
75 g butter
50 g Parmesan cheese
salt and black pepper, to taste
Place the stock in a pan & bring to a gentle simmer then leave to keep warm over gentle heat.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a heavy-based saucepan. Add the onion & celery & cook over gentle heat for about 5 minutes, or until soft.
Add the rice to the pan & stir until all the grains are coated in oil & become transparent. Add two ladles of stock to the rice. Stir constantly until all the stock has been absorbed by the rice. Keep adding the stock a ladle at a time until all the stock has been used & the rice is completely cooked (about 20 minutes).You're aiming for rice that's soft on the outside but firm & al dente in the middle.
Remove from the heat & stir-in the sorrel, butter & Parmesan.
Beat well until you get a creamy consistency then season to taste, allow to rest for 1 minute & serve.

Sheep's Sorrel Salad:

50 g Sheep's Sorrel leaves, chopped
30 g pecans or walnuts
15 g honey
1 tbsp olive oil
Mix everything.

Sheep's Sorrel & Nettle Soup:

handful of nettles, sliced
handful of sorrel, sliced
2 l of chicken stock
400 g potatoes, small cubes
400 g onions, chopped
~6 quail eggs, boiled, sliced
salt, pepper
Chop the onion & fry in the butter.
Bring the stock to boil, add potatoes, when potatoes are soft add fried onions, nettles & sorrel.
Season. Turn off the heat & leave for 30 min, covered, until serving.
Serve with sour cream or natural yogurt & quail eggs.


Sheep's Sorrel can be used as incense to protect the cattle against disease & worms. It is also said to ward off lice.
For cleansing negative areas of disharmony & ill. Add to healing sachets & poppets.

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